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The Evolution of Evolution

Updated on September 21, 2018


In my  opinion Darwin was not evil, he was just wrong! (He makes a nice statue though)!
In my opinion Darwin was not evil, he was just wrong! (He makes a nice statue though)! | Source

And now a word from my sponcer...(Just kidding)!

Java Man-I do not know HOW the evolutionist figured out he liked COFFEE but they are the experts!

The suposed missing link...Hay if he is "missing" then why don't I see his peicture on some milk cartons?
The suposed missing link...Hay if he is "missing" then why don't I see his peicture on some milk cartons? | Source

Descent with Modification

Here I go with a subject that seems to be all the rage right now on Hubpages, Darwinism, evolution and Atheism. It should prove to be a fun ride, even wilder than my hub I wrote entitled “Adolph Hitler,Creationist or Darwinist?” Nether one of these articles would have been written if I did not read a hub by Magnolazz called “Why Hitler loved Darwin. Not that these subject have not crossed my mind as possible subjects to write about, they were just not priorities.

When I was sixteen years old, I started what I now call my “shaking my fist at God faze” that lasted up until about the year 2001. It was during that time that I was first introduced to the concepts of Evolution and Charles Darwin. Being very much into nature I was fascinated by this amazing scientist, for I found both South America and the Galapagos Islands as places I always fantasized about traveling to. Even in saying this, I was never able to wrap my mind around the theory of evolution. The reason why, was that I could not comprehend how something could come out of nothing! I know lot evolutionists out there are probably ready to scream at me, that it is more complicated than that. Yes this is true, for the concept of life evolving is by no means simple.

This fact alone was one of the reasons I had such a problem with the theory in the first place! There are just too many things that have to be right for life to happen the way that evolution claims that it has happened. This was a big dilemma for me, because I had also turned my back on Genesis’s account of creation. Nether beliefs made much sense to me which may explain why I started my involvement in the Occult and Shamanism. Even when I became a Satanist I was troubled by the words of Anton LayVay (the founder of the Church of Satan) who claimed that man created God and not the other way around.

This one simple statement took me on an exhausting search to achieve an understanding of just how man created God. Another way of putting it would be to say that I was obsessed with understanding how all these different cultures and religions throughout the history of civilization came to believe in God or gods. There were just too many similarities in the creation “myths” of different religions for there not to be a connection between them. I state this for I want to make it clear that I am not the kind of person who is comfortable in playing “follow the leader.” If I reach a certain conclusion on something, it was usually after turning over as many “stones” of information I could find.

Enough about me and my excessive compulsive tendencies; instead, let us go hut down that elusive animal known as “the truth!” Unfortunately, one man’s truth is another man’s lie; for no matter how clear one fact may be to one person, to another it absolute garbage! With this in mind, let us sneak back into the pass so we can spy on the very beginning of the concepts of evolution.

The seeds that sprouted into evolution did not begin with Darwin or other scientist of his time. It was instead a popular theory with Greeks that was eventually referred to as “Descent with Modification.” This concept is that the parents of any given species will transfer its traits to its offspring. Some of these Greek philosophers developed ideas that have comparable concepts to modern scientist. For example, Thales Mietus and one of his students Anximander, considered a philosophy that all life evolved from the ocean. Anximander even claimed that men morphed from fish into men who lost there scales once they came onto land. Then a man named Emedocles (493-435 BC) was even known as the “father of evolutionary naturalism.” When you think about it, even the perspective of reincarnation could be considered “spiritual evolution” that claims that one can become God like after “eons” of lifetimes.

I now want to jump ahead to the late 1700’s and 1800’s when there was an increase in scientist considering the view of evolution. Two of the most notable were Carolus Linnaeus a Swedish Botanist who wrote 180 books! He was a Christian and Creationist who is said to have been perplexed by the fact that he could create hybrids by cross- pollination. Another important influence in the developing of theories was Emanuese Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin. This man was a physician and an armature scientist who wrote an obscure publication known as the Laws of Organic Life (1794-1796). Being a man who had doubts about the truth behind the views of Creationist, Emanuese may have had strong influence on his grandson forming his own theories.

