Which book got you hooked on reading fiction?

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  1. JamesPoppell profile image70
    JamesPoppellposted 13 years ago

    Which book got you hooked on reading fiction?

    For me it was, The Charm School, by Neslon Demille. I remember not being able to put this book down. It was such a great book to read during the cold war. I have been hooked on reading fiction ever since.

  2. PhoenixV profile image66
    PhoenixVposted 13 years ago

    The runaway robot, by Lester Del Rey. After that, I got hooked on Robert Heinlein.

  3. Sunshine625 profile image83
    Sunshine625posted 13 years ago

    Chances by Jackie Collins ... a friend suggested the book and I was hooked.

  4. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 13 years ago

    Love Comes Softle series by Janette Oke.  I can read these over and over  again!

  5. Johnjfernando profile image60
    Johnjfernandoposted 13 years ago

    I read a book called, 'Nate The Great.' It was the fourth grade and it was the first time I ever read a book. The second book I ever read was when I was in the seventh grade and it was called, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.' This book was really amazing and the scope for reading mystery novels of fiction just entered my world. I went on to read the second book called, '...Chamber of Secrets' and then it just small balled downhill from there on. I read many books after that such as the Lord of the Rings series, Star Wars series and then got into Shakespeare and so on. Now I'm looking into reading a book series called 'The Bourne.' I think there is a film for it that was an adaptation from the book itself, starring Matt Damon.

    I learned later on that in the mid-late 90s, a huge number of reading books was lacking far well beyond anything and the first time I picked a book and started reading was a blessing because later on, I found a career in writing books for children and teens.

    The thing that is important everyone in the world is that you learn and educate yourself through reading and its very crucial to success as a someone that is growing up and becoming adults one day.

    Ever since I've read these books, I've been working on a fiction novel series of my own and hope to publish it one day as my number one goal.

    This is why I have been hooked on reading and writing fiction ever since.

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    When I was a girl, 2nd grade I think, our teacher read Wizard of Oz to us every afternoon. I was hooked.  My mom bought me the book and I read it like I was addicted.

  7. LisaKoski profile image77
    LisaKoskiposted 13 years ago

    My dad bought me The Hobbit when I was in fifth grade and I couldn't stop reading it the moment I started. After that, going to the bookstore to buy me a book or two became a pretty regular thing for us. I've been hooked on fiction ever since.

  8. teaches12345 profile image76
    teaches12345posted 13 years ago

    I read Alice In Wonderland at least four times when I was quite young.  I enjoyed the imagination, the unique charaters, and the story setting.  It also has some great life lessons (philosophy, social relationships) within the book that are useful.

  9. pjpitts profile image74
    pjpittsposted 13 years ago

    "The Mystery of the Red Carnations" by Mary C. Jane.  I was 10 years old in the fifth grade, and I have been a huge reader ever since.

  10. Dancilla profile image61
    Dancillaposted 13 years ago

    What got me reading fiction was a book by called Too Deep for Tears, I don't exactly remember the author now but that book got me into fiction because it was a great story plot.

  11. Anne-Marie Yerks profile image60
    Anne-Marie Yerksposted 12 years ago

    I loved both "The Little Princess" and "The Secret Garden." Both are by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

  12. kevinwrites profile image61
    kevinwritesposted 11 years ago

    I'm an avid James Patterson fan. His first Alex Cross novel, "Along Came A Spider" got me hooked into reading fiction. I was seventeen then and I've been a fan of Patterson and the mystery/thriller genre ever since.


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