Funny English Language : English Words Derived From Baddies Out Of Fiction
Without Baddies, Works Of Fiction Would Be As Boring As Stale Bread
I have written an article about words derived from real life baddies. Why not pair it off with another article called “English Words Derived From Baddies Out Of Fiction”? They are equally obnoxious and should not have been given the honor to grace the English vocabulary. However, their names are here to stay. So let’s get to know them.
The Five Baddies Out Of Fiction
1. Bluebeard : (noun)
“Bluebeard” means “a man who repeatedly married women and subsequently murdered them”.
Bluebeard was the nickname of Raoul, the blue bearded main character in the French fairy tale, “La Barbe bleue” written by Charles Perrault (1628-1703). Bluebeard was an ugly and violent nobleman who tricked women into marrying him and subsequently murdering them. His secret vicious crimes were discovered by his last wife, and Bluebeard was subsequently killed by her brothers.
2. Procrustes : (noun), or procrustean : (adjective)
Usually used as an adjective, “procrustean” means “designed to force conformity by violent or ruthless means”.
Procrustes was a giant from the Greek mythology who forcefully stretched or cut his victims to make them fit into his bed. In the end he was killed by Theseus.
3. Siren : (noun)
“Siren” means “something attractive, usually a pretty girl, who is potentially dangerous or disastrous. A siren is usually a pretty lady who schemes to lead others, especially men, to their deadly end. A siren can also mean a device that makes loud warning sound to attract attention.
“Sirens”, in Greek mythology, were a group of sea nymphs who sang enchantingly to lure unsuspecting sailors to shipwrecks on the rocks around the many islands. The word “siren” is equivalent to “femme fatale” which in French means “fatal females”.
4. Gorgon : (noun)
A “gorgon” is an ugly, repulsive or terrifying woman.
Again, this word is derived from the Greek mythology. In Greek, “gorgos” means “dreadful”. In Greek mythology, a Gorgon is a female creature. The term usually refers to the three ugly sisters (Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa) in Greek mythology who had little snakes for hair. Those who looked at their eyes would be turned into stones.
5. Dr. Strangelove : (noun)
“Dr. Strangelove” is a person who is reckless in the use of dangerous weapons such as nuclear arsenals.
You may have watched the film “Dr. Strangelove”, the 1964 film starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott. The film was produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. It depicted a former Nazi by the name of Strangelove who was a nuclear expert trying to give his crazy advice to the President of the United States.
All Is Not Lost In The English Language
Such is the versatility and fluidity of the English language that it can rightly claim to be the global language.Just imagine, even murderers could earn a slot in the English dictionary!
Hope you enjoy reading this article which credit should be given to this interesting website from where the facts were taken. May I invite you to read the “sister” article called “English Words Derived From Real Life Baddies”.
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