Evolution: The Berkeley Gulp of Theories
"Oh why did I draw that silly chart in the first place!"
Some say Leaky got It wrong!
Some of my followers wanted me to write another fishing hub, so....
I am quite certain that this article will confuse the heck out the “Goggle Spiders” and they will be piddling all over themselves trying to figure out what kind of adds to place! For those who are not familiar with the term “Goggle Spiders,” I am referring to the software that Goggle uses to search out tag words so “they” will know what adds to place in the published hub. Now, for those who do not do much fishing, when I speak of Berkeley Gulp I am referring to a state-of-the art “artificial” bait designed by one of the most innovative fishing companies known to man! This company makes the claim that Berkeley Gulp even “out fishes live bait”! Well, it is pretty good...But I still prefer the real McCoy.
Okay, so the reason I state this is to illustrate a point I want to make about my view about the theory of evolution. The point is that evolution to me is a cleaver and convincing counterfeit to the real way that life have began on earth. Yes it is clever and convincing and yet, it is incorrect! It may be close, but it is no cigar! Before I continue, let me state that I am not opposed to science, for I feel that in the final analysis, science will point to God! I just do not agree fully with the conclusions that many scientist have come to.
The origianl "Big Bird"? Or original "Big Hoxes?"
The One True God Vs Father Time and Mother Nature
This is how I perceive the debate between the Creationist and Evolutionist; some of the Creationist are like a group of eight-year-old girls in pigtails while the Evolutionist are like eight-year-old boys with Denis the Minis haircuts, wearing spenders with slingshots hanging out of their back pockets. The Creationist are chanting “Na-Na-Na, Na, evolutionist worship Father Time and Mother Nature!” While the Evolutionist are shouting “no we don’t evolution is just a theory!” Even so, the evolutionist are now claiming that they have proven the Big Bang Theory and all that is left to do is figure out what caused the Big Bang in the first place.
But I say “not so fast” because before evolutionist can stick a fork in their beloved theory and call it done, they have to explain were time came from, unless time its self is the creator! For without massive amounts of time the whole theory sinks like the Titanic to the bottom of the sea! I just cannot buy that life is just a “happy accident” that was caused because of a bunch of lucky breaks happening though out the drawn out process of evolution!
Let us take the moon for example; the most popular theory is that a comet hit the earth at just the right angle and BAM instant moon! Then this happened time and time again with all the planets that are known to have moons! All I got to say is, all them comets must have been “holding their tongues right” to hit these planets “just so” time and time again! Well here is yet another theory, what if God has allowed men though science to start to discover some of the principles behind they way God chose to create the world? Also, what if Satan has been allowed to distort these principles and repackage them in a way that would appear to support the theory of evolution?
After all, Satanists believe strongly in evolution! They believe that men are slowly evolving to become gods themselves! To prove my point, I will quote the High Priest of The First Church of Satan John Alee. It is interesting to note, that Mr. Alee does not believe in the Big Bang, instead it was Order and Ciaos that started the whole evolutionary process! So here what this self-proclaimed High Priest has to say on the subject of evolution…. “The first cause is not an explosion like the so-called Big Bang but the emergence of Chaos and Order. Satan the male principle is Chaos personified. Babylon, the female principle, is Order personified”.
I guess it makes as much since as mater and anti mater smacking into each other! I also get a kick out of Babylon being considered the representation for Order! Were the heck did he get that idea? Is he saying that the spirit of Babylon existed at the very beginning of time? Yep, just as the Bible keeps harping on the evils of Babylon and uses it as metaphor for every form of depravity known to man, most Satanist use this ancient city as a metaphor for there own roots!
