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Mormons in California Called to Defend Marriage by Top LDS Leaders

Updated on September 9, 2015

Marriage is Only Between a Man and a Woman

In traditional marriage the symbol of the ring - a circle - represents a relationship that is Eternal - which can continue beyond this life - as an eternal family unit which goes on and on...
In traditional marriage the symbol of the ring - a circle - represents a relationship that is Eternal - which can continue beyond this life - as an eternal family unit which goes on and on...

Mormon Leaders by Letter - To Address California Members In The Defense of Traditional Marriage.

Frankly, it is hard to believe that we are living in a day, where there is an imperative need to declare the definition of marriage, which by the way - is only between a man and a woman. We not only need to teach the definition of marriage, but we must also defend marriage. It is not only Mormons that believe that traditional marriage is only between a man and a woman, but also millions of Californians feel the very same way.

In fact, local citizens went so far as to take this issue to the voice of the people in California, to ensure that the only definition of marriage - be upheld in the state of California. Proposition 22 was approved by citizens in the state of California, by a 61-39% vote in 2000.

Since then, opponents of Prop. 22 have worked vigorously to ignore the voice of the people, and have now overturned the ban on gay-marriage in California. In an outrageous move by the California State Supreme Court, a 4-3 vote was taken - and that which was legitimately won, through the proper use of due process - has been rejected by a handful, who have abused their authority. As of now, same-sex marriage is considered legal in the state of California.

Deseret News

LDS Church officials are urging California Mormons to "do all you can" to support a state constitutional amendment to recognize only marriages between a man and a woman.

The call to action came from the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a letter that is scheduled to be read to local California congregations, church spokesman Scott Trotter said.

"The church's teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal," the letter reads. "Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the creator's plan for his children.

"Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage."

Mormons in California Rally to Defend that Marriage is Only Between a Man and a Woman

In what continues to be a very passionate battle between morals -- citizens in California responded quickly, by easily collecting more than enough signatures, to have placed on the ballot in November, a proposed amendment which would finally end the war and declare marriage to be only between a man and a woman in the state of California - once and for all.

There are many, who feel that those who defend traditional marriage, are simply religious bigots, who do not want others to be happy. I must say, that there could be nothing further from the truth. Those who stand up and defend the traditional institute of marriage, are not advocating unhappiness or inequality to any other citizen of the U.S.

Defending Marriage is a Very Faith-Based Cause Which Has Strong Merit.

What we are defending, is that the only definition of marriage be upheld in the land. Any persons who meet the qualifications for marriage, are welcome to join in this bond -- absolutely no exceptions. In this sense, upholding the only definition of marriage is most certainly about equal rights. Equal rights for those who qualify legitimately. Changing the definition of marriage, by a relatively small sect of society - is not the way to achieve equal rights for two people who do not meet the long-held standards, meaning, reasons and qualifications -- for what constitutes a marriage.

I am convinced, that this aggressive rhetoric is being used, to silence good people from having their opinions considered legitimate. There is a strong movement currently, to silence all those whose opinions are faith-based, as being meaningless and not legitimate voices in the cause to defend traditional marriage. This, because that which is seen as faith-based and religious, come from personal beliefs, which are not considered valuable opinions, by those who oppose them and live contrary lives.

The Bible teaches that it is a sin before God to commit adultery. Christians honor the teachings of the Bible, as the word of God.

  • Thou shalt not commit adultery.

  • What is adultery?

The dictionary gives us this definition -

adultery - voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse : she was committing adultery with a much younger man.

ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from the obsolete noun adulter, from Latin adulter ‘adulterer,’ replacing an earlier form avoutrie, from Old French avouterie, likewise based on Latin adulter.

Proposition 8 in plain english

Marriage Is Clearly Between Only A Man and A Woman - and Perpetuates the Family Relationship and Core Unit in Society.

Research for the definition of the word adultery, goes back as far as the late 15th century. Notice that there is clarity in the relationship of marriage being between only a man or a woman.

This clarity, that opponents to the definition of what marriage is and what marriage was always meant to be, attempt to disclaim any relationship ever being determined, as to whom marriage was and is only between.... that being a man and a woman.

