Who or what inspired you to begin writing?

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  1. Nicky Page profile image59
    Nicky Pageposted 12 years ago

    Who or what inspired you to begin writing?

  2. profile image0
    Vrijdag Pagesposted 12 years ago

    My English teacher when I was about 11. I am know a businessman who writes his own stuff to promote is business, Maia.

  3. Neverletitgo profile image64
    Neverletitgoposted 12 years ago

    I didn't like write before I came hubpage, when I signed this page being one of hubpage members inspired me to begin writing. One thing I like to write is to practice my writing skill. Thanks

  4. profile image0
    MP50posted 12 years ago

    My illness inspired me to start writing, I could not believe what a person has to go through when they become sick.

    The illness is not that difficult, but the mistakes lack of communication and organization, by the people taking care of you are much more than difficult.

  5. tlkool1 profile image60
    tlkool1posted 12 years ago

    Hi Nicky, Really i was inspired by children because i like helping the sick and homeless children.And then i started writing about helping the sick and homeless children in America and around the World.Because the children are special and they are our future.And when the children and others are in need of help i try and help them if i can.Because we should try and help each other when we are in  need of help.My personal Charity Funds are " Caring For The Children " http://www.caringforthechildren.bbnow.org  and  " Tracy's Smiletrain Holiday Fund "  http://support.smiletrain.org/goto/tracycollins  .

  6. findawayormakeone profile image74
    findawayormakeoneposted 12 years ago

    I had some downtime after a stressful period of work. It was during that time that I remembered how much of a stress reliever writing is for me. Glad to be back at it!

  7. ithabise profile image72
    ithabiseposted 12 years ago

    A high school teacher who was also the newspaper editor. She stopped me one day and told me my writing was really good and that I should consider the paper. Writing didn't become a passion for me until college. Now I study the craft and do everything possible to make it better.

  8. profile image0
    femmeflashpointposted 12 years ago

    My 7th grade English teacher at North Posey Junior High School, in 1977.

    She gave our class an assignment.  We read a novella, with an open ending.  The assignment was to write our own ending.

    I read the novella, and completed the assignment.  On the day the assignment was due, she read five of them in front of the class, and she read mine last.

    When class was over, she made me stay behind for "a little talk."  It was all good.  She only wanted to encourage me, and she succeeded.

    Thank you Mrs. H.  You were wonderful to me. smile

  9. emichael profile image61
    emichaelposted 12 years ago

    I've enjoyed writing as far back as I can remember. When I was a kid, I wrote mostly goofy poems and stories about animals. Never anything I thought was good, and I definitely never shared them.

    It wasn't until 8th grade that I thought it might actually be something I was good at. Our teach gave us an assignment to write something in response to an Edgar Allen Poe story. I decided to write a poem. She loved it and encouraged me to pursue publishing. She was very encouraging and supportive and really made me believe in myself and my writing. After that, I tried a few essay contests, which, to my absolute surprise, I was able to win. So I credit my 8th grade English teacher with giving me the encouragement and support I needed to break out of my shell and really give my writing some effort.

    I also started to really enjoy reading around this time and fell in love with fiction.

    So those two things together, I would say.

  10. Sue Bond profile image67
    Sue Bondposted 12 years ago

    Even though I had a teacher in Grade 12 English who praised my creative writing, my confidence took a beating in university.  My 1st year English prof was giving me the lowest marks of my life (Cs and C+) for my papers on poems and books because I wasn't interpreting them correctly.  I had to keep going to him to argue my case. An 18-year old young woman does not interpret poems and books the same way a 60-year old male prof would!  After that experience I just figured I didn't know how to write.

    Even though I thought it would be fun to write book for kids, I just never pursued it.  During a business program, about 15 years after I graduated from university, the question was asked - "What do you think you'd be good at that you've haven't tried yet?"  Or something like that.  The first thing that popped into my head was writing... and then I started to cry.  The 1st year English experience came flooding back. 

    Within a year of that day, I wrote a how-to ebook and starting selling it online.  Even though I don't understand the rules of grammar, I know that writing is the way I prefer to express myself.

  11. profile image0
    Daniella Lopezposted 12 years ago

    Probably a combination of my childhood and my mother. I was homeschooled, therefore my mother was my teacher. She made a fantastic English teacher and instilled in us kids a love for writing. I also began writing as a kid as a way to vent, because I had a very difficult time expressing myself. I was very shy and reclusive growing up, but writing helped me "get out" what it was I was trying to say.

  12. time2rite profile image61
    time2riteposted 12 years ago

    I believe I've always had a fascination with words.  My parents saw my hunger for words and their meanings and spellings, so they taught me how to spell words and read when I was as young as 3.  The first word I learned to spell was "cat", an easy word, but the biggest was "mayonnaise"!  Yes, at 3, I knew how to spell mayonnaise.  The jar was on the counter and I asked, "What does that say?"  My mom said the word and spelled it for me, "Mayonnaise.  M-a-y-o-n-n-a-i-s-e."  I would look in the fridge or cabinets constantly asking, "What does this say?"  I like the fact she not only told me what it said, but also took the time to spell it out letter by letter.  I think this fascination only grew every time she would read to me.  I can't really remember a time I didn't "see" words, or say them, lol!  This early introduction to words, and my insatiable curiosity, were instrumental in inspiring me to write.

  13. Cardia profile image69
    Cardiaposted 12 years ago

    I've always enjoyed writing. My mom is pretty good at it, and she used to help me with inspiration and writing and grammatical tips.
    Now that I'm a Literature student, I have to write about two to three essays every week! It's a little exhausting, especially if the essay is on a difficult topic, but overall, I do love writing smile


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