Now I think it would be fun to take a look at how the UFO buffs perceive evolution to support their concepts on how life began. For I think the argument is strong to say that there have been many who buy into “the aliens intervened with the evolution process to allow humans to evolve much quicker” perception have turned it into a form of religion. How I came to this conclusion is that these UFO enthusiast claim that humans were assisted by this advance race of extraterrestrial that must gotten help in their evolutionary advancement, or did God create them first? Speculation after speculation in both the “pure” evolutionist and the “alien assisted” evolution camp with no absolute conclusions being presented. By the way, the first camp, the “scientific” camp has a long history of fraud and miscalculations in the time line in which they built their theory! Oh but that is just plane human error and does not mean that their form of “educated guessing” is wrong (LOL)!
This therory has been debunked but I still like the video!
Is God an Evolutionist?
Now do these scientific minds have any theory on the purpose behind evolution and the end results of evolution? Or are they just making it up as they go along and hoping for the best? My opinion is that when you take a look at the history of the human race, there appears to be an unseen force guiding it and influencing the outcome of certain events.
Case in point, the race to create a weapon to end World War II, the atom bomb, when the whole concept of splitting the atom was first tested; there were many theories to what might happen as a result of the experiment. One possibility was that the whole atmosphere of planet earth would catch on fire! My theory is that the reason why this did not happen is that God was directing it from behind the scenes! He allowed these events to happen just the way they did! Of course the arrogance of man thinks that scenario is foolish for man has evolved to a point in which he does no longer need to acknowledge the existence of God!
In my last commentary on evolution I was criticized for the fact that I saw men as separate from the animals and that I should look at all life as being divine. This is of course is the view of pagans and those who worship nature. The natural world is amazing and yet, it has been flawed by sin entering the world. Only the one true God that created it is truly divine! I was also asked if I had something against apes and other primates since I refuse I believe that man evolved from them! That is just like asking me if I have something against primordial soup because I do not believe that was the way that life began! Primates are wonderful creatures but they are not my ancestors! Just like in the artificial lure Berkeley Gulp, it is close to real live bait but it is not and never will be live bait!
I keep on hearing how “scientific” evolution is and yet what it really is, is scientism! For when the Discovery Channel or National Geographic Channel say the world is so many million years old as if it is absolute is NOT TRUE SCIENCE! True science is when one will say, “as far as we can determine, we believe that earth is so many million years old". But that is not what these channels say they speak in absolute certainty! To stress this point, let us look at what the definition of scientismand the definition of science. There is, by the way quite a lot of difference between the two!
Science: “The study of the physical world and its manifestations, especially by using systematic observation and experiments.”
Scientism: "The belief that science alone can explain phenomena.”
In the definition of scientism two words stand out, belief and alone . It makes it sound like something beyond a theory, beyond “systematic observation and experiments.” Almost like it is something that is absolute or written in stone! The word scientism has nice ring to it, don’t you think? Maybe, it might even be a good name for a…. (Wait for it) A RELIGION!
How life is said to evolve is though a mutation of a species –but what is the cause of that mutation and what is it within a species that signals it to adapt? If you watch movies like The X Men the message that is conveyed is that humans will somehow mutate to a point that they will have super powers, but were is the evidence of this happening? Is this not another way of proclaiming that men will evolve to the point of being gods? In my commentary on my view that aliens and demons are one and the same, I speak of subliminal messages and subtle mind control that I believe is being promoted in our society.
Another concept that I want to present here as I hinted to in my Evolution of Evolution hub is that God Himself is an evolutionist! This means that he created the life on this planet to adapt to environmental changes. He allowed life to compensate for the fact that sin entered the world! In fact, His plan is that this corrupt world will be destroyed and once again a new and perfect world will take its place! So there it is, imperfect evolution that leads who knows were, versus God’s plan of salvation that leads to eternity with the one who designed us in the first place!
Here are some other hubs along the same line as this one!
- If Evolution Were True
This is a very funny thought provoking hub that I think every one should read! - I don't have enough faith to be an atheist
ATTENTION ATHEISTS and AGNOSTICS - open your minds, (for once) and induldge Frank Turek and his videos in entirety and then I'd love to hear you make your case for why it doesn't take faith to be an atheist. I DARE YOU!