How can i improve my writing skills?

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  1. pertibha321 profile image40
    pertibha321posted 13 years ago

    How can i improve my writing skills?

    i want to improve my writing skills for hubpages and also i want to write 1-2 please give me suggestions and if there are any good courses for that tell me that also.

  2. profile image0
    Vrijdag Pagesposted 13 years ago

    Write. It's as simple as that. Also, you may want to get a creative writing book. Have you ever heard of Free Writing? Just get a piece of paper and pen and write whatever comes to mind. What you did last night, how the weather is, what you want to do when your X age. Just write. Don't proof it. the Editing Mind and Writing Mind are totally different things. They are like the sexes, they love each other because they work togeher, but cannot understand one another.

  3. SylviaSky profile image74
    SylviaSkyposted 13 years ago

    It's not as simple anymore just writing. Just as for all other professions, you need training and schooling. Take a writing course. Depending on what you want to do you can learn journalism or creative writing. Both will be useful to you. But you need assignments, you need discipline, you need feedback from teachers and peers on your work and to read good writing by writers whose work you love. Get an education in writing and keep writing. If you keep at it and stay healthy (because it might take a few years) you absolutely cannot fail.

  4. R.Cochran profile image74
    R.Cochranposted 13 years ago

    Ok, just as stated by vrijdag pages said "write". The more you write, just as anything in life, the better you get at it. If you have a hard time with the English language, you may need to take some classes. Sylvia sky suggestions are good if you need that kind of help.
    But, you must have an inner creativity that doesn't come from school. If you are looking to find it in a classroom, you won't find it there. Teachers can teach how to write, critique your skills and discourage you from continuing to write. Some people take criticism very hard and can't handle rejection.
    I have been writing for a long time and have found that it comes much easier if you write without the fear of being criticized by others.
    I wrote an article once that responded to a English professor that thought it was her job to be the grammar police. You are welcome to read my response to her. … estructure
    And for you teachers out there that may be offended by the article, guess what, I don't care.

  5. Storytellersrus profile image68
    Storytellersrusposted 13 years ago

    I agree with what these folk have said, but I also would encourage you to read!  When we read, we actually interact with the story, writing our responses and inner dialogue.

    Making Meaning in Literature, a website, explains this:

    "Readers who interact with literature, experiencing the emotion of the plot with the characters and identifying elements both familiar and strange in the story are better able to enjoy the true fruits of a text. Effective readers both expect and seek out this textual encounter, creating meaning by comparing the literary world to their own thoughts and experiences."

    Such experiences help writers expand what is possible within their own writing projects.

  6. shellyakins profile image70
    shellyakinsposted 13 years ago

    Send out queries and get your writing in front of editors of magazines either in print or online.

    Find a writer's conference that focuses on craft not sales.  This way you can network with other writers and learn about the business of writing. 

    Depending on the type of book you want to write, there are book resources out there that talk about how to write.  For novels, I like Writing the Breakout Novel.  I'm sure there are books for how to write non-fiction as well.

  7. saintodd profile image68
    saintoddposted 13 years ago

    A good place to start is reading great writers. There are also wonderful online communities like this one that are designed to help writers improve. That is one of the main reasons I'm here. Keep writing and explore your gift and curiosity.

  8. henry1robertson profile image60
    henry1robertsonposted 13 years ago

    Don't worry just follow a simple instruction daily write 1-2 page of any topic, initially check it out by some expert person then check it out by own.. and you can also refer for easy learning English..

  9. revmjm profile image89
    revmjmposted 13 years ago

    Well, you can start by capitalizing the word "I." The word "I" is ALWAYS capitalized weather it is at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence or at the end of a sentence.

    I must give you credit though for putting a ? at the end of the question.

    I had to tell the truth because you asked.

