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Wake Up and Meet Your Life!

Updated on December 27, 2016
Gina Welds-Hulse profile image

Student of life, lifelong learner, mother, writer, artist, poet, dancer, musician, and martial artist ... passionate about all of these.

I woke up early Christmas morning...around 2:30...and couldn't get back to sleep. Some thoughts were running through my mind about Christmas and other in I penned a few words.

It's not about the goals, the dreams, the wishes, the accolades, the achievements.

Heck, it's not even about the big time job, or the title you might hold.

It's not about the size of the house you live in.

It's not about the kind of car you drive.

It's not about how big your bank account is.

It's always a treat to witness he majestic sunrise!
It's always a treat to witness he majestic sunrise! | Source
The author and two of her children, on top of the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida.
The author and two of her children, on top of the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida. | Source

What DOES matter?

It's about the sunrises that wake you with glorious color announcing a new day filled with brand new opportunities.

It's about the sunsets painting the sky with hews of orange and red as it gets ready for the moon to take over.

It's about the little trips you take together.

Maybe it's just a walk on the pier.

Maybe it's a long drive to a special place.

It's about the moments created on these trips.

The author's children frolicking in the beautiful waters on Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman.
The author's children frolicking in the beautiful waters on Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman. | Source
The author with her children, and childhood friends at Sting Ray City, Grand Cayman.
The author with her children, and childhood friends at Sting Ray City, Grand Cayman. | Source

It's about the ocean.

It's about the waves splashing on the shore.

It's about the giggles of the kids playing and squishing the sand between their toes.

It's about the smell of the salt air.

It's about the reunions with life-long friends.

It's about the moments created.

It's about the memories that you'll look back on and smile.

Don't spend your life working so hard toward something that you won't even remember.

My life wish for each and everyone of you is that you create a life with the things that are already yours.

It's about the pillow talk.

It's about holding hands.

It's about the picnics.

It's about the roses that you smell along the way.

It's about the family reunions, and the high school reunions.

It's about staying in touch with childhood friends.

It's about turning off the phone more.

It's about being happy with the love you've found.

It's about dancing in the rain more.

It's about taking care of your temple, your health. Life is short.

It's about not being afraid to say, "I love you," even if it's not returned.

It's about not holding onto grudges, and choosing to let go of the pain instead of swelling on it.

It's about volunteering more.

It's about listening to your grandparents more..if you're privileged to have them around still.

It's about appreciating the moment.

It's about not getting caught up in needless drama.

It's about being grateful....being grateful for the little things, for in the end, you'll realize those were the big things! :-)

The sun rises for you everyday.

The sunset waits for you everyday.

The ocean keeps making waves for you beckoning you to come and dip your feet in to play.

The fronds of the palm tree plays music for you.

The seagulls whistle a tune for you.

The stars and moon wait in anticipation for you to gaze up and play "guess what."

You don't have to do anything but to wake up and meet your life. The real life. The one that's already there.

Thank you for sharing your lives with me, through Hubpages, other social media or for real. I've thoroughly enjoyed connecting with all of you and I look forward to the continuance throughout 2016 and the years to come.

Thank you for the sunsets shared.

Thank you for the sunrises, for the party pictures, the kids moments, the trips, the tea room visits.

Thank you for being a part of my life!

© 2016 Gina Welds


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