For those of you who takes article spinning jobs

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  1. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    There is a new terrific online tool. And it is free! Go check it out here:

    Disclaimer - it is not mine, and I am not an affiliate for this product smile

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      so, where does their source material come from, and do they have permission to "spin" it?

      why don't they just write the article themselves?! FROM SCRATCH.

      1. sunforged profile image75
        sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        because the purpose of the spun article is rarely to be read, they are just hundreds of little breadcrumbs that lead to a real article, webpage or offer.

        1. lakeerieartists profile image63
          lakeerieartistsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I have to say that I find it just as easy to rewrite my own articles, and less guilty.  smile

        2. viryabo profile image85
          viryaboposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          So true.

    2. profile image0
      BookFlameposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Most of the spinner stuff creates lousy copy, because it's no match for the human mind.  But I'm willing to take a look!

      1. readytoescape profile image61
        readytoescapeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Agreed but it sure would seem to add a bit help that could then be crafted.

    3. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image59
      JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Misha,
      Thanks for sharing.

      Jyoti Kothari

    4. viryabo profile image85
      viryaboposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Great stuff. So simple to use. WOW!

  2. readytoescape profile image61
    readytoescapeposted 15 years ago

    Pretty interesting stuff, Thanks for posting it Misha

  3. Mrvoodoo profile image59
    Mrvoodooposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for sharing Misha, am gonna go have a play. smile

  4. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    You are welcome guys smile

    Cosette, of course you have to acquire some text first, before you are going to spin it LOL. And writing a few hundred articles from scratch requires hundreds times more time then spinning one article into hundreds of variants. smile

    Bookflame, it is NOT an automatic spinner, it is a tool for manual spinning, the best I saw so far. smile

    1. profile image0
      cosetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ...which is why it takes me so long to write a hub.

      "hundreds of variants"?


      how is this not theft?

      this is something hubbers are ok with?


      maybe I am not understanding what this is.

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I think this means that you can create varients of your own content, and then use it on places like Xomba or ezine to backlink back to your primary content. Or something like this.

        1. Haunty profile image73
          Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Does this really work? Because I think that if you just spin your text, but the sentences remain the same, then it'll be duplicate content all the same.

          1. profile image0
            ryankettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I have no idea, I have never used this technique, it was just the impression I got from Misha and Sunforged on this thread.... best ask them!

            1. sunforged profile image75
              sunforgedposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I dont use article spinners either, spent a good week following methods, trying software etc. Its not as easy as just "clicking" a button , usually some editing and rewriting is still required or a master or "seed"  article with rules and synonyms must be made.

              im going to check out mishas link now as perhaps old methods are already obsolete

              I outsource content for backlink articles instead (not hubs as that would not be profitable), its riskier as a profit is never guaranteed, but I feel better that sites I administer are built with unique and readable articles

          2. kmackey32 profile image53
            kmackey32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I'm confused if you spin the text then the sentence is different yet has the same meaning.

            1. kkavya profile image58
              kkavyaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              If i understand correctly article spinner works on specific algorithms and produces like 100's of articles but it needs lot of time to produce a article with each line has to be represented in 'x' different ways.

          3. Misha profile image65
            Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            You probably don't understand what spinning is, because sentences do not remain the same. Why don't you go to the site and at least watch the video, you'll get a better idea then. smile

            1. Haunty profile image73
              Hauntyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Because I am only vaguely interested, Misha. wink

            2. kmackey32 profile image53
              kmackey32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              yep thats what I thought.

  5. AEvans profile image72
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    I have never spun anything before but I am going to check it out and see what it comes up with when I spin one of my articles,always learning something new. Thanks

  6. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    Amen lakeerieartists. Not only do I find it easier, but I think that I spin my own articles better. I can focus on the keywords that I need to focus on. Sometimes I'll write 25 to 50 different summaries for the same hub, and they all focus on different keywords. So the anchor text in the links is different and effective. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of off-site anchor text in seo.

  7. profile image0
    cosetteposted 15 years ago


    well that makes sense.

    thank you Ryan.

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, Ryan is just on the money LOL. You use spun articles to place backlinks to whatever page you need to promote. Actually it is not necessary to spin them, but most content posting services require submitted articles to be spun, so you often don't have a choice. smile

  8. profile image0
    cosetteposted 15 years ago

    wow, i might actually consider this then. it would be nice to post some of my own "homespun" articles on my blogs and not have them flagged as duplicates by HubPages or wherever I originated them.

    thank you for explaining that.

  9. Bill Manning profile image70
    Bill Manningposted 15 years ago

    Have you actually signed up and used this? The site seems a bit bare, and no pagerank. Makes me a bit suspicious of giving out my email.

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's legit, but it's beta - hence the looks. I know the owner - well, in the way you know the people on the internet LOL. Jonathan Leger. Very nice guy, and I do use several of his services. You can take my word for it, it is absolutely safe. smile

      1. Bill Manning profile image70
        Bill Manningposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks then, I'll try it out tomorrow. I have lots of small feeder blogs going to my main tourist site, and this would help me out a lot. smile

  10. mpurcell10 profile image59
    mpurcell10posted 15 years ago

    Thanks for sharing will check it out and see what happens.

