Sanibel Island Wild Life Refuge
The J.N. Darling National Wild Life Refuge is a 7000 acre sanctuary that has biking,hiking,trails and canoe. This refuge has over a total of 240 species of birds and 50 types of reptiles and also 32 different types of mammals. Also the median income for a family on Sanibel is $92.455. The lowest real estate on the island is just under 400,000. Population was 6,064 in 2006. In 1963 the main causeway was built to replace the ferry. The location of Sanibel is the gulf coast of southwest florida and is linked to mainland by the causeway a short bridge over the blind pass which links Sanibel to Captive island. These two islands have more than half are preserved in their natural state for wild life refuge. Wall Street Journal selected Sanibel and Captive as one of the 10 best places for a second home in 2010.
One of the top three shelling beaches in the world happens to be Sanibel Island.
Baily Matthews shelling museum. Also offers art barrier island group for arts in musical concerts to literary discussions groups and class on pottery,drawing.
Sanibel Music Festival Has several performing artists to the island in the month of march.
Shelling museum opened in 1995 and operates as an information to students, scientists, and shelling enthusiasts as well. The museum first accreditation was in March 2010 from the American Association. Sanibel island is also the main setting for fictional crime novels written by a local best seller author Randy Wayne White. Whites main character is named Doc Ford and due to his popularity he opened up a restaurant called Doc Fords Sanibel Rum Bar and Grill.
These are Fowler's made out of shells
Sanibel Gardens also has an expanding collection of tropical gardens.Their botanical gardens offers 200 unique and exotic hibiscus hybrid collection. In addiction there's the butterfly garden monarchs and queens. Flowers are hibiscus, palms, tropical and native plants, cacti and succulents, bromeliads and orchids. Sanibel Moorings is a ever expanding collection of tropical gardens. The gardens are full of wonderful scents and a rich ground of oasis.The garden is home to a large number of Marsh rabbits which are active at night. These rabbits have a allot of predators which makes an important link to the food chain. Keeping the numbers in control naturally. Predators like Bobcats, Hawks, Eagles, Owls, and Gators all these depend on the marsh rabbits for their survival.
The Causeway
Museum display
The light house restaurant
What a beautiful site Bottlenose dolphins.
Sanibel beach I loved it
Sanibel resort
Things to do on Sanibel Island . Shelling at Baileys - Matthews Shell. Boating, Kayak, canoe,Fishing.
Bike rental at 1470 periwinkle way. Boat adventures in paradise, canoe rentals,716 rabbit road Sanibel Island Fl. Cruises capt paul's yacht. Marinas port Sanibel Marina. 14341 port comfort road.
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