Who Then Has the Fact? (Poem)
Facts are indisputable, incontestable case or information
That is proven beyond reasonable doubt
The secret that made the world what it is
And can’t be altered or changed
Because it has been strained before been accredited
But there are cases I can’t comprehend
I hear, and I ask –
Who then has the fact?
A Child was told that he was unstoppable
Therefore needed to be schooled
He was taken to school to be taught
His teacher made several attempts to teach him
But discovered that he was un-teachable
Yet, he wrote books that stormed the world
I heard, and I ask –
Who then has the fact?
A student was told that he is above all
Therefore felt the need to study in order to excel
But each exam he writes, he ends up failing
His fellow student mocked him to scorn
And he was given a name; Failure-Man
Yet, He beats the best and became the best
I heard, and I ask –
Who then has the fact?
A Man was told he was healed of all
And he felt pains and seek out to see a doctor
The doctor diagnosed severally
And concluded that he has a cancerous disease
He has just few days on earth
Yet, he was seen months later in perfect health
I heard, and I ask –
Who then has the fact?
Searching for answers
And I ask myself
Why are the indisputable disputed?
Not until, I read in his word
“For the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth…
But there went up a mist from the earth,
And watered the whole face of the ground”
Then I understand, fact can be altered for our sake
Abba Elijah also known as elijagod (elija_god)
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For man to explore his divine capabilities, he himself must be rebirth in totality.
© 2013 elijagod