Buying Books...

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  1. lovebuglena profile image81
    lovebuglenaposted 14 years ago

    There are so many books out there - books by well-known authors, books by newbie authors, and books by self-published authors. What is your criteria for deciding whether to buy a certain book or not? Also, would you buy books by self-published authors? Please share your thoughts.


  2. Kimberly Bunch profile image60
    Kimberly Bunchposted 14 years ago

    Hi! I go by if they have been rated with five stars and have been rated several times with at least 4.5 stars. Then I know that my chances of liking the book goes way up. Also I will check what others said about the book.

    I have read self published books before and have read some amazing stories. Also I get a ton of books from the library to read regularly --stacks of them!


  3. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    My criteria for buying a book is whether I want to read it - that's it.  If I want to read a book I'll buy it, because I don't want to borrow books (usually).  I buy non-fiction only, and often reference-type books or books written by well known and reputable people, of someone like a historian who has written a book about history.

    To be honest, it never even occurred to me to buy a self-published book, because I guess I'm thinking there's a good chance it could be some of the questionable stuff we often see in online writing -  only a big, load, of it.  lol  I know that't not fair, and I've even pondered the idea of self-publishing, myself (aiming, of course, to make sure it's solid and professional).  Still, I guess I come from the generation of people who do attach a stigma to self-publishing.  At the same time, there's a part of me that thinks it makes all the sense in the world for someone to self-publish, rather than go through the whole process of finding a publisher.   Basically, I suffer from outdated thinking and prejudice and know it.   hmm

  4. ACSutliff profile image72
    ACSutliffposted 14 years ago

    This is a great question!

    Lately, I haven't been buying books, which is a serious problem. People who read need to buy books, and writers who dream of being published owe it to the business to buy books.

    I will always buy a book by my favorite author, and I always enjoy those books. I should take some time to discover a few new authors to start buying more consistently.

  5. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    I have a kindle now, so I kindle shop. I've downloaded some of the classics and a couple that sound interesting.
    I also have used the library a lot as I wanted to stop buying so many books [because I have a lot I haven't finished].  I do look at reviews and read some of the book first before I decide to use my time to read it. I think I'm more fussy now about how I use my time so I try to be sure I really want to read it.
    I might read a self-published book if it looked interesting, but probably wouldn't buy one.

  6. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I belong to three books clubs and have many more friends who read, so I'm always getting lots of recommendations. I also subscribe to literary magazines and read lots of reviews.

    Now that I have a nook and don't go to bookstores as often, I am finding that I do rely on word-of-mouth more. It makes me wonder as e-readers put bookstores out of business how we will share that info and find new writers.

    Sometimes if I see an author's website and can read a portion of a self-published book to see if I like it, I will buy the rest.

    1. lovebuglena profile image81
      lovebuglenaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I thought that e-readers, at least the kindle, allow people to preview a certain number of pages within a book, so readers can make a decision whether they want to purchase the e-book or not. Is it not done on the nook?


  7. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    One thing that gets me to buy a book is hearing the author talk about it on tv or radio, and having it be a subject I'm already interested in.   Usually, some radio program will say the subject will be a part of the show, and then the author comes on.  If the person really stands out as being someone who seems to have a lot of good ideas, I'll pretty much decide I want the book.

  8. lovebuglena profile image81
    lovebuglenaposted 14 years ago

    There are traditionally published books that are bad and then there are self-published books that are great. So, why someone would not buy a self-published book is beyond me. If a book is great why should it matter how it was published...?


  9. profile image57
    molivas24posted 14 years ago

    I always check out many books at a time per week from the public library.
    The only books I actually buy are from authors that I truly love or books that I know I will actually read again.
    To me, it is pointless to buy a book, read it once, enjoy it, then never read it again and just have it sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust.

  10. shellyakins profile image67
    shellyakinsposted 14 years ago

    I'm a member of and get most of my books from there.  I read the other members reviews of the books before I order them.  Also, I pick up books that are recommended to me by friends and family.

  11. Ivorwen profile image66
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    Sometimes I see a book review that makes me want a book, other than that, I collect books by my favorite authors.  Right now, I am working on collecting the works of three different authors from the early 1900's and two modern day authors.

    If I just want to read something, and it is not available from the library, then I look for it on BookMooch.

  12. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 14 years ago

    What is your criteria for deciding whether to buy a certain book or not?

    Basically I have to expect to enjoy the book.  Sometime that is based on the author, or the publisher, or the free sample, or a recommendation, or a review, or a recommendation algorythm (like on Amazon) etc

    Also, would you buy books by self-published authors?

    Yes, I buy self-published books regularly, they would be 5-10 of what I buy and 10-20% or what I read (counting review copies).

  13. cjcarter profile image71
    cjcarterposted 14 years ago

    My best luck has been with friend recommendations. I'll ask my close friends what the best book they have ever read was, and it's worked every time. I don't bother checking them out anymore, I just go ahead and buy them.


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