How can Happy be spelled without U?
Can it be true???
I looked it up in the dictionary
I thought it was deceiving me
I didn’t think it could possibly be
But, how could it be true
That Happy is spelled without U
I looked it up in the dictionary
To have a second peek
Knowing that U is truly what I seek
Yet there before me was H, A, P, P, Y
Fitting in a U… I bet they didn’t even try!
Yet to me this spelling is absurd
U obviously belongs in this word
It makes no sense any other way
Adding it seems proper, wouldn’t you say?
So, I really hate to mention
But just listen to this suggestion
Let the idea stew
Just add a tiny U
So now we have Huppy
Happy with a U, you see
Makes absolute sense
At least it does to me
I checked all the references and several different books
But Huppy was not found, no matter where I looked
So let’s write a letter
And send it off to Webster
Explaining why our cause is just
And adding U is absolutely a must
Making Happy into Huppy is necessary you see
Without U, I can’t be a happy me!
So Happy Together
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