  10. Wayne Brown profile image82
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I think one of the most valuable comments is from a hubber above...READ!  While classes, books, and interaction can give you some help, it likely will not fill the bill completely. I think writing springs forth more from desire and imagination than any other characteristic that a person possess. You can be highly schooled in the craft of writing and know every technique in the book but it will only make you a better writer on a relative scale.  Your material in terms of quality, in terms of imagination and uniqueness, will determine the real value of your writing. You must add that ingredient to the mix. By reading, you grow your own imagination and ideas while experiencing some of the writing techniques that others employ.  There's a line in an old David Alan Coe song ("The Ride") which goes, "Mister can you make folks cry when you play and sing, have paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings? Mister can you make folks feel what you feel inside...cause if you're big star bound let me tell ya it's a long hard ride."  As a writer, you need to ask yourself some of those questions...can I bring a tear to the eye or a smile to the face at will with my writing? Can I span the emotions? Can I get the desired response from the reader?  Reach inside yourself and find that...find those things that make you laugh and cry, that bring peace and rage...find those things within yourself and then use the methods to convey them to people. Without those things, the methods are empty. WB

  11. Keith Worth profile image60
    Keith Worthposted 13 years ago

    Capitalizing your "I"s would be a good start. Seriously, I'm not trying to be mean but if you want to be a writer you should be practicing proper writing skills and habits in everything you do.

    Text speak, abbreviations and other lazy but online/cell phone socially acceptable habits are a writer's worst nightmare.

    Sounds minor but practicing those skills in everything you write from a simple text message to an email to your buddy helps avoid making similar mistakes in productive writing.

    Reading also helps, and reading about writing helps two-fold if author is decent (and perhaps more if they aren't, knowing what to avoid in your writing can be vital to marketing a book).

    There are tons of resources online, and Steven King's On Writing is a very good book to read on the subject. The longer this response gets the more I feel like just clicking the "make a hub about it" button so I think I'll just do that and save some screen space here.

  12. pertibha321 profile image40
    pertibha321posted 13 years ago

    hey friends am really impressed with your suggestions and i am agreed that sometimes i don't make "I" capital and other small mistakes.But you while reading that suggestion i were smiling that i forgot small thing to improve.Am also a teacher but my field is different in checking.I teach about computers so i don't put much intention for find spealing mistakes.may be that's why i made spealing and grammar mistakes here too.but am improving (i know very slow).But i loved your suggestion all of these are helpful and i will really use these things to improve my writing well.And i will feel happy if you peoples tell me mistakes i made in my hubs.

  13. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    If you want to get into fiction, starting out by writing a novel is time-consuming and very difficult. Chances are you won't get your first few manuscripts published. After all, you're still honing your craft.

    Try short stories instead. Something between four and six-thousand words. Once you've got an idea, you can get a short story on paper and finalized in less than a week depending on how diligent you are at it. With that done, and depending on your chosen genre, there are thousands of magazines both print and online that you can send to. The practice will help you hone your craft so putting together a book's full length storyline won't seem so daunting. You probably won't make much money, but some magazines do offer feedback that can help steer you in the right direction.

    Also, as you're writing for a paying publication, it will challenge you to better yourself in a way that Hubpages can't. After all, with magazines you're competing with hundreds of others. Average publication rate means you get rejected 40 times for every publication, but taking rejection and the punches to your ego is something you need to learn to handle if you seriously want to be a writer anyway. Best to get it out of the way early and develop a thick skin.

    Once you're getting shorts published regularly, you should be able to write a book without trouble. The only hassle will be keeping it short enough to fill just the one novel, you'll be so good. So once you've got your manuscript written and polished, it's time to run the gauntlet. Getting a literary agent is one of the toughest things a writer will ever have to do.

    You'll need two books, a lot of printer paper, ink, envelopes, and stamps, because a lot of agents out there have never heard of email. Buy a copy of How to Write Attention-Grabbing Queries and Cover Letters by John Wood and study it like the Bible. Follow the instructions to come up with samples of your manuscript, query letters, and cover letters. Then buy a copy of The Guide to Literary Agents by Writer's Digest Books. Find every agent out there interested in the genre of your work, tailor your query letter to each one of them, and send it them out en masse. After you've sent a few thousand, there's a chance one will be interested enough to write back asking to see the whole manuscript.

  14. profile image53
    Dzon29posted 13 years ago

    Adhere to the point, steer clear of not needed discussions. As it seems to be great to have one plain looking letter for all your job opportunities you are applying to, it really is completely wrong. It is always preferable to conduct some research and write a different cover letter for every organization that offers a position.

  15. leni sands profile image69
    leni sandsposted 12 years ago

    Keep writing what you know has been previously stated - the more you write, the better you will become.  You also need to read - read the genre you want to write.


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