Samson Types World End
The Adam and Eve metaphor has Eve being the cause the “sons of god’s” loss their sonship and reveals the pillars of civilization are good and evil. The story of Samson reveals the Philistines’ temple was destroyed by Samson’s leaning against the two pillars upon which it sat and together they represent civilization’s destruction.
Genesis 49:1 & 8-12 reveals the last world-ruling nation is a young lion and offspring of another, many nations say lions are the kings of beast and that passage reveals that is where the messiah comes to terminate the world. Samson’s killing a young lion with nothing in his hands suggests that by only revealing the truth does the messiah kill the young nation and, because bees made honey in its carcass, out of it’s destroyed landmass comes honey representing the divine way of life, together they reveals civilization’s termination.
Semiology Explained
The introduction alone should be enough to reveal Samson, a judge, who judges the world worthy of destruction in the last days. When we read Revelation Chapter Twelve we see the son of man is to rule the world with a rod of Iron known as the United States’ Constitution and is how Samson's having nothing in the his hands translates to the nation’s destruction. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword suggests his interpretation of the governors’ error of having two unconstitutional political parties he destroys bring about its destruction.
In interpreting the Genesis 49:8-12 passage the young lion walks on the laws it imposes on the world meaning he forces, by being the world’s strongest military, the other nations to do what it is not doing. When the messiah, Samson types, comes he reveals the lion misconduct by interpreting its supreme law against the nation's divisions. Thus, he writes allowing the world to see just how their being afraid hood winked them into submission causes them to turn their backs on the US as their governor making it just another nations they have no reason to be afraid of.
Honey was produced in the lion’s carcass. That carcass is recognized as Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abomination Of The Earth or Judah the lion who becomes the Abomination of Desolation by her multitude of different weapons being used to destroy her out of whence the lion of the tribe of Judah comes and the safe heaven, Armageddon, is built. Her own weapons will be used on her doubled (Rev. 18:4) of the weapons she used in the foreign wars fought because of the treasonous acts she caused herself. It happens prior to the other world-ending nations' destructions and where Armageddon protects the Wise Virgins or those chosen to survive the world’s end the honey represents. Remember the virgin’s child ate butter, symbolizing evil, and honey, representing good, before he and everyone left in the land, the chosen, refuse evil after the land that thou abhorrest [death is ] forsaken of both her kings [god and devil] by them.
Samson Slays the Young Lion
The Rod and Branch messiahs' prophecy reveals the branch comes about the time those who call themselves Jews but are not reclaimed Israel’s homeland a second time, 1948. The parable of the fig tree implied the generation when it buds does not pass before the scriptures’ message is fulfilled that the Psalmist indicats eighty years is human’s maximum lifespan. Adding eighty years to CE year 1948 reveals the end is no later than 2028.
Samson, The Branch, before destroying the Philistines grinds in the prison house or fenced in President’s house with guarded gates, guard all around, on it and around the president at all times to fulfill Malachi’s he suddenly come to his temple, the White House, before manifesting by being in the earth a minimum of 72 hours. There he works to eliminate the unconstitutional divisions of political parties, the two pillars, holding up this “Disunited” nation that causes his OBE (Our of Body Experience) by which he receive the power to rule the nations with his rod of Iron, the Constitution.
Like Adam in the garden Samson was also deceived by a girl, so to correct that a girl must be a party to restore human and woman, called daughters of men at the flood, back into sons of god those man of creation were called at the flood. Thus, a girl son of god will deliver Samson to the White House for his manifestation as the first boy son of god and they become co-Presidents, biblically called help meets, equals in their governing the nation and, if required, will fulfill the other's position until the absent one returns. After completing their term the boy son of god will preach the understanding to the ends of the world while the girl son of god return the world into the hands of the beast, false prophet and dragon as indicated in the ending of Bless The Child while gathering the wise virgins into Armageddon.
So be it as intended!