The Weirdos In My City
Over the course of the past few years sometimes I have wondered why certain people I encounter in my home city are the way they are. I have run into some very strange and unusual characters over time and sometimes makes me think, "why do I live here?" But in retrospect I suppose there are all kinds of people no matter where you live. But I felt it necessary to note some of the stranger or at least silly instances of some people I have seen and heard.
So one day I was walking to the bus station when I happened to cross the street at the same time as a rather tall burly man with a full beard. He politely asked me how I was doing and I I said fine. As I progressed to the bus station he walked beside me and launched into a big conversation about his walkman which incidentally was a cassette walkman. He kept talking to me about it until finally feeling rather uncomfortable I asked him what he was listening to, to which he tore open his walkman and quickly flashed the tape in my face. "Spice Girls!" he yelled with a little too much enthusiasm, "I love those ladies!" Our converstation, him mostly talking about how all the bus drivers were his best friends progressed until we reached the station where thankfully I boarded my bus.
Another time a lady came up to me in the food court of a mall and sat down with my daughter and I. She said hi and started a conversation with me about her ex and how she just left him and to check out her ring, that she was keeping...Suffice to say she went on and on, and in front of my daughter. She acted as though I knew her and finally I asked her who she was she acted surprised saying, "It's me, finona!" She looked annoyed and got up saying, "Screw you then, your just like my ex!" To this day I have no idea who she was and have never seen her since but it baffles me how someone can carry talk to someone for a half hour as a joke. So I'm really not sure what that was.
One time I was waiting for my food in Mcdonalds when a rather cranky lady was having her order taken. She advised the cashier that she had to watch her cholesterol and weight. Which of course means you should come and eat at Mcdonalds. She wanted them to give her fries with no salt. Now as anyone who eats there knows all of Mcdonalds fries have salt on them and the vat they cook them in is filled with salt. So the lady wanted to clean out the vat completely and just make her fries with no salt. All while a huge lineup of people were waiting to be served. But the manager who was called advised her that wasn't happening. I couldn't help but laugh when she stormed out. She was a perfect example of the product businesses create when they constantly bend to complainers. It was great to see one of them get told something they didn't want to hear.
Another such experience was when I was at the mall and had gotten a free fabric bag at a store. Which were free. A lady saw the bag and randomly asked me about it. I advised her they were free and that she could get one at the store. After going to the store and not finding anymore bags she encountered me and let me know they didn't have anymore bags and acted like I should give her mine. I simply said, "Oh that's too bad." But for months afterward I saw her around and she kept asking me where her bad was, very weird.
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