But the facts are, that this - until only the last few decades was never even questioned. When the Constitution for the State of California was compiled, there was never even a hint, that the true and only definition for the institution of marriage, would ever be challenged, let alone need to be defended.

We must also appreciate the dictionary, which is not a religious volume - on the definition of marriage.


1 the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

It is Not Possible to Re-define What Marriage IS - No Matter How It is Written.

(Now, look what has recently been added to elongate and attempt to change this definition of marriage , to reflect a few, in society today...)

• a similar long-term relationship between partners of the same sex. (italics added)

(Do you like the word similar? It is apparent, that similar is not the same, no matter how hard some may want it to be. There is only one definition of marriage)

• a relationship between married people or the period for which it lasts : a happy marriage | the children from his first marriage. (oops, they should have removed this natural reference of marriage to children)

• figurative a combination or mixture of two or more elements : a marriage of jazz, pop, blues, and gospel.

2 (in pinochle and other card games) a combination of a king and queen of the same suit.


by marriage as a result of a marriage : a distant cousin by marriage.

in marriage as husband or wife : he asked my father for my hand in marriage.

marriage of convenience a marriage concluded to achieve a practical purpose.

ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French mariage, from marier ‘marry.’

The Institution of Marriage is at the very heart of our society, and has been for millenia. It is because of this bedrock Institution of Marriage, that the family is perpetuated generationally. The family is the basic unit of society. When the natural and traditional origin of families are diluted - this basic unit of society begins to weaken and ultimately may fail the original intention. When the family is broken - society becomes broken. Confusion perpetuates utter chaos.

Reliability of Studies on Same-Sex or Homosexual Parenting in Question?

It is routinely asserted in courts, journals and the media that it makes "no difference" whether a child has a mother and a father, two fathers, or two mothers. Reference is often made to social-scientific studies that are claimed to have "demonstrated" this. An objective analysis, however, demonstrates that there is no basis for this assertion.

The studies on which such claims are based are all gravely deficient.

Robert Lerner, Ph.D., and Althea Nagai, Ph.D., professionals in the field of quantitative analysis, evaluated 49 empirical studies on same-sex (or homosexual) parenting.

The evaluation looks at how each study carries out six key research tasks: (1) formulating a hypothesis and research design; (2) controlling for unrelated effects; (3) measuring concepts (bias, reliability and validity); (4) sampling; (5) statistical testing; and (6) addressing the problem of false negatives (statistical power).

Some major problems uncovered in the studies include the following:

Unclear hypotheses and research designs

Missing or inadequate comparison groups

Self-constructed, unreliable and invalid measurements

Non-random samples, including participants who recruit other participants

Samples too small to yield meaningful results

Missing or inadequate statistical analysis

Marriage Law Project, Washington, D.C.

Through Marriage Comes The Birthright of Every Child - to Be Raised by Both a Father and a Mother.

Many opponents to marriage, who want to redefine marriage, so that they might legitimize a relationship that is not considered mainstream, even today -- and call it "marriage", just don't seem to be willing to honor the majority in society - as to what marriage is meant to Be, and ultimately accomplish... and is also, the very best way to do so.

Marriage is more than just the legal joining of two adults, independent of any other persons. No, family and family relations, is what marriage is all about. For most Christians, and those who are also Mormons - the coming together of a man and a woman in the bonds of the marriage covenant, is to ultimately raise up a family together... and in the way we believe God intended.

Who can argue, that the natural and traditional family - regardless of problems, death, divorce, etc.. is not the absolute optimum way to bring up a child. As a society, we have a responsibility at large - to ensure this for all children -- who do not have a voice.

That is not to say, that individuals who practice homosexuality cannot and would not make good parents. What is being defended, is the fact that the optimum circumstance for the bringing up and raising of children is through the bonds of traditional marriage. It is the natural birthright of every child to have both a father and a mother. Although not every child has this advantage in life, and not every husband and wife union is perfect -- nevertheless -- this is the birthright and natural organization of the family, which should be strived for - on behalf of every child.

