Singing Successfully - Journal Challenge, Day 25
I would sing
If I knew I would succeed at it, I would sing. Yes indeed, I would add singing to my services and sing at events and special occasions for a fee. I love to sing and have improved greatly over the years, but I am convinced that singing is not one of my gifts. Although I make a joyful noise, singing all the time while walking to church or to the store, waiting for mass transit, around the house, during church praise and worship, and occasionally on the prayer line when Spirit prompts me, it is a stressful challenge when singing with choir folks who know what they’re doing and I don’t have a clue as to what that key just given is supposed to sound like in my voice. It’s kind of funny because I’ve been a member of a few choirs over the years, but I know it was more because of my spirit of praise, peaceful presence and charismatic personality than my vocal ability. I always felt like the honorary member.
I sing passionately on my own and have had people, including strangers, sincerely say they like my singing. Even my mom is amazed at my growth in this area because our family leaves a lot to be desired in the singing department. I worked to get as far as I have by taking some voice lessons and a speech class, in my adult years, which all helped me to build confidence, breathe properly and ease into the correct note. However, I don’t really know the notes, sounds and musical keys that correlate, so once I sing the note, I don’t confidently know that I will hit it dead on when it comes around again. I’m more of a hit or miss songstress, who does not have the desire to do the necessary work to go beyond my current level.
Yes, if I knew I would succeed at it, I would sing professionally. But, I’m okay with the fact that I won’t be making any money at it. I will continue to make a joyful noise and in that sense, know that I am already successful in my own right.
“Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.” – Psalm 100:2
NOTE: Write Here, Right Now: 30 Day Journaling Challenge, Cycle 3-day 25 complete. Thank you, God!
Be blessed,