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Political campaigning - using religion and social issues to confuse the voters

Updated on March 12, 2016

Politicians: what they present to the public and their true shadows.


A house divided

Political pandering is the norm these days.

Believe nothing you hear, and little of what you see.

Politicians continue using social issues such as the blurred lines between the separation of church and state, and other controversial social issues by promoting hatred and distrust within the voting population.

When people vote based on party affiliation, or on one particular issue, we all lose to some degree or another.

Abraham Lincoln quote of 1858: A house divided against itself cannot stand".

The role of Corporate America and religion in politics (and their place in our society) both are guilty of the same thing.

They both demand representation without taxation.

And they dare to call the poor, the needy, the middle class and senior citizens 'cling-ons', entitlement seekers, drains on our tax money, and other unsavory names.

To clarify the position of the writer: The writer is not an atheist in the sense of NOT believing in beings far more superior to the combined intelligence of all of the smartest individuals on this planet.

As a logical conclusion: It is estimated that there are more than 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) stars (what we call suns) in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. The estimated numbers of galaxies in the entire Universe dwarf the number of suns (stars) in our small galaxy.

Scientists now estimate that there is at least one planet around each sun in our own galaxy capable of sustaining human life.

These numbers are staggeringly astronomical; and their relevance to this article is only to show just how small, insignificant, and irrelevant the planet Earth is in the entire Universe.

With that explanation being said, our fanatic, fascination, obsession, attraction, addiction to religion is unrealistic and quite immaterial, at best. It is merely a source of irritation - a thorn in the foot of civilization that is crippling progress and interfering with education, knowledge and advancement into a future of exploration, beauty, pleasure, personal freedoms, love, brotherhood and equal opportunity for all of mankind alike.

The role of Religion in today's society

Religion itself, in our world today is:

  • superfluous (exceeding what is necessary);
  • a superfecundation (excessive fertilization by, and of, any living species);
  • and a recurrent superinfection in an already "sick" world.
  • This use of 'super' prefix is to superimpose the reality of the political intent to bemuse, bewilder, befuddle and bamboozle the banausic base's considerations of their mundane dreams of promises of comfort, satisfaction and durability of their basic needs, as some may actually believe plausible for all people.
  • This is supersized bunk - all smoke and mirrors and without substance .

Those who relish in using this odd phenomenon as a tool to inflict harm onto others are nothing short of charlatans and sadists who simply enjoy their ability to cause this plangency on others - just because they can; by law.

(plangent: having a loud reverberating sound; having an expressive and especially plaintive quality) (plaintive: expressive of suffering and woe).

Politicians have learned the art of plangency by using the base mentality of religion to "rile up the base of society", as they call it. It is only as effective as the intelligence of the people that adhere to such nonsense. And a guess at the estimate of such people is that those numbers are dwindling as each generation passes.

And in this respect the word 'base" is NOT meant to mean the "foundation" of our society; but rather as being something low, vile, mean, and deserving of the absence of higher value.

"Base" stresses the "ignoble": (of low birth, common origin, characterized by baseness, lowness, or meanness) as viewed politically and may suggest cruelty, treachery, greed or grossness, as "basic motives" that connote crafty, cunning, vulgarity, or immorality; and regularly implies an outraging of one's sense of twisted decency. (websters)

The strongest of the synonymous meanings of the word base being vile; or suggesting disgusting depravity or filth.

So the use of the term "motivating their base" in politics is definitely NOT a compliment. It is the same mentality as "muddying up the waters" concept - swirl a stick around the bottom of clear waters to stir up the silt that obscures a clear view of their true intentions.

Expect more 'muddying of waters' over the next several months and every future election to come, via their use (exploitation) of religion, women's rights, the gay community, threats of war, threats of terrorism, and an endless list of other negatives in their arsenals.

So my "base constituents" (of any party) beware, and be aware, of just how we are being used by those political rascals.

When it comes to political promises Believe nothing you will hear, and less than half of what you will see.

Be wary of the advertisements telling us to vote for any one particular issue such as the denial of global warming, condemnation of all abortions, human rights and equal rights for only the select few, the lies of the NRA, and to continue exploiting our planet for profits that lead to the dissemination of our planet by big oil and coal corporations, and more....

by d.william 04/05/12. Updated 03/12/16

Separation of church and state

We Are but a Micro Dot Spot of Hatred, Bigotry and Intolerance in the Great Universal Cosmos, Suspended in Nothingness, Somewhere in Time and Space.

Mitt Romney - The Serial Killer? Yes, my friends the Supreme Court has said so !!

© 2012 d.william


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