Marriage in California is Only Between a Man and a Woman - Now An Amendment is Necessary to Ensure The Only Definition of Marriage.

Californians have another opportunity to have their voices heard on the issue of marriage and ensuring the definition of traditional marriage.
Californians have another opportunity to have their voices heard on the issue of marriage and ensuring the definition of traditional marriage.

Mormon Leaders Send Letter To Encourage California Members To Defend Marriage.

Those with faith-based opinions, feel very strongly that the organization of the natural and traditional family, which is the product of a marriage only between a man and a woman - is ordained of God.

Those who have a belief in God, consider the teachings of the Bible to be as legitimate as any scientific discoveries or philosophies of man -- for acquiring knowledge about the family of God. Those who are Christian and claim belief in the Bible - are bound by these teachings, and live their lives accordingly. The teachings and understandings of the Bible are not trendy and do not change. They are not opinion based. The definition of marriage will never change, for those who believe deeply that from the beginning of time - God has determined what marriage is, because it is His plan for the eternal happiness of His children.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, from the very top - are issuing a letter which will be read in local units of the Church in California.This letter, which is coming from the First Presidency of the Church - will urge members in the State of California to "do all you can", to ensure that the proposed amendment to the Constitution of California, on the November ballot - is passed.

"The church's teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal," the letter reads.

"Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the creator's plan for his children.

"Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage."

Mormons and Political Neutrality - Official Statement.

"The Church’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, not to elect politicians. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is neutral in matters of party politics. This applies in all of the many nations in which it is established."

The Church does not:

  • Endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms.
  • Allow its church buildings, membership lists or other resources to be used for partisan political purposes.
  • Attempt to direct its members as to which candidate or party they should give their votes to. This policy applies whether or not a candidate for office is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader.

The Church does:

  • Encourage its members to play a role as responsible citizens in their communities, including becoming informed about issues and voting in elections.
  • Expect its members to engage in the political process in an informed and civil manner, respecting the fact that members of the Church come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and may have differences of opinion in partisan political matters.
  • Request candidates for office not to imply that their candidacy or platforms are endorsed by the Church.
  • Reserve the right as an institution to address, in a nonpartisan way, issues that it believes have significant community or moral consequences or that directly affect the interests of the Church.

Citizens Who Have Faith-Based Opinions - Have Just As Much A Right To Speak Up In Regards To Moral Issues - As Any Other United States Citizen.

Many are criticizing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and other faith-based organizations who are rallying together to defend marriage in California. Some believe that religious entities, should have no input in political matters.

For these Churches - this goes beyond the political arena of running a Country -- this is defending the very fabric of the Nation, and ultimately society, etc... and is a deeply moral issue. This issue of morality, is at the very foundation of the teachings of the Bible for all Christians. When decisions made in the political arena could have deep impact on the ability of Churches to maintain their positions of moral rights and wrongs - lest they be potentially penalized - "Houston, we've got a big big problem"!

This is exactly the point, where the LDS Church has decided to speak out on this issue - along with many other Faiths who hold similar beliefs, values and teachings.

So, as much as those who perpetuate same-sex relationships to be legal and also insist on calling them "marriage" -- morally - there is no similarities. The laws may legalize, but morality must penalize.

There is no alternative available for the definition of Marriage -- only divisiveness if this is forced. As a society, we are much better off building than tearing down. The possibilities to build, have a much greater potential for finding solutions that we can all live with. That is, if solutions are what the majority are looking for, and not division.

I hope, that in some small way - those who do not understand the position of those, whose opinions are considered faith-based - are brought a bit closer to accepting, that it is not our intention to judge or criticize, but to have that which is holy and sacred as explained - remain so.

Live as you choose - but please understand, that we desire to do the same within the bonds of marriage, which as defined - is ordained of God for the progression of families...



Defend Marriage Against Courts Forcing Same-Sex Marriage on California Voters

LdsNana-AskMormon Acknowledgements and Request...

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Identical Twin Brothers: One Gay - One Straight - A Dialogue About Same-Sex Marriage and Prop 8


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