My Intentions- Journal Challenge, Day 16
Intentions Defined
An intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way. Setting intentions are important to the process of manifesting dreams and desires, staying on track and living on purpose. What intentions have you set for the various areas of your life?
I share my intentions that I re-languaged while experiencing a shift from viewing and applying the accompanying 10 step goal setting video:
Journal Challenge
I honor my commitment to the journal challenge by completing all 30 writing prompts by September 30, 2012; and answer the prompts authentically and transparently, staying present with what comes up for me and applies to a particular prompt.
Note: This intention originally stated completing the 30 day challenge regardless of what day they are written on, but I choose to strive for and focus on the original intention to complete it within the 30 day start people. All intentions were relanguaged to replace "My intention is" with "I" followed by an action word based on the video.
Business/ Ministry Intention
I develop Inspired 4 U Ministries LLC into a sustainable and profitable business by December 31, 2012, attracting abundant clients, customers and supporters who love to generously sow into my purpose and receive my inspirational products, services and information.
I consistently write quality and timely content to publish in my and columns, so that I can generate a monthly payout on both sites. I also complete and publish my third book and an e-book by October 31, 2012.
In addition, I better balance my time for clients, family, friends and spiritual communities, choosing me first more often and honoring my body with sufficient rest in the process.
Relationship Intention
I continuously do the inner work necessary to prepare me to be the love and companionship I seek to experience with my divine mate. I wait for the right relationship, guarding my heart, mind and body until God’s appointed time.
NOTE: Write Here, Right Now: 30 Day Journaling Challenge day 16 complete. Thank you, God!
Be blessed,