Love Poem : And I Need Your Love
And I Need Your Love
I can smile to the world
When nobody else is smiling
I can hear the music youre playing
When nobody else can hear it
I can feel the beauty of surroundings
When nobody else sees it
I can see myself
When no one else can see me
I can feel myself always
When nobody else to feel me
I can live alone
In a moment, for sometime
But I know in my heart
When words are hard to find
I need your love
To fulfill me dearly
To give me laughter
Or just to calm me down
And brings smile to my face
But when I feel alone
When words are hard to find
I need your love
A love so passionate
I am almost complete
When nothing else seems right
The night is cold and dark
And I feel so alone
When words are hard to find
And I need your love
When friends are gone
I can’t pretend anymore
The unending beating of my heart
I can feel the silence
Until I drift off to sleep
I will dream again
An unending dream
Of being with someone
Only in my dreams
I finally found you
You are holding me
And loving me dearly
I don’t want to wake up
Because I am scared
I couldn’t find you
The words are hard to find
And I need your love
But when I wake up
I am back to reality
I am alone again
With guitar in my hand
Singing my own tune
My own melody and rhyme
The words are really hard to find
And I really need your love.
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