In your opinion, is Rick Santorum the most qualified GOP candidate?

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  1. JamesPoppell profile image73
    JamesPoppellposted 12 years ago

    In your opinion, is Rick Santorum the most qualified GOP candidate?

    Santorum is the only GOP candidate to take four states. Does this mean he is in serious contention or is it too late for him?

  2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image83
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 12 years ago

    That's a tough one - I think he's highly qualified (and very personable), but he seems to want to run the country through his church views.  I embrace similar views in my own church, but government is not a church.

    As for the most qualified candidate, Romney has corporate leadership skills that could translate well in today's global environment and economy.

    As for whether it's too late (or too early), there are still a lot of huge state primaries ahead in this game. The Republican Primary season has been an incredible show this time around.

  3. sashas89 profile image63
    sashas89posted 12 years ago

    I feel uncomfortable about his stance on the church. Politics and religion ought to be kept separate. That is the very basis of our secular society.

  4. Brandon Spaulding profile image57
    Brandon Spauldingposted 12 years ago

    I think all the GOP candidates are very qualified. I happen to favor Newt Gigrich because of his vast experience and knowledge in government. He also founded 4 companies that are doing well. However, I like all of the candidates. I do think people are making a mistake not favoring Gingrich. He wanted to keep the entire campaign process positive and focused on revealing Obama's weak negative policies. However, Romney ran with that in the opposite direction and used Gingrich's choice to remain positive against him. Specifically, Romney attacked Gingrich which led to his numbers falling. Santorum has done his fair share of attacking as well. While I like all of the Gop candidates, I think Gingrich could destroy Obama in any debate to a greater degree than any of the other candidates.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I think if he had the money that Romney has - then he might be a serious contender and I would like to see that.  But unfortunately, in this country, the rich are the ones that are taken seriously for public office.

    I agree with Marcy that the government is not a church.  One of my concerns about Romney is his religion.

  6. profile image0
    Gusserposted 12 years ago

    Santorum is the only conservative left. Romney is Obama's twin. Ginrich is Obama Lite. Paul is strictly by the Constitution. The party powers that be, will never allow Paul or Santorum to carry the party banner. This party is almost as Progressive as the other. In my opinion, if either Romney or Ginrich get the nod, some conservatives will stay home again just as in 08. If only 2% do, Obama wins. Time is now for the RepubliCRATS to return to the conservative base or lose.

  7. xethonxq profile image65
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago way. His views are off the scale right wing.

  8. feenix profile image56
    feenixposted 12 years ago

    In my opinion, Santorum is NOT the most qualified GOP candidate, and neither are Gingrich and Paul.

    It is my belief that Santorum and the other two do not have the right stuff to be Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces and "The Leader of the Free World."

    So, who does that leave?

    Yes, you're right -- Mitt Romney.

    And there is no doubt in "my military mind" that Governor Romney is the most qualified GOP candidate.


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