  11. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    I've actually never heard of article spinning...

  12. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Good for you LOL. It's a tedious tiring work...

    1. profile image0
      Crazdwriterposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      sound slike it just from saying article spinning...makes my haed hurt lol

  13. SweetiePie profile image77
    SweetiePieposted 15 years ago

    My articles always spin when I stay up too late with the computer.  This article spinner is cool, but I hope that some copy artists do not take hubs and use the spinner to copy.  Someone practically copied one of my crafting hubs onto another website, but he went to the trouble to reword it.  I am not going to scold him or anything, but now I think maybe he used a spinner.

  14. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Well, one can use a knife to cut veggies, another - to kill his wife. Don't blame the tool smile

  15. tayomismo profile image57
    tayomismoposted 15 years ago

    wow.. i love this. thanks for sharing. smile guys, am new here.. would you mind following me too? thanks a lot.

  16. Bill Manning profile image70
    Bill Manningposted 15 years ago

    Well I tried it out. Damn, it takes a long time to spin an article! I actually could just rewrite a whole new article on the same subject faster.

    Plus it still is not perfect. Out of five copies of just two sentences three sounded like crap. Spinning software just can't do a good job, unless you don't mind it looking like you don't know English.

    1. SweetiePie profile image77
      SweetiePieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That is how I feel too!  When I am inspired to write often I can type up a hub in about ten minutes, but of course I go back to edit later.  I am sure the spinner is helpful to many though smile.

    2. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Umm, two points you made, one by one:

      1. It takes way more time to spin the article without such a tool. I know I been there. You don;t do spinning to receive 1-2 or even a dozen of variants. You do it to get at least dozenS. Only then it starts to make sense time wise.

      2. No spinning software (or not using a software and doing spins manually) can compensate for your poor choices of words. You need to think how they will look together when you pick what synonyms to use LOL.

      If you do it properly, spun article is as good as a regular one - but then it does require a lot or work to get to this. Several of my hubs are spun, go figure which ones tongue

      1. SweetiePie profile image77
        SweetiePieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Actually he seems like a pretty good writer to be honest, so I highly doubt he has a poor choice of words.  Perhaps, and this is just a long shot, but he prefers writing to spinning.

        1. Misha profile image65
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I did not question his writer skills, but I did question his spinner skills LOL. While adjacent, those are distinctly different sets of skills. smile

      2. Bill Manning profile image70
        Bill Manningposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well I did not mean to trash the website, I'm just saying that for me it does not make sense. Why would anyone need dozens of the same article?

        I would like to have around 3 or 4 maybe of the same article. I know I could make those in 30 minutes for a 300 word article. It would take that and maybe more with the spinner.

        There also does not seem to be enough words to choose from to really make dozens of articles from the same one, at least not so it's really different.

        So for me it's not worth it. I'm sure it's one of the better spinning sites out there. It's just not worth my time for a few different versions of the same article. But it was nice to use it and finally see what spinning is all about. smile

        1. Misha profile image65
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          It definitely does not make any sense for 3-4 variants, not worse the hassle. smile

        2. profile image47
          reh spinnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Bill Manning Wrote:

          "Well I did not mean to trash the website, I'm just saying that for me it does not make sense. Why would anyone need dozens of the same article?"

          This good is a good question, Bill.

          A person would need dozens of a article using spinning with the purpose of increase the ranking of his (her) site in Google, because it get unidirectional backlinks . This is called SEO off page in Internet Marketing.

          This spun articles are submitted in articles directories and the rules are that one must publish unique articles and not the same copy of the same article.

  17. Henrietta Chloe profile image59
    Henrietta Chloeposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this. Article spinning is one of the best tool that could really help a writer/blogger.

  18. forlan profile image60
    forlanposted 15 years ago

    Good stuff

  19. readytoescape profile image61
    readytoescapeposted 15 years ago

    Correct me if I am wrong, but it would appear this would be a great tool to use in spinning your hubpage content and reposting on other sites and not violate the duplicate content rules.

    1. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You are right smile

      1. readytoescape profile image61
        readytoescapeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Misha,

        I thought that might be the best case scenerio. I wonder which would be the best sites to republish spun articles. Squidoo is one I am familiar with, what might be some others that are worthy?

        1. Misha profile image65
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You are welcome. Well, there is a plenty of places where you can either submit it or publish it yourself. All are worthy, because when you already have say a thousand of spun copies, your effort to actually post a single one is marginal. But some are worthier than others of course. Ezinearticles, tumblr, wetpaint, wordpress, blogger, amazine - just to name a few. smile

      2. viryabo profile image85
        viryaboposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Aha! thought so. Thanks for sharing Misha. smile

  20. Jane@CM profile image59
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    Thanks Misha! smile


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