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Did Mitt Romney Really Suggest That Iran Attack Chicago? (Update) Will He Still Suggest This in 2016?

Updated on June 4, 2019

2012 Loser of the year

We will see about this in 2016
We will see about this in 2016 | Source

The Secret Videotape?

From the secret videotaped at the fifty thousand dollar a plate fundraiser dinner for Mitt Romney said:

“If I were Iran, if I were Iran—a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, "Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb." I mean this is where we have—where America could be held up and blackmailed by Iran, by the mullahs, by crazy people. So we really don't have any option but to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon.”

These were the words of Willard 'Mitt' Romney at his fund raiser, (no poor folk allowed)

Doesn’t this really sounds like George W. Bush, who only wanted to go to war with Iraq?

Do you really think you count with Romney?

In the same video Romney alluded to the FACT that, he does not care about 47% of the American people. Is this the man who wants to be our President, at least for half of All Americans?

Is this the same man saying that, he does not care about US, The people who are not RICH enough to attend his fifty thousand dollar a plate fundraiser dinner? Does Romney think that seniors who are on MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY, or MEDICAID are only Democrats?

Do you know of any senior who has turned down or refused MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY, or MEDICAID if they have EARNED that service?

When (R) Ronald Regan tried to eliminate SOCIAL SECURITY and failed, he did put a tax on it!

If you are republican and think that Romney could not possible be talking about you!

  • Do you make less than two hundred and fifty thousand a year?
  • Are you out of work?
  • Are you retired and collecting social security?

THEN HE IS TALKING ABOUT YOU. You are not wealthy enough to be considered or represented by him. You are part of the 47% he can only show disdain for what he considers MOOCHERS, SLACKERS, TAX AVOIDERS.

He calls us tax avoiders, with his multi-millions in other countries to avoid paying taxes.

Does Romney know that you pay income tax on your SOCIAL SECURITY?

If you are part of the 47%, republican or democrat, do you count with Mitt Romney?

Congratulations if you helped get this person nominated! Do you deserve what he will do to you, if he buys the presidential seat? Do your friends and family deserve what he will do to them?

Mitt Romney On Obama Voters - A Mother Jones Video

Romney/ryan playing three card monte

Romney questioned on his criticizing Obama on Egypt attack

Update: Did Mr. Romney learn from his mistakes?

  • Did Mr. Romney learn from his mistakes?
  • Did he learn to keep his disdain for America's Poor and middle class, or anyone he considers less than himself, to himself?
  • Or will he at least search the wait staff for hidden video cameras?

Was it the fact that Romney placed little emphasize on foreign policy, or blaming President Obama for the bad economy. Or was it the implied notion that London was ill prepared to host the Olympic Games.

Paul Ryan did he learn from his own or Romney's mistakes?

Did Ann Romney find out that serving in the Military is not the same as going on Mormon Missions? Or does she still hold the belief they are one and the same?

What mistakes did Mr. Romney make?

From an e-book by Gabriel Schoenfeld, A Bad Day on the Romney Campaign.

Schoenfeld noted. "Later, the Romney campaign’s desire to pounce on the violence at the American facility in Benghazi, Libya — despite a self-imposed moratorium on political attacks during the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks — led to one of the campaign’s most visible political disasters. A hasty statement issued late in the night was factually incorrect, and it appeared nakedly political and opportunistic. It would provide President Obama’s campaign with cover from what otherwise might have been a severely damaging story."

How many contenders will there be?

What about Rand Paul? Do you know what this man stands for, or what he is against? Does he want to help Darrell Issa's eviscerate or privatize the United States Post Office.

What about Rubio and Cruz? They seem to be laying low with not much to say, except Cruz wants to abolish the IRS and every other government entity that would benefit the average American.

Paul Ryan Launches Campaign Theme of Lying About Everything?

From the Borowitz Report of August 30th 2012

Ryan Launches Campaign Theme of Lying About Everything, Posted by Andy Borowitz

Read more

Just remember if you don’t count with Romney and Ryan, why should either one count with you?

Will Mill Romney and Paul Ryan be Presidential Contenders in 2016? Are they, like trying to end Obama Care for the 40th time? They will just keep trying till they get it done?

Did Syria hear Romney's suggestion?

Did the Syrian dictator, who has affiliations with Iran, take Romney’s advice and attack his own people with sarin-gas, to provoke the United States President into striking them, so they can say that America started a war with Syria.

According to Face the Nation, on September 1, 2013, the United States has evidence the Assad regime’s attack on the Syria people (their own people) used chemical weapons and samples of blood and hair have tested positive for ‘sarin gas.’

John Kerry said “the credibility of the United States is on the line here and I believe that Congress will do the right thing."

President Obama needs to take the case to become involved in launching missile attacks against Syria to the Congress for approval. If the President were to launch missile attacks against Syria without their approval, would the republican Congress have grounds to impeach his for War Crimes? Is this why the President went to the Congress?

According to (CBS News) Washington, the President said: "After careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets," Mr. Obama said. "This would not be an open-ended intervention. We would not put boots on the ground. Instead, our action would be designed to be limited in duration and scope."

When GWB wanted to attack Iraq, claiming they had WMDs, all the while knowing they had NONT. And then it was proven they had NONE. The GWB made light of the whole Iraq war. Looking behind the drapes in the White House, pretending to be looking for WMDs, and knowing they were not there.

Is that having an impact on the U.S. Congress's indecision in regards to the Syrian Assad regime's attack on its people?

I just heard Rep. Janice Hahn (D) say that there are alternatives for the President to make, but could not think of one.

More Sources:

Face the Nation - News

CBS News

© 2012 Shyron E Shenko


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