Has the Law of Attraction worked for you?

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  1. moneyfairy profile image60
    moneyfairyposted 11 years ago

    Just curious if any of you have had the Law of Attraction  actually work for you in your life?

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Have you ever read The law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks or the Secret or the movie the Secret?
      Look forward to hearing how it has worked for you.

    2. A Troubled Man profile image59
      A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      When we talk about 'laws' in physics, we talk about things that are consistent, that occur the very same way each and every time. For the "Law of Attraction" to be valid, it would have to be consistent and work each and every time.

      Obviously, it doesn't, hence it isn't a law.

      1. moneyfairy profile image60
        moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        It has nothing whatsoever to do with physics. But the "law of Attraction " is supposed to work the same every time but it obviously doesn't. they made it all sound so simple but it's not. I was just wondering what others experienced with it and if they had success or not. Only one answer below(sannyasinman's comment) suggests that it works and is possible but I have yet to experience it in the way they present it.
        If you are interested you can go to you tube and type in Esther Hicks/Abraham and the Law of attraction and have a listen. Tell me what you think after that, if you do take a listen.it's more in the realm of emotions feelings and thoughts,that your state of mind has more to do with it than anything else ....take a listen  and get back to me.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image59
          A Troubled Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Exactly, the "Law of Attraction" is nothing but pseudoscience.

          Of course, it doesn't work, it's pure nonsense.

          Pure garbage. They are selling nonsense to the gullible.

  2. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 11 years ago

    No, but trying it out ruined my life.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Really ? How did it ruin your life?

  3. kschang profile image84
    kschangposted 11 years ago

    Law of attraction is just psychobabble. At best, it makes you more "aware" of the opportunities in life and you don't need a book to tell you that.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your opinion.

  4. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years ago

    What really really works is writing down what you want as a list. There is something very magical about writing down your intentions, needs, desires, goals, ambitions, material wants... try it! You'll be surprised!

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have done that and made vision boards of the things that i wanted etc...but still nothing yet...I would love for it to work, and I have heard of it working for others , I would just like to experience it  at least once. I know they say if you believe you receive and I think i believe but just haven't received yet. I guess I just have to have faith in believing in divine right timing instead of my timing right here right now.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        yes... I think that is right.   You will get what you Need first.
        (Based On My Experience)

        1. moneyfairy profile image60
          moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Yes I think that is my lesson to let go and let God so to speak and not say how it should come to me because it hasn't. Now I know why. I just have to have patience that what it is I am asking for is on it's way somehow. I guess i just want to know how and when...but being a mere mortal I must just have faith...it's hard sometimes when i don't see results....why the waiting game ? why all the testing me??? It's very frustrating.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Let it come!  relax!  kinda relates to that other forum discussion... right janesix?

            1. moneyfairy profile image60
              moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Yes kathryn,
              I guess my lesson is patience , which I have very little of...You know when you want something you want it now not years down the road...doesn't seem fair somehow...why it works so quickly for others and not for me?

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                ...do not  t h i n k (too much thinking) of it being years down the road!  it doesn't  h a v e  to be!   affirm that God will provide what you need when you need it... Be specific about this and write it down.  You do 25% of the work and God does the rest.  Do you believe in God?

                This is a good start!
                My advice (based on my own experience) is to open yourself to the possibility  of God.
                (... I have found that reading the Old Testament is helpful in this.... before Jesus.)
                Uh oh... I hope I haven't opened the floodgates of naysayers!
                Just Ignore them if they come on board here!

                1. moneyfairy profile image60
                  moneyfairyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I have made affirmations and prayers and written things down and even written on a blank check with the amount I needed withe the word NOW as the date and still nothing?It just gets a bit depressing after a while... I'm trying to believe but when you don't receive it leaves you wondering if it's all a waste of time?

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    -maybe you are searching for proof of it not happening. Instead, try searching for proof of it happening! It will!  If not, oh well. Don't be attached to what you want. You might appear greedy. God has free will too you know! Also try to Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  This will generate good Karma.   I am done. Good luck.

