If you could change anything about where you're living now, what would you chang

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  1. shadowprancer profile image59
    shadowprancerposted 13 years ago

    If you could change anything about where you're living now, what would you change?

    For me, I would change how far away, I am from my town. I live on a secluded dirt road and it takes 15 to 20 minutes to get into town and it wastes a lot of gas to go back and forth. How about you? What would you change? If you don't have anything you would change, then what makes your location so ideal for you?

  2. hawkdad73 profile image60
    hawkdad73posted 13 years ago

    I would not live in a house on the corner across a busy street from a grain co-op and a convenience store.  Semi-trucks and cars have no idea what the speed limit is.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    The weather!  The climate here is cold and dark (overcast).  We have very few nice days even during the summer. But...my family is here so I stay.

  4. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    I would like to have city supplied water again..........or at least, a better program.........

    I am normally an advocate for natural living, living off of the goodness of the earth.........etc...............

    BUT having  to dress, make the 1/4 mile walk  to " prime" the well at 5 am, so I can have a shower at 6... and again at the end of the day so that I can wash the laundry.......is getting to be a drag in cold weather!

    I can pick up the last minute grocery needs on my way home...........but the backtracking.........

    there has to be a more effiecient way, even for the do it yourself, types.

  5. jacqui2011 profile image78
    jacqui2011posted 13 years ago

    I live in a semi rural location in Leicestershire, England. I love the fact that I am only a short drive into town, but secluded enough to have lots of wildlife visitors to the garden including foxes, badgers, hedgehogs owls etc. Its a beautiful place and I am so lucky. The only thing I don't like is that I am around 360 miles away from my parents, who live in Scotland. I would love to move the house nearer to my parents as I miss them so much.

  6. Melissa.P profile image61
    Melissa.Pposted 13 years ago

    I would make the air less dry in the winter lol.

  7. brandasaur profile image59
    brandasaurposted 13 years ago

    I live in Philippines, and it's too hot in here. I would like to change the climate, like add some cold breeze here in our place. And in my place here in house, I wanted to have lots of food stores near us, so once I dont have anything to eat here, I just need to walk and buy some foods. smile

  8. ravenlt04 profile image61
    ravenlt04posted 13 years ago

    I just need a maid (is that off topic lol?)!  I live in a suburban area (in metro Atlanta).  It doesn't feel like a city, isn't too crowded or too desserted, but has everything I need.  I love the location of my home, the neighbors we've met, and the convenient shopping plazas and mall (which are all 2-5 minutes away).  I am only 12 miles (15 minutes) from work which is good in Atlanta,  I just wish I did not have to always clean up a mess (I have two young children and limited time).

  9. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    The no pet policy. I want a little cat. Because of living here I couldn't keep my adorable yet evil kitties, Tiger and Alfredo.

  10. shadowprancer profile image59
    shadowprancerposted 13 years ago

    In response to onegoodwoman, I am on well water which I love because it tastes so good. I tell everyone who lives in town that they haven't tasted water until they've tasted well water. No chlorine taste, nice and cold. Fortunately, I don't have to walk 1/4 mile to get water though!

  11. Borsia profile image38
    Borsiaposted 13 years ago

    I would want less crime and hand-in-hand less corruption.
    Colombia would be a garden paradise if it weren't for those two things.
    But I'm not holding my breath because things aren't going to change.
    It would be a big help if the US legalized their drug problems and took the money out from under the cartels and gangs and the military aid money out from under the government. But street crime here is high and that isn't fueled by outsiders.


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