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Releasing Compromise for Authentic Living - Journal Challenge, Day 17

Updated on April 22, 2015

The Compromise

Compromise can be beneficial at times when two parties need to settle a dispute. But there are other times when one compromises their purpose, God’s plan or the true desires of their heart to please other people or out of fear. Been there, done that, moving on to live my dreams unapologetically. Today I let go of compromise, double-minded behavior and resistance.

In a moment of clarity and revelation, I realized that I had been willing to compromise what I truly desired to experience, regarding work and love, to appease other people’s viewpoint. I was not fully vested in my vision because I felt it wasn't enough and would be considered living small to others, who were going for their “God-sized dreams.” I was uncomfortable and apologetic about speaking the desires of my heart out loud, which led to doubt and double-minded behavior that was opposite to what I authentically desired for my life.

I was out of alignment on every level of my being- spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I was operating in resistance to what I said I wanted in the secret places of my heart and occasionally mentioned to my prayer line family. Replaying the story isn't beneficial. What matters is that I release the behavior that does not serve me to receive and fully embrace ALL the prepared GOOD that God has planned for me. I state my desires and speak the following blessings into my life, calling things into existence that are not yet.

Authentic Desires

In living my authentic, purposeful life, I make more than enough money working from home doing what I love. I currently make $5000 monthly from my inspirational writing, coaching-publishing, speaking, and book sales. My successful business is profitable and the work I do gives me great joy daily. I attract clients with unlimited resources who love to pay me generously for my products, services and information. My ever increasing personal and professional relationships are powerful, prosperous, productive, generous, loving and loyal. My at-home-work schedule is 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and I balance my personal and professional time well. I have enough time to do everything that must be done joyously. I am clear, focused and disciplined.

In addition to my work life, I experience unconditional love and companionship from a creative, Christian man of God, who is a good provider, supports my vision and adores the spiritual person that I am. I am a gifted helpmeet to my husband, passionately working in partnership to maintain our divinely intimate relationship and household through effective communication, respect, love and consideration, as the Holy Spirit leads. We continue to date each other and travel freely, living an abundant life doing what we want, when we want, wherever we want in accordance to God’s will and our mutual desires.

Today, I release compromise and move on to live authentically, experiencing the desires of my heart.

NOTE: Write Here, Right Now: 30 Day Journaling Challenge day 17 complete. Thank you, God!

Be blessed,

Jo Anne Meekins

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