Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have both been suspended by Fox News. The suspension is for 60 days. If they don't announce their candidacy for president during this time, they can come back.
Now, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin have not been suspended. Both are widely expected to run in 2012 as well.
My question. That's 4 Fox News commentators/hosts. If all 4 do leave Fox to run for POTUS, who will replace them at Fox?
Do you think any of the 4 will decide to stay at Fox rather than run (I'm kinda leaning toward Palin staying where the $$$ is).
Comments? Predictions? … 30298.html
Really doesn't matter too much. None of the four have a real chance of winning the nomination. Too much baggage, of one kind or another.
Huckabee can win the religious zealots but he doesn't have the gravitas to run the country.
Newt is very intellectual, but has too many personal issues that turn people off.
Rick Santorum-whatever.
Hope Palin stays where she is at. The media jackals will rip her to shreds if she runs. I believe she still has some value on the public stage, if only to keep things stirred up.
I'm guessing if any network felt a Democrat would help their ratings, they would hire them as well. I guarantee you no potential political candidate of any party would turn down a job in the media. Free publicity and all.
Well, let us all hope that Huckabee stays with Fox News, and quits running his own voice ads for any cause of import to conservatives. If Palin were going to run, we would know it already, she has better sense than that. She would be much better as a conservative cheerleader for conservatives, and in no way do I use the term 'cheerleader' in a sexist way.
Neither of those 4 would be my choice for one reason or another. Not sure who I want to see run but it has to be someone who can win. I personally wish we could have George W Bush again but since that's not possible I'll just wait to see what the party comes up with and who the people choose and I'll support my party.
I kinda like Herman Cain, but I don't know a lot about him except that he's a fellow Georgian, he's black, he's a businessman, he's smart, and he seems to have common sense. My Democratic pals from Indiana think Daniels is a stand-up guy. I read that Daniels is a social moderate and a fiscal conservative, which sounds pretty good to me. I love Huck's demeanor, but he's too far right socially for me.
Apparently it is against the law to knowingly lie using the public airwaves in Canada. Apparently Fox is prohibited from broadcasting news in Canada.
That's patently untrue. Fox is allowed to broadcast in Canada. If it were illegal to lie on the airwaves, politicians could not speak on TV or radio in Canada.
Awww, such love wehold. The world cannot contain such love.
Im hoping Palun will rub. I expect Huckabee will run as well... a lot of this depends on how well they can get an organization up and running. Who Fox replaces them with doesn't matter some may return if their campaigns turn out to be failures.
I honestly don't follow what any of them are doing, but suspect all 4 affiliated with Fox in the first place as part of a larger strategy and all 4 have organizations (including fundraising) already in place.
Odd that Santorum only makes $100K from Fox while Gingrich makes $1 million. Is Gingrich's contribution 10X greater than Santorum's???
I will check to see what Huckabee and Palin are paid...
I read a few days ago that Palin gets 1 mil. per year. She's had a taste of running for office and I'd wager she'd rather stay at Fox.
No one seems to mention Romney much these days. (?)
Gov. Christie might be viable (he says he won't run but...)
I think the Rep's candidate will emerge based on Obama's poll ratings. If he looks like he's running strong, look for a lesser known republican to get the nod.
Also very true that the non-winners of the primary will undoubtedly go back to Fox. But that's more than a year away.
What about the interceding months?
Who are the up-and-coming conservative commentators? Will be very interesting to see who comes in to backfill (even if temporarily)...
Oh there's plenty! Mary catherine Ham Dana Perino Angela Tantoros Ann Coulter heck they might even throw a few more libs in for laughs! Lol
Cannot find how much Palin is being paid to be on Fox.
But, this article from CSM, 1/10, supports my assertion that Palin has switched from political candidate to cultural icon and is happy there (I love the comparison with David Beckham and Shaq, btw).
As to these potential replacements for the GOP contenders.
Do any of them have aspirations of holding public offic?
Not Coulter, certainly. … -in-heaven
Dana Perino served as press secretary for Bush.. oh don't forget Rove also comments on Fox.
You might not realize this. but David Beckham was once the best soccer player in the world. And that is something.
What has Sarah Palin done besides trash the English language?
What did Obama do as senator besides make a speech and vote present? Palin ar least ran a city and a state!
There's a reason that Fox totally dominates the cable news market.
Stop wondering why they hire whom they hire. They get the audience.
Ron, you are confusing illiterate with stupid.
No one is disputing that Fox has a huge audience.