  5. sannyasinman profile image60
    sannyasinmanposted 10 years ago

    If you really take on board the message from Esther Hicks, it is all about vibration. Whatever you vibrate in harmony with, you attract to you. It is simply the way the Universe works. The Universe must yield to you whatever you are already vibrating in harmony with.

    The more you "want" something, the more you are vibrating the "lack" and so you are pushing away the very thing you want.

    If you want to attract lot of money, think the thoughts of a wealthy person. Relax and feel weathy inside, mentally spend your money and feel and enjoy the sensations associated with that. Send out vibrations to the Universe as if you already have the money. The Universe must yield.

    As I understand it (AIUI) this is the essence of the message from Esther Hicks.

    1. moneyfairy profile image60
      moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      sannyasinman: Thank you for your clarification. You are supposed to want but you must ask from a place of having rather than not having and that is where it becomes difficult because it's hard to pretend to be rich when you are poor. I understand the premise but just difficult to execute. It ebbs and flows sometimes it's great and other times it's really difficult. It's hard to stay in that mindset long enough for something to come of it. Any suggestions? Have you been vibrationally in alignment and had the money come to you?

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You will be far better off when you decide to turn your efforts from prayer, vibrating or begging to actual work in creating, producing or earning whatever it is you want.  If money, get a job for instance.  If a chair, build one.  If a child, start adoption proceedings.

        Whatever it is, put your effort into producing it, not praying or begging for it.  The only result the so-called "law" of attraction is to sometimes induce the person to work for what they want, whereupon the chances of getting it go up.  Outside of that, there is no "law" saying that if you want, you shall have, and nature makes that rather plain as millions starve each year even as they want food very badly.

        1. moneyfairy profile image60
          moneyfairyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          @wilderness: The Law of Attraction teachings that I was talking about have to deal with your thoughts and emotions, not praying or hoping etc... It's in the psychological/metaphysical genre. Hard to describe to people who have not listened to or know of the teachings.
          Anyway you supposedly can create the life you want with your thoughts and emotions. It's too long and complicated to get into with someone who doesn't know the teachings.
          Thank you for your efforts though.(sannyasinman above is the closest to what I was talking about) Thank you for your sound advice though!

          1. psycheskinner profile image76
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Activities like printing out and carrying around fake checks to draw money to you seems a lot like praying and hoping to me.

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Perhaps I failed to make myself clear.  I understand the basics of the theory.

            But until those emotions and thoughts are transferred into action, and action designed to produce or create whatever is desired, they are of no value.  And that does not mean that mental activity will be productive; it means applying hands to wood, so to speak, and actually do work to produce something.  The examples I used are not metaphors; you want a child, start adoption proceedings.  You want money, take a job or second job.  Don't try to use mental energy to produce either one.

            Metaphysical/psychological "energy" is translated to our world only through the hands, not through thought or actions that do not directly produce results.  "Wanting" and "vibrating" are useless until the hands are used to actually produce.  Feeling rich or spending imaginary money won't produce any - that takes physical action not not mental gymnastics to convince yourself you are rich.

            At the root of it, the theory of the law of attraction is nonsense.  While it can be used to convince others to give you money (selling a book, perhaps) that's about it.  It just doesn't work; the human mind does not have the kind of ability or power claimed for it.

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
              Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Says you. Others say differently.
              If it's real to you, its real.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                LOL - neither you nor I actually think that whatever anyone thinks is real actually is. 

                For those that claim this mystical nonsense works, let them provide evidence.  Real evidence, not a personal account of it "working" for 2 neighbors, or the friend of their uncle's aunt's grand daughter's husband's ex wife.  Claims are a dime a dozen, hard evidence is a little tougher to supply, isn't it?

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  okay, I'm about to post a forum based on destiny.  Thinking, thinking....

                  1. wilderness profile image95
                    wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Anything with lots and lots of dust.  Maybe with some ashes.  'Cause that's the destiny we all face...


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