Top 3 Honeywell Programmable Thermostats Review
One of the quickest ways to control your heating a cooling costs is installing a Honeywell programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats by Honeywell are often much simpler to program and use than any other brand. When considering a Honeywell programmable thermostat for your your home, take a look at the different types to fit your needs. There are three popular choices among do-it-yourself homeowners.
Honeywell One-Week Programmable Thermostat - Model RTH221B
This is the basic model
and very simple to program. The RTH221B is a one week thermostat,
meaning whatever you set the temperature and time settings will repeat
every day. This is the thermostat for you if your routine stays
relatively the same seven days a week. This thermostat is great for
retired people or with a stay at home parent.
The basic setting on
this thermostat are for “sleep”, “wake”, “return” and “leave.” If your
schedule is fairly constant, this is all you will probably need. You
can override the settings as necessary with little effort. The
installation and operation instructions are clear and easy to
understand. The downside to this particular thermostat is it is not back
Honeywell 5-2 Day Programmable Thermostat - Model RTH230B
Families with a more
traditional schedule of working Monday through Friday and having
weekends at home, the Honeywell 5-2 Day programmable thermostat will fit
your needs perfectly. The RTH230B allows you to program the weekdays
much like the basic model. However this thermostat also allows for
separate settings for the weekends. This eliminates the need to override
your regular weekday settings. The settings can be over-ridden
temporarily without removing the cover. The thermostat will revert back
to the original when the next cycle occurs.
Similar to the basic
programmable model, the TRH230B has four available settings throughout
the day. This thermostat is not back lit and the indicators for PM and
AM can be difficult to see, so take your time when programming the unit.
because these types of thermostats are “set it, forget it”, the cover
is not hinged but rather pops on and of as necessary.
Honeywell RTH230B
Owner’s Manual
Honeywell 7-Day Programmable Thermostat - Model RTH7500D
For families that are
constantly on the go with varying schedules, your best option might be
the Honeywell 7-Day programmable thermostat. The RTH7500D has the
versatility to have different programs for each day of the week. The
display is back lit and easy to read, however pay attention when
programming because the small check marks on the display are...small.
This thermostat is also compatible with heat pumps.
Although installation
is fairly straight forward, you might find yourself spending some time
setting the program. Each day of the week does require it’s own
settings. You can over-ride the settings as necessary and the thermostat
will revert back to the original settings when the next cycle occurs.
Honeywell RTH7500D
Owner’s Manual
There are some costs that come out of our household budget we have no control over. However, we can control the temperatures in our home. Install a programmable thermostat in your home and start saving money on your home energy costs.