No one is wondering why they hire who they hire. It's commonly known that FOX offers great exposure to a friendly audience. Great public speaking training (or refinement) and platform for the views of people like Huckabee, Palin, et al. And it pays!
My question was after this current "crop" declares and moves off into the fray, who will be the incoming "crop" of GOP candidates-to-be.
you seem to forget that for every conservative commentator, there's also liberals, too. Fox's opinion shows and commentary shows have people from both sides of the aisle, generally. Look what happened to Williams. Nobody could ever say the man is anywhere near the right. Beckel, for instance is a paid commentator on Fox.
You lie, when you say that Fox is just grooming GOP leaders. It's just that the people on the conservative side at Fox just happen to be people with far more leadership aspirations.
Here are daily poll numbers for Obama from various sources.
Biggest surprise here? Check out the Fox News numbers. Hmmm... … -1044.html
weholdthesetruths: Accusations of "you lie" are uncalled for, sir. Especially when backup for my suggestion is widely available on the Internet. Besides, I am not smart enough to come up with such a claim on my own .
Here is an excerpt from
"There are five serious potential presidential candidates for 2012 on Fox News' payroll: Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, John Bolton and Rick Santorum. Each gets plenty of face time on the air to promote their [candidacy] views courtesy of Fox. Rather than paying for all this publicity, each of these potentials gets paid. Media Matters did the math to calculate how much this air time would have cost to purchase and came up with $54.7 million in free advertising in 2010. But conferring conservative street cred via repeated presentations as a significant pundit? Priceless.
According to Media Matters' calculations, Mike Huckabee got $3.65 million in airtime as a contributor, $27.35 million as a host; Sarah Palin got $.42 million as a host and $7.17 million as a contributor; Gingrich got $7.42 million as a contributor; Rick Santorum got $4.98 million and John Bolton $3.72 million.
Put that together with their actual earnings from Fox and you've got quite a little GOP candidate staging ground and grooming operation going."
I don't care what critics make up.
That's ignoring reality and creating a narrative to confuse you. Fox news has one interest... getting and keeping an audience. Why? To sell commercials, to get money.
To think that they're just pouring out tons of money to build presidential candidates? That's just insanity. What manager would do that? None. When was the last time a partisan media outlet was created specifically to advance a partisan agenda? Air America. And what did it do? Go broke. Its management was utterly incompetent. Why? It's purpose was partisan, not economic. Fox is rolling in the dough and succeeding. Why? Because its in business to be in business.
That's all you gotta know, to know that anyone accusing Fox of trying to generate candidates is daffy... or lying.
Fox just has a canny knack for getting people who attract an audience to come work for them. It, it's purely coincidental that a number of them are politically active and with aspirations. There's a huge revolving door between various democrat administrations and the big networks, and I don't see any whining from you about that. Nor the writer of whatever place you got that from.
Learn to be objective, it's not that hard to tell when someone's giving you "the works".
Fox as incubator.....
Yeah, I can see that. They grow poison, and spit it back.
And I find it hard to connect their ratings with what the American people are all about.....we do not agree with the Radical Right agenda for corporate would leave 95% of us in the dirt.
So does Fox really have those ratings, or is that more Fox "news"?
The sad truth is the left is a minority in this country perhaps no more than 28% of the population... and those with views as extreme left as yours are even more rare! Fox has the ratings they have because they reflect the views of the majority of Americans... thank God!!
The voters want Social Security, overwhelmingly. They want Medicare, overwhelmingly. The vast majority support collective bargaining rights. When you move to issues, rather than labels, Americans lean left.
When you start reading real polls you'll get actual facts.
Dougie Says: ". . . when you move to issues, rather than labels, Americans lean left."
. . . In your dreams, pay a little more attention to the polls, and the poll sources, not to mention the last election.
Captain America - long time no see.
Still factually challenged, I see. Let me help you.
The Washington Post: "The health-care overhaul gained popularity from May to June, according to a new tracking poll." The poll, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation "found that 48 percent of the public had a favorable view of the law in June while 41 percent had an unfavorable opinion." (Kaiser Health News is a program of the foundation.) In May, the tracking poll had found "41 percent favorable to 44 percent unfavorable."
Try this recent poll done for Wall Street Journal/NYC, reported this month at … -medicare/
"The most stunning rebuke to Republican policies came in answers to questions about cutting entitlements, as well as education. A whopping 77 percent said that it was either mostly or totally unacceptable to cut Social Security.
The corresponding figures for Medicaid, Medicare and K-12 education were, respectively, 67 percent, 76 percent and 77 percent. The vast majority of Republicans, even tea party-supporting Republicans, reject cuts to Social Security and Medicare, the poll showed.
