Do you challenge yourself as a writer? If so, what have you learned from your e

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  1. ocfireflies profile image72
    ocfirefliesposted 10 years ago

    Do you challenge yourself as a writer?  If so, what have you learned from your experiences?

    I tried writing a piece from the opposite sex's point-of-view.  I was warned ahead of time that I should not do so-stick to what I know.  The feedback was mixed.  The HP# dropped.  Still, I found the exercise to be interesting and challenging.  What I mainly learned from the experience was that it is difficult to write from the opposite sex's point-of-view, but it was also lots of fun.  And that I am proud that I was willing to at least give it a try.

  2. billybuc profile image85
    billybucposted 10 years ago

    I read that piece and I was proud of you for trying something new.  Mixed reviews? At least you weren't ignored. smile

    Do I challenge myself? Constantly.  I crack the whip and then rush around to receive the blow. LOL  What have I learned?  That I am capable of so much more; that i have just scratched the surface of my potential; and that potential and four bucks will get you a decent mocha. I need to work my craft and get better.

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "I crack the whip and then rush around to receive the blow."  CLASSIC!
      How I can relate.  I do not know that I am as confident about my potential; however, I will keep trying and do hope to see my work improve.  I'll keep practicing! Thank U!

  3. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 10 years ago

    Well I never wrote at all until about 4 years ago and I would say I have met many challenges, writing in different styles, doing poetry, stories and informative writings. I did an eBook children's story; I did a poetry book I could hold in my hands and say, "You did it!" Don't tell billy but I am OK with where I am at. Now I am at peace with my writings.

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have accomplished more in four years than I have in forever.  What is the name of your eBook and poetry book?  I would love to feel that "You did it!" feeling.  And your secret is safe with me.  Smiles.  Thanks for responding.  Love, Kim

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image79
    M. T. Dremerposted 10 years ago

    I think it's very important to challenge oneself as a writer because you never know when such a challenge will lead to something wonderful. Back in high school I went through a string of writing classes that gave me the impression 'realistic' writing was the only way to go. Which is basically literary fiction based in the real world. I'm not sure why I picked this up, but it made me nervous to try any sort of genre fiction. It wasn't until a senior year writing class where I took a step out and wrote my first genre fiction story. It was awful, but I enjoyed writing it so much that I started making new stories in my time away from school. Fast forward to today and I'm a fantasy author. I may never have discovered that passion if I hadn't taken a chance.

    Even today I still challenge myself with new genres and writing styles. I've found that the best way to take the first step, if you are unsure, is to tell yourself that you will only write this piece for you. You do not intend to market it or show it to anyone else. It helps to free up your writing muscle and create something truly surprising.

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience.  I consider most of my work to be really awful.  There are only few pieces I really feel that great about.  And there are lots I have written and kept to myself which I agree helps to free one up.  Thanx

  5. suzettenaples profile image89
    suzettenaplesposted 10 years ago

    Kim, never listen to others advice on what or how to write.  Always follow your intuition.  I think you do.  I enjoyed both poems and thought it brilliant that you wrote from the woman's and the man's perspective.  I think that is the sign of a clever writer.  I think it is great to write from a male perspective.  Doing this stretches your skills and experience as a writer and shows imagination.  I see nothing wrong with what you did.  I support your writing - I think you are a great writer of poetry and short stories.  I have enjoyed everything you have written that I have read.   If you always stick to what you know, you will never grow as a writer.  Too many people in this world try to hold back others.  Be all you can be!  That is not just a goofy military saying.

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement.  Coming from one I admire so much makes your support even more appreciated.  I only know how to be me.  I enjoy the challenge of trying new forms. Plus, writing for me is therapy.  Blessings to you

  6. jhamann profile image90
    jhamannposted 10 years ago

    Kim, I was listening to some lecture about poetry, I wish I could be more specific, but it was mentioned that poets need to show a level of ambition.  Now this is up for interpretation but I think it means to try your hand at everything you find interesting.  It may fail or succeed but the lessons learned in the journey will always be there.  I have tried to branch off into longer more difficult poems from intense studying of certain poems that I consider classics of American poetry.  It is hard, but I feel like I am growing as a poet everytime I try to figure out reasons behind the rhyme.  Jamie

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I enjoy listening to Billie Collins.  To be such a celebrated & contemporary poet, his take on the process is very down to earth.  He strikes me as the sort of poet who would encourage experimentation.  It's hard, but to try is worth one's time.

  7. sallybea profile image81
    sallybeaposted 10 years ago

    ocfireflies - I read the piece mentioned yesterday and I had to think really hard before I commented on it.   I thought it showed a really good insight as to how a man might feel about his darling.  You say the reaction to the piece was mixed - my reaction is to say, well done to you for exploring something different, may you continue to do so for a long time.

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Let me clarify the "mixed" comment.  As soon as I received the first comment, my HP# dropped after staying the same forever--which is what made me think-"mixed."  Thanx for understanding my goal was to challenge myself.  May we all cont. to explore.

    2. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Did you mean your profile score dropped or Hub Score because my Profile Score dropped yesterday too, just when I thought I might even get a chance to have a 100 for the first time.  I think it was a co-incidence, not anything to do with the Hub.

    3. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The # located with my avatar.  Is that my profile score or my Hub Score?  I am embarrassed to say I do not know the difference, or that there were two different scores.  Just seemed odd that the ?score dropped aft comment when been so dormant forever

    4. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Your Profile or Avatar score is different from your Hub Score.  The hub score  shown on your account summary.   Each hub has a score next to it but there is an average score at the bottom.  Of course I could be wrong but I don't think so.

    5. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have been such a great help supporting my creative endeavors and providing me tech help as well.  You would think I would know these things by now.  I view the account page, but it's the profile score that I noticed most often b/c of its location

    6. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You are very welcome - I am glad I was able to help.  It takes a longtime to understand the ins and outs of these Pages.

  8. profile image52
    mayu patelposted 10 years ago

    I may be good writer if I would really try for that, there is no doubt for my try ,because I know my capabilities for achievement .

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I applaud your enthusiasm and self-confidence.  I know I will keep trying to improve, but I am not as confident about how much I should expect to achieve.
      Thanks for responding.

  9. Authorkat profile image59
    Authorkatposted 10 years ago

    I've learned that I never stop evolving as a writer or a person. I've learned that life changes as the seasons do and that what is learned, challenged and captured in that change is often expressed in and through God's gift of the power of words.  My goal is to reach and grab those positive words and use them to teach and aid others while I teach, aid, and strengthen those positive forces that lye within myself. I have watched my writing change through the years and grow and develop as I have grown and developed as a person.  As a writer and a person we will always be challenged; that is what living life does. To learn and then develop and grow, in a positive light, from those challenges is the key.
    Great Question!

    1. ocfireflies profile image72
      ocfirefliesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for responding.  You are an inspiration.  I think it is important to grow as a person and a writer.  I like that you encourage us to develop and in a positive light.


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