I will not spend a lot of time and space in this writing about Charles Darwin, for there have been some great hubs already written on this man. This instead is an overview of his life and his conclusions. Like I stated earlier, Darwin journey on the H.M.S. Beagle inspired the insights that would supply the information for him to write The Origin of Species. This event set things in motion for him to become a major influence in the world of Science. It is interesting to note, that there are other key players in Darwin coming up with his theories. One of these men was Thomas Matlthus who Darwin had this to say about his work:

"In October 1838, that is, fifteen months after I had begun my systematic inquiry, I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population , and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on from long- continued observation of the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances favorable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The results of this would be the formation of a new species. Here, then I had at last got a theory by which to work". Charles Darwin, from his autobiography. (1876)

Matlthus believed that poverty and famine were a natural occurrence designed to control over population. However, he also felt that God allowed these disasters to happen to prevent humans from becoming lazy. Another major influence was Alfred Russe Wallace who wrote a paper entitled: On the Tendency of Variations to Depart indefinitely from the Original Type.” This man was a Naturalist who worked in Malaysia and wrote the paper while hallucinating from a fever induced by Malaria. This was intimidating to Darwin who had spent twenty years coming up with comparable conclusions. In the end, both scientists were awarded equal credit. Darwin’s paper On Origin Of Species spawned the book The Origin of Species that was published in November 24, 1859. The conclusions in the book are as follows:

  • ·Natural Selection ultimately produces evolution
  • ·The vast variety of living creatures are a natural outgrowth of the vast ways to live within the environment, or niches that organisms can occupy.
  • ·A species ability to adapt is the essence of evolution.

Because of Darwin’s early days as a Christian and the fact that his wife remained a Christian until her death, there were rumors spread that he recanted his beliefs and returned to Christianity shortly before his own death. These rumors has been spread in part because of the accounts of a woman know as Lady Hope. Even though there became evidence that there was indeed a woman that went by the name of Lady Hope who may have even visited Charles Darwin towards the end of his life, there is no proof that Darwin recanted his views. In fact, in the website Christ Apologetics and Research the President and Founder of this organization Matt Slick makes the following statement concerning Lady Hope’s account:

“We would have liked to conclude that, on balance, her account is truthful, but there is also much against it, and we cannot come to a firm conclusion either way. Whichever side is right, it leaves unanswered questions on the other side. We have presented the evidence for and against, and must leave the reader to decide. No doubt, as ever, the prejudices and bias with which each one comes to this controversy may have already predetermined the result of their conclusions.”

Even Darwin’s wife denied these accusations, so I doubt that this was the case. After all, the fact that she was a Christine would make you think if it was true she would have said so. I also want to say that I am amazed by those who viewed Darwin as evil for coming up with the hypothesis that he other scientist reached. This is like saying that Einstein was evil for his work with nuclear energy. This man spent his life analyzing and observing nature. He did not come to a conclusion until he investigated it as extensively as possible. Personally I admire the man for his courage in going in the direction he felt the evidence pointed. I disagree with his overall findings and yet, I also disagree that creation has not gone through a form of transformation to adept to life though God’s will. It was no accident; it was the way God allowed it to happen!

The Eighth wonder of The World? OR just a extinct type of Lemur?

Oh how the mighty have fallen...once , not that long ago, the media and some over excitable scients claim THIS was "THE" missing link and yet, new evidance has shown....
Oh how the mighty have fallen...once , not that long ago, the media and some over excitable scients claim THIS was "THE" missing link and yet, new evidance has shown....

Living Lemurs

"Ida's' great, great,great,great,great,great,grandchild!
"Ida's' great, great,great,great,great,great,grandchild!

Another look at this find going beyound all the hype.

Playing footsy with the Dinosours!

Creationest say these are reall and evolution say "bullsnot!" so around and around it goes were it  will stop GOD only knows!
Creationest say these are reall and evolution say "bullsnot!" so around and around it goes were it will stop GOD only knows!

Personaly I never wanted to date a carbon, but to each thier own!

The Oldest Human Teeth in the World?

This throws a "boner" into past  theories  that the oldest living humans came from Africa! Oh no, they have to rewrite the textbooks AGAIN!
This throws a "boner" into past theories that the oldest living humans came from Africa! Oh no, they have to rewrite the textbooks AGAIN!

Here a hoax, there a Hoax, Everywere a Hoax!

