Article Spinning? Yes or No?

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  1. Article Magick profile image61
    Article Magickposted 13 years ago

    Article Spinning? Yes or No?

    There have been numerous attempts to create high quality article spinning tools in recent years but there have also been a good number of poor quality tools cast onto the market... so, for those of you who choose to use an article spinning tool here is my question..

    What do you use and why?

    For those who do not choose to spin articles, either to help with backlinking or for "unique" submissions to multiple article directories here is my question to you..

    Why do you choose not to spin your content?

    There are no right or wrong answers folks! Just interested in your take on this topic..

  2. steffer profile image60
    stefferposted 13 years ago

    I use an article spinner and submttion software, named mass article control, and massarticle submitter.
    normally i don't use it that much for my hubs, but more for internet marketing endeavours on ezines and other article sites. i use it for my blogs, squidoo lenses .

  3. profile image63
    AaronHaywardposted 13 years ago

    95%+ of IMers that find the need to spin their content would be doing so for the soul purpose of building backlinks.

    If this is the case, there is absolutely no benefit in spinning an article. Common sense makes it easy to realize Google counts the backlinks from each and every article it indexes no matter if its duplicate or not. All the best content websites on the internet have been duplicated hundreds or even thousands of times by other webmasters who thought the content was good enough to republish and link to, from their own websites.

    I believe that its a myth that Google count and index less articles per bulk article submission than if the same article would have been spun. If Google was to do this, there would then be large portions of the internet road map that's known as the Google Index. Googles rankings would not accurately represent what is truly the most relevant and popular websites for each search term.

    The reason it appears that less dupe articles are indexed than the spun versions because Google filter out the dupe content from the visual results to give the searcher more variety in their search results. Does not mean the articles haven't been crawled, indexed and backlinks counted. Webmaster tools is now proving my point more than ever with their highly accurate backlink counts.

    My point is, spinning articles that are still high quality takes an enormous amount of time compared to a stock submission, sometimes 4 or 5 times as long. That means you could possibly submit 4 or 5 times the amount of stock articles than you would high quality spun articles resulting in 4 - 5 times as many backlinks in the long run. Efficiency is vital in becoming an internet marketing success. So try not to waste your time on something that may only have a little benefit when it takes you 5 times as long to accomplish.

  4. Article Magick profile image61
    Article Magickposted 13 years ago

    AaronHayward - that's a very interesting angle and a discussion you have opened up which I am sure many will be surprised by. There has been a lot said about duplicate content and the duplicate content filter and only now are we starting to see a clearer picture I think.

  5. katescottuk profile image60
    katescottukposted 13 years ago

    Waste of space... If, by using article spinning software you are trying to manipulate your SERPS or gain extra backlinks, then there is no doubt that UNIQUE one off articles will beat spun articles hands down. Google and other search engines are not stupid, do not think you can get one over them...

  6. Mavis Nong profile image60
    Mavis Nongposted 13 years ago

    Great question, Article Magick... I don't use any article spinning software. I only submit my articles to a handful of very good article directories and I just tweak them a bit.

    What do you think is the best practice?

  7. wingedcentaur profile image60
    wingedcentaurposted 13 years ago

    Why would anyone "spin" articles? I'm sure I'm missing something; I'm not very technically savvy. But why should anyone put such pressure on themselves? I do know that "spinning" content is frowned upon by HubPages.

    From what I gather I take it that "article spinning" involves the use of some apparatus (I have no idea what it looks like, or about the nature of the software) to mix one's one natural writing with content she..... I guess I would use the word 'samples' (much like a house music DJ -- you know the way they 'sample' various records to create original compositions; but 'sampling' is employed).

    Its one thing to do this with music, but quite another to do this with essays, or non-fiction articles. There is a difference. Music (instrumental chords) is created somewhat naturally; with non-fiction, research and individual analysis is required. By "spinning" content, it seems to me that one is creating a work of distortion -- not to cast aspersions but one might say the Bible (with all its contradictions, confusions, and distortions) was written over a period of centuries by many, many "authors" by "spun" content.

    As for backlinks, does any good really come of that?

    Take it easy.

  8. nthdimension profile image59
    nthdimensionposted 13 years ago

    Spinning content is a bad idea. Everyone is always out to find shortcuts, but the biggest shortcut I have ever found is hard work and quality articles. Once you give yourself permission to start spinning articles it will only lead you to look for more shortcuts. The time spent searching for shortcuts could be spent more productively.

  9. profile image50
    masterartsposted 13 years ago

    Spinning works only if u can get the exact meanings.. Article spinners for getting innumerable unique articles try to get similar meaning and this makes the article vague and many times meaning less.

    for example one article Software tried to get "earth" with a similar meaning "globe"

    now if the sentence is "we need to protect the earth by planting trees"
    it works
    " we need to protect the globe by planting trees"

    but for a sentence like

    "the earth is the only planet with life"

    if this is replaced as

    "the globe is the only planet with life"

    this makes it vague as globe is no planet..

    Since these software lacks the analytical ability they make the contents ugly and eventually useless


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