What "great books" have you read that failed to live up to the expectations you

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  1. Brett Winn profile image81
    Brett Winnposted 12 years ago

    What "great books" have you read that failed to live up to the expectations you had of them?

  2. profile image0
    HubTubposted 12 years ago

    Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams

    I have read a couple of books on the Law of Attraction; however, I found this one a bit *dry* and somewhat hard to follow.  It didn't keep my interest.

  3. glenn wallace profile image67
    glenn wallaceposted 12 years ago

    A Tale of Two Cities...
    Reading it was like crawling through mud. I never really felt very invested in any of the characters or the revolutionary struggle.

  4. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 12 years ago

    'Catcher in the Rye' 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Slaughter House 5'

  5. SopranoRocks profile image60
    SopranoRocksposted 12 years ago

    I had to do a term paper on the works of Faulkner once and was eager to dive in.  I loved research papers and classic lit.  But I found his work very dry.  'A Light in August' sticks in my mind as a book from which I felt nothing for the characters or storyline.  I should read it again as an adult and see if it has changed for me.

    Oh and I loved the 3 books The Writers Dog mentioned.  Everyone takes a different something from every book - opinions are as unique as snowflakes.  Probably there is one person who loves a book for every person who hates that same book. Ponderous...

  6. Brett Winn profile image81
    Brett Winnposted 12 years ago

    I think it is true that books that did not engage us as younger people have more relevance as adults. I tried to read Anne Tyler's The Accidental Tourist when in my twenties and thought it the dullest thing I'd ever read. I picked it up again when I was 45, and loved, loved, loved it ... laughed till I cried. I hated the Water Babies, though; that has to hold the award of being the WORST "good" book I ever read.

  7. miloskc profile image57
    miloskcposted 12 years ago

    American psycho - one of those rare examples where the movie is actually better than the book.

  8. ThoughtMonkey profile image73
    ThoughtMonkeyposted 12 years ago

    The Godfather, so often it is very true that a book will be so much better than the film. I found the Godfather to be quite an average book whereas the film was exceptional.

  9. Mageplasm profile image60
    Mageplasmposted 12 years ago

    Probably, the Wise Man's Fear. It's the sequel to one of my favorite books of all time, The Name of the Wind. Don't get me wrong, the book was great and was written very well. However, I thought some scenes in the book were just unnecessarily way too long. Thus, resulting in a 1000 page adventure. Nevertheless, I still recommend reading the book if you're a big fan of the first one.

  10. Mary Stuart profile image68
    Mary Stuartposted 12 years ago

    So everybody loves Charles Dickens, right? Wrong! Try as I might I have not been able to connect with any of his writings. I think I tried hardest with Oliver Twist but eventually gave up. i simply do not connect with Dickens.


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