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An Esoteric Analysis of Manatita’s Poem “when I Am Gone, Remember Me.”

Updated on August 23, 2019
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Sean is a teacher who is writing about his spiritual adventures to help other people find balance and self-respect.


Love is Light! It enlightens those who love, blesses them, gives them inspiration, and inspires their souls to manifest their grandeur.

— Sean Dragon

Learning to Love…

I believe that one of the primary sources of our misery is the way we understand the concept of Love. As we grow, most of us, we learn to love only for a fee. Openly or secretly we say:

"I will love you if..."

"What will I gain if I give you my love?"

"Why are you giving me less than I offer you?"

Consequently, we lose the opportunity to acknowledge the real Love, and to live the happiness that can only be felt, through the joy of offering and serving without asking for anything in return. Then, all we care about is the happiness of the one we love, which is our "reward"! Only then can we burn, in the Holy Flame of Love, any mortal bond and pass into the real world of the Angels in the Father's Kingdom. Only then are we really free and happy. Only then can we return Home and prepare for the rest of our loved ones.

This Love, which is both limitless and deathless, seems to me to describe this magical and wonderful poem of Manatita. This Love must not be confused with the infatuation or lust.

The phrase, "I'm in love," or "fall in love," describes a set of emotions in which possessiveness, lust, and passion prevail.

It is relative to the satisfaction of the emotional needs of the person who is in love, and so it is a selfish situation. Love, on the other hand, is the expression of our Divine Self and is beyond feelings or emotions, though it creates the most wonderful of them. One who loves does not care about himself, but about the happiness and well-being of the person he or she loves. Love does not ask for anything; it only wants to offer. Love completes and elevates the person who accepts it, and even more the one who provides it. It is clear from the first verses of the poem that the poet refers to Love and not to the passion.

Let's not delay anymore, let's dance with the poet's words in the constellations of Love while enjoying this sublime masterpiece:


When I Am Gone, Remember Me

“When I am gone, remember me.

No. Not because I saw in you the Light of my Beloved.

No. Not because of the sweet inspirations,

Whispering through the magnificence of our Souls.

I have made a covenant in the sanctuary of thy heart.

My breath, like the grace-like enchantment of a ballerina,

Floats effortlessly in the ether, and yet,

Remember me not for these things.

I have sung songs in your Spirit,

Woven a magical tapestry of the heavens;

My words a lover’s paradise in the celestial spheres.

Remember me not for these things.

You will find me, in the supernal beauty of a glorious dawn;

The fluttering of your heart, when, like twinkling stars,

I waltz through the constellations.

Yes. Your eyes will sparkle at the wonder of the firmament,

And say: “This too, is Him.”

For out of the frailty and infirmity of this bodily temple,

Was squeezed the last ounce of splendour.

When I am gone remember me.

I will be in the delicacy of the snowflakes on a winter’s morn;

The purity and innocence of a child’s smile,

And the sweet cadences of Cosmic Light.

I will be in the radiance of your sunset,

And in the sand pebbles, you will find my gems.

The greatness of the horizon’s edge,

Will give you a sweet and tingling inner glow,

And you will know that we are meant to BE.

When I am gone remember me, remember me …” -Manatita

The Analysis

A real hymn to the power of Love and the way it can connect our souls with eternal bonds. With sacred links that unite us, with those we love, in our common journey back to Paradise!

There are so many levels of Knowledge in this superb piece, which it is apparently impossible to cover them in this analysis. We will approach it from the side of the more painful separation between beloved souls, from the point of death.

We will approach it from the point of view of a man who, through his own Spiritual Renaissance, addresses a beloved soul to remind her of him (in this analysis we’ll use “her” to refer to the beloved one) that they are not separate in death but eternally one. Through Love, they constantly live together as One. Therefore, every separation, even death, is merely a temporary stop in an endless stream of Love.

“When I am gone, remember me.”

The poet, knowing the perishability of our bodies and the transient nature of this world, declares to this beloved soul that one day he will leave the material world, and so it will seem that he is no longer beside her. Thus, he asks her to remember him.

“No. Not because I saw in you the Light of my Beloved.

No. Not because of the sweet inspirations,

Whispering through the magnificence of our Souls.”

One thing to keep in mind is the capital letters in words "Light" and "Favorite." These tell us that Love makes the poet see the divine side of his beloved soul and refers to the Light as a divine manifestation. He explains that Love becomes a Light that enlightens those who love, blesses them, gives them inspiration, and makes the souls manifest their grandeur. This experience would be enough to keep the memory alive, but the poet says this is not the reason for which his beloved must remember him.

“I have made a covenant in the sanctuary of thy heart.”

Love connects souls with a higher bond, unites the souls with a spiritual "contract," with a holy confession that is sealed in the sanctuaries of our Hearts, where our Divine part is always preserved. In front of this Divine part, our Inner God, is given the promise that does not bind but instead liberates. Although it is a promise of eternal life, it is a life in the Truth of Love, and so it gives so much joy and freedom to the soul, described in the following verses:

“My breath, like the grace-like enchantment of a ballerina,

Floats effortlessly in the ether,”

The soul floats freely; it dances in the ether which symbolizes the universal presence of God. Thus, this union gives the first sense of unity to the Divine. And yet he continues to say:

“…and yet,

Remember me not for these things.”

