Can anyone tell me if xlibris publishing company is a scam?

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  1. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
    Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years ago

    Can anyone tell me if xlibris publishing company is a scam?

    I have been with this company since 2011. I have been wanting help to get my book fully edited. They want 200 bucks just to look at it. And a thousand dollars just to do the job. I waited and went with an outside editor from this company. She charged me 700 bucks which she cut down in payments. Now that we are done she still says it needs work but not much. I get a call yesterday for the Hollywood movie thing for my book which they want to charge me 799. I'm getting red flags from this company, and my editor literally freaked when I told her I'm with this company. I need answers .

  2. brsmom68 profile image77
    brsmom68posted 9 years ago

    I have heard both good and bad about many publishing companies. I think as an author it is up to you to do your research before signing up with any of them. I have chosen to self-publish my works (and I have several) because I started out on a tight budget. After going through a learning curve, I now know what is needed. I haven't hit the best-seller list yet, but that is not my goal. I just want to educate and entertain my readers.

    Remember, publishing companies have to make money. I think if you have already committed yourself for your book, then the repercussions of cancelling with them could have an impact on your credibility as an author. If you haven't signed any contracts with them yet, then do more research. Contact authors who have been published by them; they should be more helpful then those who haven't.

    There are always those who will take every opportunity to be negative. No company of any sort has a perfect record.

    My advice: you shouldn't have to pay a lot of money to get published. With all of the POD platforms available, self-publishing is a profitable option. I do ask you this: what is included in the price they are charging? Books? Publicity? Royalties?

    1. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
      Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My goal isn't to get on the best sealers list. I'm just tired of being ripped off. I understand a negative here and there, but when I see several negatives on top of so many other negatives it certainly makes me wonder what I have gotten myself into

    2. brsmom68 profile image77
      brsmom68posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Have you signed any contracts with them? If not, then walk away. CreateSpace is who I use for my print books, and it doesn't cost me anything to get set up. All I pay for is the books I order. I've done several books and have had no issues with them.

    3. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
      Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well I'm sure I had to, but that was in 2011. I do remember having to fax stuff. I'm going to have to see how I can get out of this. My editor is going to call me today. I'll see what advice she has for me.

    4. brsmom68 profile image77
      brsmom68posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just a thought; have you already paid them to work on your book? A traditional publishing company pays you upfront if they are interested in your work, not the other way around. I would really like to discuss this more indepth with you outside of HP.

    5. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
      Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Like I said I was young and didn't know. Where do you want to talk to me?

  3. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 9 years ago

    YES YES YES a big scam.
    I went to them and I send in my poems first to what seemed like a genuine woman. (never judge a book by its cover) she tried to scam me for so much money which I almost borrowed from a friend. Then through signs and intuition I found out a big scam. I now know that to try and publish a book it should be free. I am trying to get my poems published and started on kindle. Try that. Never believe in anyone that helps for money for anything.
    Good luck.
    Oh lulu is supposed to be free also.
    This site is also a good place, there are so many authors and writers on here willing to help. If they can't they can lead you to who can.
    Good luck and many blessings, it will work out.

    1. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
      Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your response. I wish I was lucky enough to not have given them any money. But I did hmm. Even my editor was like 'oh honey we need to talk.' That scared me. Ive read that it's really hard to get any of your work out of there company.

    2. Zengpin profile image60
      Zengpinposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You should try lyflii's it's a publisher exchange website

  4. FatFreddysCat profile image60
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    I'm not familiar with the service but if something seems fishy about'em then there's usually a good reason, and you should go with your gut instinct.

    In my opinion, the English phrasing/grammar in the message from them that you've shown in your pic is rather awkward, which would immediately make me suspicious of their "editing" abilities.

    1. Jennifer Ceballos profile image49
      Jennifer Ceballosposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That makes me wonder as well. When I first started with this I was young and didn't know the things I know now. I was trusting, but now that I have experienced the world I don't trust anything. They want a 1000 to edit to even look at it 200.


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