Okay, now let’s go study the evidence supporting evolution OR creation. This part of my research has been so frustrating because both sides of the argument about how life begun seem to love to accuse each other of producing hoaxes! On one hand you got your absolute frauds that both sides agree are frauds like Piltdown man that was considered the real McCoy for 41 years! Then in 1921, the Nebraska Man was created out of”the evidence” of a single tooth. Until that is, six years later when more bones were discovered and found to be an extinct American wild pig! Then, what some consider some of the best argument for the missing link, Java man who was discovered 1891 by Eugene Dubois. He was determined to prove Darwin’s theories and sure enough, after extensive searching though the caves in Indonesia, he found a skull cap, three teeth and femur bone. In fact one was that of an Orangutan.

After this there was the Orce Man, which was only a skull fragment, discovered in 1982 in a small town in Spain that may have even been a skull of a 4 month old donkey! Scientist however, quickly point out that a fragment of a skull that small would be hard to determine its origin. Then why would they rush to the conclusion that it was an important find in the first place? Maybe it is the product of my cynical mind that finds amusement from the fact that BOTH EVOLUTIONIST AND CREATIONIST LOVE to spin the facts in what ever way that fits there agenda! Then there is the group that believes that the “proof” points to us humans being the science experiment of “bug eyed aliens” who are shouting as loud as they can “YOU ARE BOTH WRONG!”

Even with “Ida” that created such media hype with all the special features scientists have been looking for to “link” it all together, there are indications of exaggerations and jumping to conclusions. What I am referring to is the latest “so called” missing link. This is a fossil of a lemur-like primate that was at first was thought to satisfy the quest for that oh so elusive piece to the evolutionary puzzle. The scientific classification that was given it was Darwinius masillae (to honor Darwin) . This prize fossil was unearthed by an amateur fossil hunter in a swamp, known as the Messel Pit right outside of Frankfurt Germany.

This lucky hobbyist kept his find under-wraps for twenty six years and this specimen was finally sold for one million dollars. It was first hailed as “the eighth wonder of the world“however, it may end up falling in ranks and many scientist believe that it is not even an ancestor to the “higher primates” (like monkeys, apes and humans, at least as far as evolutionist are concerned). The reason for this possible change in status is that a long lost relative of Ida has just recently been discovered. This fossil was found in Egypt and has been given the scientific name Afradapis longicristatus. The team that discovered this fossil was lead by Dr. Erik Sciffert who is connected to Stony Brook University.

Another palaeoanthropologist Christopher Beard, who hails from Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who was not involved in either research team, (the ones who claim she is the missing link or those who say she is from another “branch” of evolution) makes this statement: "Ida is as far away from the human lineage as you can get and still be considered a primate.” Personally I feel the whole debate about what classification “Ida” or any other fossil belongs with is both healthy and important aspect of science. I am glad to see that even evolutionist scientist have different opinions on this subject and it is not just the Intelligent Design group and the evolutionist who are at odds.

Now I would like to observe yet another type of fossil evidence. This is the “so called” discovery of human and dinosaur prints that has been debated or down right dismissed as fraud. It started in Paluxy River Texas, after an event called “The Great Flood of 1908” by the locals. This event was said to expose not only the prints of dinosaurs but also large human footprints. There has been evidence that some of the “human foot prints” that were sold during the 1930’s were carved and yet, there are many more of these human looking footprints that are right among the obviously three-toed dinosaur prints. Over the years more and of these possible human tracks have been reported even as late as 1982, when it was finally decide that all of the prints were in fact dinosaur tracks that has just been eroded to the point that they appeared to be large human tracks.

However, this is not the only place that claims are made that dinosaur tracks have been found in along with human tracks. In fact there are much more evidence that threatens the conclusions evolutionist have reached. Here is just a fraction of the evidence evolution chose to ignore:

  • Human and dinosaurs tracks claimed to be found in area known as Turkmenistan (within the territory of the old USSR and was reported in 1983 in Moscow News (No. 24, page 10). Even so, there seems to be a lack of photographic evidence.
  • Similar claims have been made for British Columbia in place known as Cretaceous Drunuegan Formation. The pictures I have seen have been some what vague…so I can see why this has been disputed.
  • Claim of tracks in Tuba City Arizona (I will supply links)
  • In 1990 a Tyrannosaurus Rex was found in the U.S. and was being moved to Montana State University. One of the leg bones had to be moved by helicopter, and to reduce the weight it was cut into two pieces. The bone was still largely hollow and not filled up with minerals as is usual. Scientists used chemicals to dissolve the bony matrix, revealing the soft tissue still present. Inside they discovered the remains of red blood cells--something that should be impossible if the bone was millions of years old. Paleontologist Mary Schweitzer, who made the discovery in Montana, exclaimed: "Finding these tissues in dinosaurs changes the way we think about fossilization, because our theories of how fossils are preserved don't allow for this."
  • Skeletons of ten perfectly modern humans have been excavated from fifty eight feet down in the Dakota Sandstone, over an area spanning about 50 by 100 feet. This formation is a member of the Lower Cretaceous, supposedly 140 million years old. It is known for its dinosaurs and is the same formation found at Dinosaur National Monument. At least four of the ten individuals are female. One is an infant. Some of the bones are articulated. Some are not, appearing to have been washed into place. No obvious tools or artefacts were found associated with the bones. The bulldozer driver who uncovered the first bones in 1971 expresses certainty that there were no tunnels or cracks in the extremely hard overlying layers of rock. The bones are partially replaced with malachite (a green mineral) and turquoise, thus appropriately named "Malachite Man".

Then you have conflicting information concerning the fossil record. For example, the Coelacanth that was originally considered the missing link between fish and amphibian until it was found alive and well in 1938. In fact the latest one was caught in 1998 in Indonesia. It so sad that the evolutionist had to loose one of there “prim examples” of evolution that was once considered an “index” fossil which means that it would define a certain geological period in evolution.

Here is the latest news flash that will once again send evolution scurrying “back to the drawing board” for there is now a discovery of human teeth in a cave in Israel that is claimed to be 400,000 years old! If this is proven it will make it to where the text book will haft to be rewritten once again! Not only does this question the school of thought that says that human life originated in Africa, it also throws off the whole concept of how man evolved. The reason why I say this is that these teeth appear MODERN! No, not something appearing like “Lucy” and other and some of the other “ancestors” of man. This starts to make one wonder if the forms of reaching conclusions on the dates of fossils are even correct. Maybe we should take another look at the way that we date fossils in the first place. For more precise information on this, watch the video I have provided

Yes it is true, that I do not agree with the overall all premise of evolution and yet, I think a lot of Creationist over look an important fact that happened because of sin. This is that predators must have gone though a metamorphosis to allow them to be meat eaters! The reason I say this is that before sin there was no death so predators could not have possible have eaten meat. However, they are designed to eat meat! In fact, God makes it clear though statements in the Bible, that there will come a time when predators will once again become vegetarian. I bring this up for I believe that God permitted animals to adapt so they could survive in a world which had become corrupted. In fact there are hints in Genesis that suggest that animals must have been greatly affected by the actions of sin.

While I was doing my research for this article, I found an interesting individual that inspired me with some of his concepts. This was Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher the late 1700’s who ventured off into several subject regarding the abilities of the mind and reason. I have found some of his views quite deep and at times hard to grasp. However, he made a couple comments that I found absolutely brilliant which I would like to share with you before I move on. “Act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world” or “All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason .”

It is with that concept of reason that I want to make the theme of this writing. Because the truth is that I have no desire to attack another’s chosen belief. That is not why I write, I write to empress ideas and to listen and absorb the views of other writers. For this to me is true evolution, the evolution of the heart, the evolution of the intellect. Remember that even God talked about reasoning with people in the book of Isaiah, chapter: 18. "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” This may appear like I am drifting off subject a little here and yet; even God seeks a certain form of evolution or transformation with man to allow his spirit to abide in man. He seeks a personal relationship with us to be transformed into beings that can become immortal just like he is!

Two of many dinosuar drawings/carvings which makes you wonder...

If dinosaurs went belly-up as long ago as evolutionist say they did , then why all of the neat dino pics though out the world?
If dinosaurs went belly-up as long ago as evolutionist say they did , then why all of the neat dino pics though out the world?
This pic is from a temple in Cabodia that looks a lot like a dino to me!
This pic is from a temple in Cabodia that looks a lot like a dino to me!

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