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Corporate Greed vs Government Waste

Updated on April 22, 2015

Two Paths

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There are two forces that are the basis for the disappearing middle class.

1- Corporate Greed (including wall street)

2- Government Waste ( nothing more than wall streets partner)

Those who support the left politically are concerned with corporate greed through monopolies and the exploitation of the human work force and our planet. This is a real threat to the working middle class. The BP oil spill is a most recent example but the monopoly found in the agriculture industry and the exploitation of workers in sweat shops to bring the Walmart style low prices is another.

Those who support the right politically are concerned with big government control and the many ridiculous programs that do little if anything at all to make the world a better place. This too is a real threat the the working middle class. So many tax dollars wasted. Greed and favoritism play a part here too through bailouts and only a select few being awarded government contracts. Click here to view the best Gif ever that shows government programs at work.

Get money out of politics.

Saving the Middle Class should be our first and foremost priority. As I said in a previous hub, it is the Middle Class that provides the bulk of the labor force as well as pay the bulk in tax dollars. See Middle Class to ZERO!

It is the middle class that is the most educated and skilled. As the middle class shrinks, more unskilled and uneducated workers will become part of the poor. Two resulting problems are increased. Corporate greed and government waste both flourish. Fighting life being poor is tough on everyone, not just the poor. With more poor people, there will be an increase of a screaming population, screaming for more useless government hand outs and screaming for more cheap goods

With a shrinking middle class, corporate greed and government waste will both continue to flourish. Notice when that happens, sweat shop goods become more in demand and more government hand out programs are designed to help the poor. Taxes WILL rise to keep up the hand outs or bailouts going, plus many good paying jobs will be lost to slave labor off shore.

The middle class must fight for the balance. We can no longer be left or right politically but rather we need to be united on the main issues that are destroying the middle class. We need to

First- understand the two problems that need resolved in order to save the middle class lifestyle.

Second- we need to fight to keep the middle class alive and well.

Government should govern and not be so much involved with our social issues. Many social issues would be better dealt with through community service clubs and the like where waste is minimal. Corporations have to realize they have a responsibility to improve the planet and the people of the planet too.

The power money can have to the super rich and also to Big Government, are the two main concerns. I believe that the working middle class has to fight both Greed/Power tripping corporate monopolies, as well as HUGE/Wasteful Government.

On the backs of the working middle class the giant companies climb.... and on the backs of the working middle class wasteful Governments ride.

Crises of Capitalism - Paradigm Shift is Required NOW!

Nick Hanauer on His Banned TED Talk & Why the Middle Class are the Job Creators

It is a privilege to live in a country where you are free to think, have the right to build a business of your choice or choose a career working for someone else. That privilege is being spoiled by extremist on both sides. Extremism from both sides is where hate breeds. In the middle there is no hate. In the middle there is both reason and gratitude!

Rich or poor financially, true wealth is found when you find gratitude and inner peace! With the noise extremists make on both sides we seem to have lost touch with gratitude and thus inner peace is harder to obtain.

The quote "Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" should always be our motto to remain true to improving life. Pioneering the new economy is not the leaders responsibility, nor is it the owners of large corporations. The responsibility is ours. The buck stops with us. We in the middle have to unite, fight both the extreme right and the extreme left. We have to Save the Middle Class before it is too late!

"Someday soon, achieving freedom of mind, body, spirit and physical space will no longer be at the expense of others... we will celebrate and cherish life and our humanity by participating in acts of kindness, partnership and problem solving ...truly a brotherhood and sisterhood of humankind.. we are the miracle..we are the gift.. we are the ones we have been waiting for." see Middle Class To Zero

Another Positive Approach to change see - Economic Shift... Or?

Thoughts create - see the 9 differences between the super wealthy and the poor.

if you don't like the rules the stupid current rule makers of the world have us sheep following... please JUST SAY NO and read this Hub By Gareth Pritchard

Neil Sperling

Port Dover, Ontario Canada.

Hard makin Money.... the Joys


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