Humility- Journal Challenge, Day 8
The Story
Humble is defined as: 1) Modest or meek in spirit or manner; not proud or assertive; 2) Expressing a spirit of deference or submission. Today I was humbled by God’s favor, love and mindfulness of me through a committee group of my spiritual sisters. The same group of sisters that I worked with on a prior event and whom had a dinner meeting at an all you can eat buffet to finalize the plans for that event. It was a Friday evening and we were originally supposed to meet at 7 p.m. at the church, but they decided to make it an outing. I was prepared to eat prior to going because eating out wasn’t in my budget. However, they insisted that I eat with them and paid my way. Tears of frustration flowed while on line because of my financial situation and the position of need in their presence. Through it all, I allowed their love and laughter to comfort me and we had a productive meeting and a great time of fellowship and bonding.
The Resistance
Today, I received a text message from one of the sisters asking me if I was available to go out next week with the group in celebration of one of the sisters. I responded, “No, not this time.” She texted me back, “Ok.” I responded, “Thank you! That made me smile.” Then she texted back, “Can I ask u r u busy that day? We really want u to come.” At that point, I asked if we could talk about it later. Internally, there were two issues coming up for me: 1) No part of me wanted to experience being out with no money or needing someone to foot my bill, especially when it was about celebrating someone else. 2) I had made a commitment to focus on my writing projects and growing my business this month so that I could have a consistent financial flow and move beyond these concerns. However, the truth was that if money wasn’t a concern, I would willingly make the sacrifice without hesitation and make the work up another day to celebrate this honoree.
The Experience
I approached the sister later this evening and was prepared to give my story, but no words came out when she looked in my eyes for an answer. She said she only wanted to hear, “I’m working or out of town,” as an excuse for not being available. Then she enlisted another sister, who said, “You not asking us, we're telling you.” As the tears flowed again, she grabbed my hand and said that I wasn’t alone and this is what love is about. Along with the other sister’s arm around me, I was cloaked in love and acceptance. Although the ego is still in resistance to the support, my spirit was in deference to their desire to include me as one of them and I was humbly grateful. Today I was humbled by God’s favor, love and mindfulness of me through a committee group of my spiritual sisters. Thank you, God!
NOTE: Write Here, Right Now: 30 Day Journaling Challenge day 8 complete. Hallelujah!
Be blessed,