Has writing on HubPages changed your life for the better?

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  1. kennynext profile image76
    kennynextposted 13 years ago

    Has writing on HubPages changed your life for the better?

    Are you a different person from writing here on the Hub? How has it changed your daily life?

  2. profile image0
    Love learningposted 13 years ago

    Hubpages has given me a new focus in my life which i did not have before.  Writing on hubpages gives you a purpose for your work, and gives you a sense of direction eg opportunity to improve.  I havent made any money as such but in time see how it goes time will tell.

  3. tnderhrt23 profile image72
    tnderhrt23posted 13 years ago

    Most certainly, Hubpages has changed me and my life, in so many different ways that I could not begin to tell you here, in ways I am still discovering. I am always awed when encountering genuine talent and am continually in awe here. I have been touched and inspired to stretch, grow, heal and love on new levels that have and continue to deeply enriched my existence.

  4. phoenix_028@yahoo profile image61
    phoenix_028@yahooposted 13 years ago

    Yes, Hub pages  has given me an outlet for my many emotions.

  5. Ashantina profile image59
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    Oh yes. I now have an outlet for my creativity and expression. I get to meet fellow writers and like minded people from all over the world and its kinda nice to see lots more mail in my inbox instead of spam!! smile

  6. MPG Narratives profile image60
    MPG Narrativesposted 13 years ago

    HP has given me an outlet for my creative writing and it has been a great place to make new friends. I consider myself a better writer because of writing on the site as I have learned quite a lot about this wonderful craft.

  7. Sarah Masson profile image60
    Sarah Massonposted 13 years ago

    Hubpages has been amazing for me. It has given me the opportunity to write about things that I'm interested in and get feedback from others. I'm so glad that I found it smile

  8. C.V.Rajan profile image60
    C.V.Rajanposted 13 years ago

    Not sure about me. But it has changed may readers' life for worse!

  9. profile image0
    AMBASSADOR BUTLERposted 13 years ago

    I am a fulfilled person writing my 1 unpublished hub on hubpages. People who have already seen my 1article that is unpublished on hubpages just loves it. It comes from 100 percent referrals around the world from United states, Canada, Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan, Brazil. Some of the cities are New York City, New York; San Francisco, Ca; Pelato, Brazil.

  10. EmpressImani profile image60
    EmpressImaniposted 13 years ago

    Having joined Hubpages, I have learnt so much from other writers here and have found that my writing has developed in so many ways, so yes, I would say that writing on Hubpages has changed my life for the better, Bless:)

  11. profile image0
    Muldanianposted 13 years ago

    I only joined this site three days ago, but have found many different topics of interest to me, especially in the religion and philosophy section.  I do enjoy a good debate, and as there are limited opportunities in the real world to do this, I feel I have found an outlet in hubpages.  I also find it interesting to see how differently people in different countries view certain things.

  12. cloudy_cool profile image73
    cloudy_coolposted 13 years ago

    It has made me realize my dream of wanted to write and get noticed!

  13. Vaiebhav profile image75
    Vaiebhavposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't say it has changed my life. It has provided one more avenue to be among like-minded people, and share my ideas with them. It's an amazingly supportive family out here at HubPages.

  14. What Is Q profile image71
    What Is Qposted 13 years ago

    Might be too early to tell for me... But I'd have to say it's gotten me where I want to be. Writing stuff.  I'm not here for the money that's to be made on ads or whatever, but just to share and read what others have to share. When I joined HubPages, I wrote the first poem I'd written in over 7 years. The first story I'd written in 5 years. Before, I was just writing nonsense on my laptop that no one would ever get to read. Feels good to share. Feels good to write for a purpose.

  15. QFlaire profile image61
    QFlaireposted 13 years ago

    I have been writing all my life. Being apart of the Hubpages has added something meaningful to my to-do list. I currently make zero profit but I never did write simply for funds. I love writing and I like the idea of someone else finding my ranting expertise valuable.

  16. Wayne Brown profile image80
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I think it has but more in a personal than a financial way.  It has given me an outlet to post my work and a place to hone my skills as a writer.  I have also made many friends and supporters here which was an unexpected benefit of joining HubPages.  I am coming up on my first year anniversary here on the Hub and I feel like it has been an experience far more valuable that I could have ever imagined when I started the journey....and I am a better writer for the effort. WB

  17. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image77
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    It's changed my daily life by giving me something to work on during the times of the year when I have no regular work to do for pay.  I get to challenge myself to think more, write more, and respond to challenging comments.  It's all very good for my brain.

  18. anish92 profile image65
    anish92posted 13 years ago

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. (not having adsense account doesn't help either)
    But I think I am addicted to their modular structure. So I just keep coming back

  19. Emily40 profile image60
    Emily40posted 13 years ago

    Yes it did. It brought out my writing talent and keeps me occupied when am bored. I also learned a lot of new things on HP, i never knew before!

  20. Joesy Shmoesy profile image60
    Joesy Shmoesyposted 13 years ago

    I can see a change in myself since joining Hub Pages.  I can not honestly say that it is from writing here although I do enjoy it quite a bit, and am always thinking about my next Hub.  What has changed me for the better, as well as gotten me some LATE nights, is reading other Hubs.  I could read all night.  I love searching Hubs, and questions, and I also enjoy visiting the forums.  I think that the biggest change I notice is that I think more.  I think a lot about what people are writing, how they see things, and what I get from each new Hub.

  21. Zakmoonbeam profile image82
    Zakmoonbeamposted 13 years ago

    I have met some really cool people here, enjoyed writing, and enjoyed reading other peoples work. 

    It's a great community, and I feel part of it.  Hubpages has been an outlet for some of the not so good stuff that has happened in my life, so yes, this has definitely been a good thing for me, and I thank every single one of you for it.

  22. shynsly profile image61
    shynslyposted 13 years ago

    Unquestionably... in the short time I've been here, not only have I found an outstanding outlet for my own creativity and improved my own writing skills tremendously, but I've also "met" a lot of incredibly interesting people and had the pleasure of reading many insightful, educational, and/or entertaining hubs.


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