“I have sung songs in your Spirit,

Woven a magical tapestry of the heavens;

My words a lover’s paradise in the celestial spheres.”

The poet experiences, through this union of the two spirits, union with the Divine Spirit. He recognizes that this union becomes the means to re-discover God, and this fills him with gratitude. So he sings hymns to the beloved spirit, hymns that turn into prayers to the Divine Spirit, since ultimately, the beloved one and the Divine One are the same expressions. The Spirit of the beloved is also the Spirit of God and vice versa. His soul, reborn in Love, remembers scenes from Paradise that he has lived, reminding his beloved, that this is the place where they will be together again.

“For out of the frailty and infirmity of this bodily temple,

Was squeezed the last ounce of splendour.”

The poet acknowledges that this beautiful world that Divine Love has given us to live, despite its beauty, is a world with limitations. Restrictions placed first of all by our material and perishable body, which, although it is a temple of our soul and Spirit, has its time limits.

Therefore, at some point, our departing soul will leave loved ones behind, with whom it will not have physical contact for some time. That is why we have to take care to create, as soon as possible, those active links that will keep us united with our loved ones prior to going into the world of the Spirit.

The poet knows that the most potent links, those who can be clear channels of communication, are those that Love creates. That is why he says that he has exhausted all the possibilities of splendour, which his mortal body can offer him, to prepare correctly and continue to send his messages to his loved ones.


“You will find me, in the supernal beauty of a glorious dawn;

The fluttering of your heart, when, like twinkling stars,

I waltz through the constellations.

Yes. Your eyes will sparkle at the wonder of the firmament,

And say: “This too, is Him.”…”

This is what he describes in these verses. How the spirit of the blessed by Love, will continue to exist in the wonders and the magic of this world, even after he has gone away. Therefore, the soul of the beloved one, helped by the links of Love, will realize the oneness of Spirit in the magical images around her.

Consider the excellent detail of the capital letter in "... Him." It states the mutual knowledge of the beloved ones that this passage, has already led the one, who has gone, in his unity with One. Therefore, they understand that through this unity, they will always continue to be together.

Now consider the wonderful verses that follow:

“I will be in the delicacy of the snowflakes on a winter’s morn;

The purity and innocence of a child’s smile,

And the sweet cadences of Cosmic Light.

I will be in the radiance of your sunset,

And in the sand pebbles, you will find my gems.”

The verses describe, with such powerful images, the unity with everything that is pure and beautiful, bright and precious. This unity can be felt only by a soul which had deified by Love. Through this unity, Love overcomes every barrier, even death! There is no end to Love when it comes from our Divine Soul. There is no end to the Self who, while seeking the "other," expands and become One.

He understands that the "other," is an extension of our Self, since through Love, we have become an extension of God, having merged or blended in His Soul, and so we have become One with the Beloved, forever!

This is what the poet tries to explain, in essence, with the repeated verse:

“When I am gone remember me…”

It's neither a request nor demand, but a reminder. To Remember who we are, a sweet extension of the same image of Light; to remember that we are One. He is not going anywhere, for he was always here and will continue to be so. Remember that I am Love and I am everywhere. I am now, and I will always be with you, remember, you are me!


“The greatness of the horizon’s edge,

Will give you a sweet and tingling inner glow,

And you will know that we are meant to BE.

When I am gone remember me, remember me …”

Not for all that I have offered you, but for all that as One we will live through Love. Love that you will see embracing you from all the points of the horizon and will change you with its Light from within. Because when you remember this, it will be a prayer and will bless our two souls. So my prayers will come together with yours, and they'll bring us closer to our final Sacred Marriage in One.

Love Is a Light from Home

Ending this poem, I have a Heavenly image in my mind, or better to say in my Soul. The beloved ones, as they remember who they are, travel with the speed of Light, to embrace each other. Then merged in this embrace, turn into Light and become One, forever! That Light expands and fills the Universe with Love, and many others who are seeing this Light, remember who they are too, beginning they travel, and soon enough the Universe is One Great Light!

I love Manatita's poems because of their ability to create images in my soul, images which elevate it to higher levels and help me to remember my origins.

This poem is a perfect reminder to anyone of us, about the truth that the Spirit of the beloved is also the Spirit of God and vice versa. The beloved one and the Divine One are the same expressions.

Through Love, we can become an extension of God, merging or blending in His Soul with our beloved ones and existing forever in the wonders and the magic of this world and any world!

Gratitude to Manatita! He helps us by saying:

“Remember, that we are meant to BE!”

First of all, let us try to know what love is. If love means to possess someone or something, then that is not real love, not pure love. If loves means to give oneself, to become one with everything and everyone, then that is real love.

— Sri Chinmoy

The Book

Manatita, The Lantern Carrier: An Esoteric Journey to Spiritual Philosophy
Manatita, The Lantern Carrier: An Esoteric Journey to Spiritual Philosophy
This article is an excerpt from my book "Manatita, The Lantern Carrier". A book dedicated to all the seekers of the Light which I am sure that it will lift you up!

© 2018 Ioannis Arvanitis


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