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Are Women's Rights Soon to be a Thing of the Past? U.S. Congress gone wild!

Updated on June 8, 2014

Birth Control for Horses? Congress gone wild!!

Protecting Women's Rights:

Should we protect women's rights?

Congress absolutely refuses to do so.

The GOP continues their relentless vicious attacks on women's right, equal rights, and human rights. The lust for the power to mandate morality is deeply engrained in the conservative mentality.

YES. Women's rights are under attack! By the U.S. Congress!!

The fundamentalist fanatical christians' movement is out of control and over the top.
Congress has totally gone mad.


I just received this email that sort of ticked me off:

"Dear David,

Last week, I told you that 6 anti-choice bills are coming to the House floor tomorrow.

What I didn't tell you though, is that two of the most restrictive, invasive, and offensive bills are actually being sponsored by women legislators.

Note: This is referencing anti choice legislation being introduced into the Florida House of Representatives.

Representative Elizabeth Porter is the legislator behind the invasive ultrasound bill (CS/HB 1127) that Governor Crist vetoed last year. This bill inserts big government into the doctor/patient relationship. It forces doctors to perform an ultrasound regardless of whether it is medically necessary, or not, and could result in forcing the woman to incur additional costs for a non-medically necessary test.

Can you call Rep. Porter’s office today and tell her to “keep government out of the uterus”? Call Rep. Porter at 850-488-9835

Representative Rachel Burgin is another legislator intent on revoking women’s rights.CS/CS/HB 1397 places severe restrictions on a woman’s right to choose. It also punishes doctors who try to help women in difficult medical situations.

Can you call Rep. Burgin’s office today and tell her to “keep government out of the uterus”? Call Rep. Burgin at 850-488-9910
These bills will be heard TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY on the House floor. The time for action is NOW. Let’s stand up and tell these legislators to keep government out of the uterus!

Sincerely, Rep. Scott Randolph"

The Call:

And so, i did call these numbers to let them know that i disapproved of the government passing such bills that only mandated morality and took away individual rights.

Rep. Burgin's office had a recording. So i left a message telling her that i objected to this government interfering into private lives of citizens, and trying to mandate morality to the American people. That one probably will fall on deaf ears.

Rep. Porter has someone answering her calls regarding this new law they are trying to shove down the throats of the American people - WOMEN to be precise.

The person who answered the phone asked me if i would rather live in Pakistan, Africa, or Mexico.

I asked: "what kind of a question is that? I am calling about American politics and that i do not like the idea of this government interfering with a woman's choices of abortion in cases like rape, incest, etc.."

He told me that Ms. Porter believes that women should only be having sex for procreation and if she is stupid enough to have sex for any other reason, and gets pregnant, then it is up to the government to protect the unborn fetus.

So, I said: "in other words, you are telling me that this government is taking over all reproduction rights of women?".

He said: "If you are telling me that you think women should have the right to kill their babies, then you should go live in one of those other countries".

I said: "no, i am objecting to this government trying to mandate morality for ANY reason".

He said: This government needs to do God's work and protect the innocent babies against murderous women who should never be having sex in the first place if they did not want to get pregnant.

Then the jerk hung up on me.

Going too far


This new government is going too far with their judgmental morality preaching and mandating.

In this state of Florida the Republican majority House of Representatives passed their new law allowing their religious affiliates to receive government (our tax money) money to do God's work.

I have added 4 links : (1st link has been eliminated due to its age when this article was updated)

  • The first link takes you to a site where you can add your name to the petition that opposes the bills that restrict the rights of women.
  • the second one references bill # CS/HB 1127 regulating women's rights - forcing women to undergo ultrasounds that are NOT medically necessary, or recommended by their doctor.
  • the third one is the site for the Christian Coalition that wanted this bill enacted. This is a group that is clearly bigoted and their intentions at making (influencing law making) is quite evident.
  • the fourth one references bill CS/H JR 1471 that changes the current law restricting government funds being given to religious entities to allowing them greater access to government money (OUR TAX MONEY).
  • Also, check out the video that outlines the fundamental christian movement and their intentions for the future of this nation, then ultimately the world. Really scary stuff.


Public approval

NOT speaking out against these atrocities is agreeing with them by that very silence.

I, for one, will not sit by silent while this government is taken over by right win religious zealots.

In the past year the House of Representatives have introduced approximately 1500+, [yes, that is one thousand five hundred] bills targeting women across this country.

It seems that their obsession with controlling the uterus of women, and fighting to keep discrimination against gays, is far more important than creating jobs, fixing the problems and corruption in Washington, and protecting themselves and Corporate America.

So, America, let's make sure we re-elect them to continue these practices that will sure "fix" this country's problems. NOT!

by: d.william 04/25/2011

Sign the Women's Reproductive Bill of Rights

GOP poised to strip women of their basic rights!!

Protect women's rights - Congress will not

Click thumbnail to view full-size

GOP denies wars on women

Sending women back into the closets


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