What are your favorite quotes of YOURSELF? Things you've said/written that are q

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image80
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    What are your favorite quotes of YOURSELF? Things you've said/written that are quote-worthy.

    We all quote other people, but we're all good, smart, and creative writers: what have you written or said that you particularly like? (Some call these "darlings" and delete them from their writing--but rarely from their minds.) This is just in your opinion; no one needs to agree or disagree with your opinion, so feel free to be candid. I bet you've all got a lot of good self-quotes in you... Soundbytes...


  2. AMAZING THINKER profile image59
    AMAZING THINKERposted 11 years ago

    If you really want to improve and move forward in the future—you’ll have to focus on the present and forget about the past. Learn from your mistakes, let go of any regrets, and forget bitter memories.

    Good question!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I need to do this in a big way. I live too much in the past (my present's not so nice, and my future won't be either unless I take your advice).

    2. AMAZING THINKER profile image59
      AMAZING THINKERposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You should read my hub-- How to change your life. It may help.

    3. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, AMAZING THINKER, I will do just that! I appreciate the heads-up that you wrote a hub on it.

  3. M. T. Dremer profile image82
    M. T. Dremerposted 11 years ago

    “Stories are from the heart, essays are from the head. I can fake things from the head, but the heart always wants to tell the truth.”

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, good one! I love it! Thanks, M. T. Dremer!

  4. CraftytotheCore profile image74
    CraftytotheCoreposted 11 years ago

    I have two that I often say, even in my writings. 

    1) You have to go through it in order to get on with it. 

    (Meaning we all have to go through bad times in order to get on with our lives.  This is in lieu of get over it.)

    2) Love is not based on feeling, but a determination for a desired outcome. 

    (This means that we all have things we don't like to do.  Set aside your emotions.  Determination will get you through to achieve the outcome you are looking for.)

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Those are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  5. Laura Schneider profile image80
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    The ones I always say aren't very nice, but here goes:

    "You can lead a horse to water, but you're not SUPPOSED to drown him in it."


    "Executives are like isotopes--unstable and reactive. Handle with care."

  6. profile image0
    Ben Blackwellposted 11 years ago

    I'll give you a few:

    1) Philosophy is the food of the mind: it nourishes it, gives it vitality, and helps it grow
    2) To one who is trying to find his way in the world, philosophy gives his mind freedom, but his freedom gives his philosophy meaning.
    3) The difference between youth and maturity should not be education.
    4) If something is too difficult now, your time if discipline was too easy then.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Fix for 4) If something is too difficult now, your time of training was too easy before.

    2. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      #4 is my favorite--both versions. So very true! I like them all, however: thanks for commenting, Ben Blackwell.

    3. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No problem.

  7. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    One of my recent favorites was in my critique of the cult movie "Sharknado" -- "If the ending of 'Sharknado' doesn't make you weep with joy, then you have no soul."

    Maybe not the most profound statement, but hey, it sounds good. big_smile

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ROTFL! I agree!

  8. Tom Vogler profile image81
    Tom Voglerposted 11 years ago

    I am usually great with one liners, but one of my favorites was something I said when I was about 12 or so:  "His glasses are just like mine, only different!" 

    I have since modified it to say "...(name of objects) are just the same, only different". 

    I suppose the same can be said of people as well!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great observation, "I suppose the same can be said of people as well". I love your quote and your application of it to just about anything, especially people. Thanks, Tom Vogler! And, please share some of your other "one-liners".

  9. MDavisatTIERS profile image71
    MDavisatTIERSposted 11 years ago

    I authored a recovery curriculum for a residential substance abuse recovery house I opened in 1990 and ran until 2011.

    These are the "few-liners" that graduates say had the most influence on them and I think that is one feature of a quote.

    "There is no getting around it, exposing your defenses through disclosure and education in group or in your own writing, may contribute to you feeling vulnerable, exposed, guilty or angry.   These are natural reactions to having your justifications, ambivalence and the armor of addiction removed.  It is hard to think of yourself as “bullet proof” any more.”
    “My counselors said I had to get clean for myself or it would not stick, but I didn’t value myself enough in the beginning to do it for me, but I would stay clean for my job.  At about 10 months, I was valuable enough to stay clean for me. Find something your value enough in the beginning and work towards making yourself valuable.”

    “Writing has a cathartic or healing benefit for the addict.  When behaviors, feelings, thoughts and your pain move to paper, things become black and white.”

    “Moving the pain from inside to paper; processing misperceptions, gaining awareness of my part in situations, and forgiving, helped me move forward in my recovery but more importantly, in my life.”

    1. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful, inspiring quotes, Marilyn. Thank you for sharing them! I'm sure others will benefit from them here, too.


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