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Best Home Garden Tomatoes: Hillbilly or Flame Tomato
One Pound Bicolor Tomatoes
Grow Giant Tomatoes All Summer
A huge, bi-color heirloom: brilliant yellow color with red marbling. Very large with a rich, sweet flavor. Beautiful when sliced. An heirloom believed to be from West Virginia.
A pretty slicer, big enough for one slice to cover a BLT sandwich. Especially popular in the Missouri Ozarks, this bicolor produces big sweet, juicy fruits from mid summer to frost. Sometimes tomatoes will grow to two pounds, one pound tomatoes are not unusual.
Growing the big tomatoes
Keep well staked to support heavy tomatoes. Limit the number of fruits allowed to ripen to maximize size. In other words, grow fewer but bigger tomatoes by removing some of the small green ones early on.
This tomato grows on an indeterminate vine that creates heavy fruits as the plants grow bigger all summer. I grew it in a five gallon container this year. Growing Flame Tomatoes in the garden, with more access to water and nutrients in the soil will produce the biggest fruits.
The yellow with red striped fruits are beautiful as Insalada Caprese, or sliced on tomato platters. You will want to grw this tomato because it is beautiful and sweet.
Please Vote: Size matters
Does the size of a tomato effect the flavor?
Make your next garden straw bale
Royal Hillbilly
5 Best Heirloom Tomatoes
Read more tomato reviews and trials:
- Best Home Garden Tomatoes: Granny Cantrell German beefsteak - Named for Lettie Cantrell, who received the seed from a WWII soldier returning from Germany.
- Best Black Heirloom Tomato plants from seed: Paul Robeson - This black/brick red Russian heirloom was named in honor of the famous opera singer Paul Robeson.
- Best Home Garden Tomatoes: Chocolate AmazonUkrainian "Purple" tomato is an extremely productive, long season medium to large. Chocolate-brown, soft and delicate juicy fruits. Heat and draught tolerant.
- Best heirloom tomato from seed: Roma Rio Grande paste tomatoes - very beautiful, large Italian paste tomato.
- Best Home Garden Tomato: Royal Hillbilly Deep purpl-ey, pink is so pretty with a perfect combo of tangy and sweet.
Rich bacon and tomato quiche
Bacon and tomato quiche
Bacon and tomatoes are just the best taste combination. Change the menu to a quick quiche. Use fresh tomatoes from the garden. Be sure to include a few torn basil leaves.
Try this recipe.
Bacon and tomato quiche