How to improve writing skills?

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  1. Reves-diary profile image66
    Reves-diaryposted 12 years ago

    It is certainly the nucleus of any hub as people will appreciate according to its merit. Without having better writing skills, it is quite impossible for new comers like me will get substantial coverage.

    So what you think? Share your views if you like to.

    1. im28beyond profile image60
      im28beyondposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      you need to watch more English films, read more hubs, join forums, talk to as many english person as you can. sometimes I write things just as I talk.

      1. Reves-diary profile image66
        Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your reply im28beyond. I do follow all these things. Hopefully my writing skills will be much better than it was few years back smile

        1. Greekgeek profile image78
          Greekgeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          In the 90s, I would've said, "find a good roleplaying MUSH" (realtime, text-based storytelling game). There's nothing like having to write in realtime, interacting with skilled writers, to force you to learn!

          My own skills have atrophied since I stopped doing that. Sadly, literary MUSHes have largely disappeared, although I see the old Lord of the Rings Plaza forum that used to collect a lot of good writers is still going gangbusters.

          Also, grab free eBooks of classic English writers like Jane Austin and read, read, read.

          1. Reves-diary profile image66
            Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Greekgeek thanks for your information. I will try out one day smile

            1. couturepopcafe profile image59
              couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              "It is certainly the nucleus of any hub as people will appreciate according to its merit. Without having better writing skills, it is quite impossible for new comers like me to get substantial coverage."

              "So what do you think? Share your views if you would like to"

              (Technically, the word to is a preposition and English does not allow for ending a sentence in a preposition. It is used often in the common vernacular however so has become accepted, to a large degree, in writing, especially in fiction dialog where just about anything is accepted).

              "Thanks for your reply im28beyond. I do follow all these things. Hopefully my writing skills will be much better than they were a few years back"

              (Here the plural subject word skills does not match the singular adverb form it was. If you had used singular skill, then it was would be correct. "My writing skill was" or "My writing skills were".

              "Greekgeek thanks for your information. I will try them out one day"

              Hope this helps you. I've made the corrections in bold italics.

              Conjugating verbs is the most difficult aspect of learning any language, IMO. Remember to keep singular and plural references consistent.

              1. Reves-diary profile image66
                Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks a lot couturepopcafe for pointing out all those grammatical mistakes. Umm I hope I have said it properly.

                1. couturepopcafe profile image59
                  couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  You have, most excellently. What's your native language?

                  1. Reves-diary profile image66
                    Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    My native language is Bengali and second one is English smile

  2. TheInspiredLife profile image69
    TheInspiredLifeposted 12 years ago

    You have to write to improve your writing skills! You can learn grammar rules by studying as you go, but you have to write if you want your skills to improve. Don't just write hubs. Write a journal. Write a blog. Read something and write a response to it. Write letters to others (even if you never mail them). Reading is very important as well, especially if you can read hubs and books related to improving your English, grammar tips, etc.

    Do a search for "grammar games" and you will find a lot of great sites with free online games that will help you get a better grasp on how words flow together in the English language (without just giving you complicated rules). Other than playing games like this and challenging yourself, read and write whenever and whatever possible.

    I'm not sure that listening to others speak in a casual manner would be a lot of help. Many people speak differently than they write, and there are some speech habits you would not want to implement into your writing. It depends who you are listening to I guess!

    1. Reves-diary profile image66
      Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for TheInspiredLife for your useful suggestion.

  3. Docmo profile image93
    Docmoposted 12 years ago

    I learnt to write primarily from reading voraciously. The more good books you read the better writing skills develop. Read wise and vast. Read classics and modern literature if you get the time.

    While I didn't pay much attention to grammar teaching at school ( it was boring,  I have since picked up cues and clues through reading others work.

    IF you're looking for ideas on creative writing, there are many great hubs by other hubbers on how to write. I have written some hubs on writing tips  and on building a vocabulary as well.

    Hubpages has a lot of good grammar and spelling advice too.

    The greatest skill in improving one's English is to ask- you have already asked, so you're well on your way to become a good , nay, a great writer!

    1. couturepopcafe profile image59
      couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great advice. Reading.

    2. Reves-diary profile image66
      Reves-diaryposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Docmo for your useful advice.

  4. whizcreed profile image60
    whizcreedposted 12 years ago

    Here are some tips:
    1. Dont try to sell while you write, write the way you like it, and it will make sense for someone.
    2. Understand your target audience you would not want to write a cooking article with complexity of a University newsletter.
    3. Write a lot, write anything you feel like, this will make you more open to express thoughts in form of writing.
    4. Consider some technical tools to analyse your content. [redacted]

    I hope it helps.. smile

  5. erorantes profile image49
    erorantesposted 9 years ago

    Sometimes , it is not the writer's mind that it does not know. It is the devices 's touch screen speed is to gentle or too fast and sumit without giving the finger a chance to stop. There are other reasons too. Every individual knows.

  6. Stacie L profile image89
    Stacie Lposted 9 years ago

    I have a few ideas to help with writing and grammar skills.
    Watch TV with the mute on and closed caption  in English.
    Use free writing and grammar sites such as Grammarly,,,
    and many others.
    Go to adult education class at local school or volunteer organization to improve skills.
    We all make mistakes and I for one,update and find silly mistakes after having a hub up for a while.
    Good luck.

  7. Dipali Ingle profile image33
    Dipali Ingleposted 4 years ago

    Study grammar, practice grammar


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