By contrast, an astounding 81 percent of responders said that taxing people making more than $1 million yearly was mostly or wholly acceptable, and 74 percent said getting rid of tax credits for oil and gas companies was a good idea.
Even the premise upon which Boehner and his Republicans base their plans to cut entitlement programs -that something must be done about runaway deficits -isn't overwhelmingly accepted by the public as the most pressing need.
Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said that fixing the economy -specifically, creating jobs -should be the top priority, compared to only 40 percent who worried about the deficit. "
You are wrong.
The majority of us want all of us to have access to the good life.
The majority of us do not want women forced to give birth.
The majority of us do not want to privitize everything and its brother.
We are a nation of workers, but you have forgotten that.
Since the big money speaks so loudly.
Well, the real people who do America are now going to be heard.
And Fox news it aint.
Oh yeah....we also are on to the propaganda, in case you didn't hear: The protestors are shouting "Fox Lies"......
Yes, Barak Obama did not grow up in Kenya.
And $7.15 cents an hour is not a livable wage for which you should be grateful... unless you plan to tell the business community to lower the costs of goods and services?
Didn't think so.
In case you also don't know, we have had enough.
Google Rupert Murdoch.
He has an agenda. And left it isn't.
In fact, there is a group trying to stop him in the UK I read about....going to look for that article.
"Rupert Murdoch has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, spread resentment of muslims and immigrants, and block global action on climate change. He undermines democratic government across the world by threatening elected leaders with vicious and often false media coverage unless they do his bidding"
So it's just "coincidence" that 5 would-be presidential candidates are currently working as commentators on the Fox network? What are the odds of that? Not one, not two, but FIVE people, all with the same political aspiration, all hired to spout their opinions, by the same network.
I am being completely objective.
Murdoch and Ailles are the ones giving you the works.
No not coincidence but their choices as to where to work are limited by the liberal main stream media. Do you think CNN or MSNBC or CBS, ABC, or NBC would hire any of them? Don't you wonder why? Fox does hire libs, the other guys wont hire conservatives because they have an agenda and a target demographic.
Uhhh, Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanan, that guy at 4:00....all conservatives at MSNBC.
CNN--what liberals do they have?????
And the biggest lib voice is gone (Olbermann)
So, who is liberal at Fox?
And I mean Kucinich!
No, they won't hire them because they are NUTS!
They won't hire anyone they know will not whole-heartedly support their views, that is quite clear by example of the PBS firing of Juan Williams, who continues to be a constant liberal guest on Fox News. PBS is really no different than the other liberal networks.
Of late, they have had more interviews with guests of a conservative viewpoint, and actually let them speak, that should tell you where they think this country is headed...and what they have begun to think of where it has been the past two years.
So true. How many soccer players have movie named after them? ("Bend it Like Beckham" is one of my faves of all time).
His transition from serious soccer player to pop icon started when he married Victoria the Spice Girl. But hey, they are a nice couple and I read are pregnant with their 4th child. So good for them.
What has Sarah Palin done?
She has actually done a brilliant job of promoting not only herself, but her unwed teen daughter Palin.
Why anyone cares a whit what Palin says about anything is a mystery to me, but she still has rabidly loyal supporters who think she is "just like them." God help them.
Tell me... What "brilliant self promotion" has she done?
Let's get this nailed down. Show me the actions, where Palin has conducted a massive PR campaign to promote herself as... well, anything.
Who ran it? who directed it? What media was used? When was it, and when did it start? When did it end?
If you think that she did a PR campaign, let's see you show us... Or, admit that Palin's fame is a result of two things... Being admirable, and demonstrating leadership.
Why don't you do the same for the things you said about Obama.
Palin ran a city of 7,000 people.
She ran FROM her duties as governor.
Obama is now the president of the United States.
Is it possible for you to participate in any forum thread without dragging your boyfriend into it?
Hi there KFlippin! Where ya been?
I agree with you Palin will not run. She makes too much $ and actually has more influence where she is. She does make an effective cheerleader for conservative candidates and causes (and nothing sexist about it: W was a cheerleader at Yale, don't forget).
Interested to hear why you want Huckabee to stay put.
And who would would like to see the GOP put up against Obama in 2012 (if you've got a fave thusfar). Thx.
Hi Mighty Mom . . . I didn't intend anything sexist about Palin being an effective cheerleader, glad you don't either, though I'm sure many folks would. As for Huckabee, something about him just makes my lip curl in distrust, reminds me of when I was 16 years old and participated in my first presidential election via a high school debate -- Carter was running against Ford, Carter made my lips curl and gave me a big yucky creepy feeling -- and we know how he turned out.
