The detrimental effects in unfair wealth distribution. Division and inequality.
Making money matters.
Everyone, everywhere is looking for ways to make money because in most cases their basic income is not sufficient enough and they then feel like they need to persue other avenues for extra income streams. Cash and currency are so very important to the way we live our lives, that one can literally not afford to be without some kind of financial injection. Where the regular cash flow originates from are as varied as the denominations attributed to them, this is where for the most part, the system for the masses, seems to fail.
A decent and fair wage, equal to the time and effort required to fulfil it, would appear to be the logical way to compensate someone for their efforts. However when skill, talent and entertainment is involved with a career, it is still more difficult to correlate and judge how one should be paid. As opinion, the market and industry differs also does the wage divide. There is no doubt the gap is increasing and that the ever increasing rich poor divide is detrimental to all, even the super rich. Lets consider some facts and figures, and explore the reasons why.
By hook or by crook.
Over 90% of the worlds wealth belongs to less then 10% of the worlds population and the rich/poor divide is widening rapidly further. The reputation of capitalism and globalization has taken another blow since the 2009 recession.
Wealth and crime are intrinsically linked, this is more obvious then ever when we consider crime data and reports in poorer countries and the wealthier ones. We can also comepare 'rich' and 'poor' areas in any country and see that those most affected by crime are not the millionaires in the suburbs.
This does not however mean that those with money are not affected by crime, indeed they are, especially when they are away from their properties, either on holiday or staying in a second home.
The problem with the pyramid system.
We are warned against pyramid schemes all the time, we are told that they are not financially or economically viable, why then does the whole capitalist system primarily work on this precept?
You get lots of people at the bottom of the ladder doing all the harder, manual labour for many hours and hardly any money, next up you get fewer people doing less work but getting paid more and so on and so forth until you get the head honcho doing the least amount of work, in most respects, arguably putting in the least amount of hours and yet getting all the awards and privileges.
Company bosses argue that they put all the hard work in the beginning and that they deserve the rewards now and they employ all these people, this is a good argument after all they had the brains and gusto to put it together in the first place and therefore deserve the harvest of their intellectual crop. Is it not however that in fact all these people are making money for them and surely higher wadges would only be fair?
I am not going to tar everyone with the same brush so to speak, as some bosses pay incredibly well and are comfortable enough and do not wish to fleece their work force as they appreciate them and respect them, and understand that both parties gain mutually from the venture.
Exploitation or euntreprenurial.
Brand power is big business but these are only backed up by there own advertising. Just because its a big firm does not mean its a better product or service. Also don't be fooled into thinking that just because a product or service costs more the people behind it are payed more, in most cases the exact opposite is true.
If you want to support a fairer and more equal society then plump for supporting local or small up and coming businesses and shun the big guns. Newer companies are much keener to please and will take greater pride in what they do, generally.
There are of course exceptions to the rule and if you find a company that still holds on to it's core values and you respect what they stand for then by all means, keep showing them your support, they may be a dying breed.
Where does the money go?
During the recession, it was banded around the concept that we were all a little short of money, but surely we all can't be short of money, I mean where did it all go? Did it all just evaporate? Did it just get misplaced or did it vanish?
Money matters are increasingly more difficult to comprehend and unless the systems fundamentally revolutionizes, because the way currency is distributed is unfair, things are going to get a whole lot worse for everyone.
With more cuts to jobs at the bottom of the ladder and huge bonuses still being paid out for ridiculous amounts of money at the top. The government and society at large really need to look at how we all live together in this world and how will would all benefit, surely?