I'm not at all sure who would be the best candidate. I have in the past, and still do like Romney, and really think Huckabee was the main cause of his losing the Republican nomination last time around, Huckabee's electoral college antics, but I can see the validity in the criticisms of Romney's chances to win a Presidential election.
My husband likes Chris Christie, thinks he should run, and that he would have an appeal to both a broad spectrum of Republicans as well as on the fence Democrats.
That's the second mention of Chris Christie recently.
Although he proclaims he is not running.
We'll see. I know it will be interesting to watch this horse race!!!
That's an interesting way to gauge character, I must say! Who else causes your lip to curl in distrust?
I have that same reaction to Huckabee, actually.
Well, I did meet Mondale when he was running, part of a greeting group when he arrived at a small local airport, and I definitely had lip curl with him, and thought mortician...... for real, no exageration, and will never forget it. I was on the staff of a Dem. Congressman at the time, regardless, Mondale was a lip-curling no brainer yuck, and Reagan a hands down stand out for me, albeit on the QT.
Clinton made my lip curl a bit, but in hindsight I think it may have been the hammered home notion at the time that most women just adored him and would vote for him, therefore, I did not at all like him, hate to be told what I should like or will do. But actually, I simply did not trust his smile, at all.
Chris Christie has some kind of good charisma I think, have had to pay closer attention to him, and get no lip curl when I hear him speak, I find him perhaps able to cross party lines as well as appeal to varied segments of the conservative voting population, he just seems solid so far -- no doubt Dems will find some dirt to burst that bubble if at all possible, but I hope not, would like to think someone solid is out there. Also like the skinny guy from Louisiana now quite a bit.
I don't know one person who watches Fox news, ever. Do you spend all day hunting this stuff up? Do you talk to real people?
I forgot, my sister in law watches it.
Dang, that is hard to compute, not knowing a soul that watches Fox News, except in your hindsight perhaps your sister in law?
Doesn't strike me as terribly open-minded and news seeking. I have noticed of late that CNN and even MSNBC are covering events with much more of an even hand in their non-commentary/opinion broadcasts. They are ouching, clearly, but sucking it up and reporting and getting in their liberal rebuttal 'ouch' digs, but without much effect.
Are you saying what I think you're saying? If so, quel sacrilege!
Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me .
I'll tell you who was ALWAYS a lip curler for me, John Edwards. Even before the $400 haircuts and cheating on his wife.
Michael Dukakis -- lip curl.
Ralph Nader -- lip curl (not for his consumer advocate work, just as a politician).
Rudy Guiliani -- Great during 9/11 but once he made that his mantra, eeewwww.
I have some female lip curlers as well. But I don't want to appear catty or sexist!
Palin Derangement Syndrome. It is the observed behavior, which is beyond all rational explanation, where otherwise seemingly normal people suddenly spew hatred, venom, and slander in screeds of angry, ranting tirades against Palin. None of which is based in truth, fact, or reality.
These screeds are personal, against someone the author obviously does not know personally. They are full of anger and vitriol against the PERSON, and yet, the very words used and comments made reveal they know nothing of any significance about the person they're directed against. Normally, this kind of behavior is totally off limits to polite society. If you said such things about a neighbor who just moved in next door, with the same lack of knowledge, people would despise you, your friends would sit down and "have a chat" to find out why you've lost your civility, and why you are compelled to say stuff you don't know is true.
That's the "Palin Derangement Syndrome". Same problem and behavior as the "Bush Derangement Syndrome", and is exhibited by mostly the same people.
What about ODS? Same vitriol. Most people on hubpages don,t know the president personally. Unlike Palin he hasn't quit over vitriol, yet.
Right... the angry, violent left!
On another note Fox News hired another democrat, Evan Bayh.
I hold the truth of what I said to be self evident.
That's your defense? How lame.
You said: "What about ODS? Same vitriol. Most people on hubpages don,t know the president personally. Unlike Palin he hasn't quit over vitriol, yet."
All of which is untruth. First, the description is about this "They are full of anger and vitriol against the PERSON, and yet, the very words used and comments made reveal they know nothing of any significance about the person they're directed against."
Lots of people criticize Obama. None of them are harping about him pimping his kids, or being a diva, nor any of the other pure crap that's going on about Palin. Most actually QUOTE him. Then again, some people ARE haters. But you don't find many of them on the right. The left is the domain of hatred. But nobody has to know anything about Obama to criticize his politics, philosophy, or governance. It isn't happening in the dark, we know very much what he wants to do, has done, and intends to do. As do you, and you still won't be truthful about that.
And lastly, Palin didn't quit over vitriol. Palin resigned as a matter of survival. Palin had done more as governor than her predecessors, had done more in terms of cleanup and reform than any other governor had, in a very short time. And, when faced with personal financial destruction, an orchestrated campaign of false charges against her, the course was obvious. Leave Parnell in charge and resign.
Holding office isn't a virtue. Serving is. It is not serving the interests of the people to simply cling bitterly to office, while your time and the time of your state's government is misused by people who lie and make false claims.
So, people like you forced her out. A personal campaign of hatred. And, in doing so, you created your own worst nightmare. A Palin freed of the confines of public servant status. I call it justice. She's now at least somewhat wealthy, influences politics strongly against YOUR wants, and has been arguably the most important shaper of political change in the last election.
Yet, all those realities and truths escape you, and you come here with worse than juvenile pettiness and blatant untruth, spewing your nonsense in a hateful and uncivil personal vendetta.
You shame yourself.
Not many on the right hate Obama!
Talk about selective reading! Everybody on the right hates Obama.
No kidding!
Not even giving him the due of being an American citizen, or being a Christian, which he says he is, or of having any love for this country.
They are the worst haters of any I've EVER seen, bar none.
And yeah--my disdain for Palin IS personal. I had hopes she would be a pretty cool gal. Instead she is just another flame-throwing politician in a dress.
I find no reason to think Obama is a Christian, I find no evidence of it. I find no reason to think he even likes this country, much less loves it. Nothing he says or does reflects such thinking on any of those matters. But do I go on endlessly about it? Nope.
Every word that comes from his mouth is contemptuous toward the people he is supposed to serve, and his words abroad reveal he is ashamed of his country, and does not believe in it, it's heritage, nor the great truth of our Constitution and the Republic it created. Nothing but contempt.
Sorry, Obama's own words, commentary, and actions condemn him... Not anyone else. But go read my hubs. NOT A SINGLE ONE about Obama. Not one. How many hubs of hate can you find against Palin and conservatives? Hubpages is full of them.
Please, people. Please note the love and kindness that pours from this person.
Contempt, hatred, prejudice, and slander. That's all you have.
You should be ashamed.
Your mocking is so loud, nobody's going to notice your comment. '
Mocking = contempt and hatred.
Well, according to Bill, if I don't say it's hatred, it isn't, I was rather amused by the contradiction in your words.
If you say they were mocking words then so be it, but they were entirely yours.
That's right. When they say it's hate, it's hate. Not unless and until.
When they say it's true, it's true. Not unless and until.
It's simple if you just learn their language.
And I think our response is supposed to be: Yes master. Anything you say master.
Well, according to Bill, if I don't say it's hatred, it isn't, I was rather amused by the contradiction in your words.
If you say they were mocking words then so be it, but they were entirely yours.
I'm also amused by the rudest and most ill mannered poster admonishing others for their lack of manners!
Defense? I don't need no defense. Palin don't need you to defend her. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree, people like me didn't force her out. Did she resign or was forced out by an investigation, or other people other than I ? I know you hold those truths. Either way I can tell you were hurt about it. I;m glad her wealth makes you feel better, now. Lastly, your long comment expressed juvenile, hateful, and uncivil nonsense. That's my opinion. I ain't mad at you, later
Defense? Palin? Hurt about it?
And I'M barking up the wrong tree!
John Holden: I was commenting on weholdthesetruth's comment. WTF! Watch your steps, look before you leap, Don't step in that stuff. look both ways before you cross. no harm no foul, Lol. later
Hey dude, look carefully at the post you replied to!!
Me, John Holden, we hold these truths in contempt him.
Dude: I got in where I could fit In . Notice where weholdthesetruths replied to my comment. NOTICE it's not where you mistook my comment to be a answer your comment. He got in where he could fit in, slow and easy.
Erm, just click reply on the post you want to reply to, not the most convenient!
yes, people just like youi... forced her out. People willing to lie, like you do, endlessly, in a campaign of personal and hateful destruction. That's you.
Oh, shut up. "forced out by investigation". A BIG FATUOUS LIE.
All the false ethics charges were proven to be exactly that. FALSE. Totally fiction. For one purpose and one purpose only... To bankrupt the Palin family in legal fees. Done by hatefilled, dishonest, totally without conscience people... JUST LIKE YOU.
She wanted more money. What's new about that? Not much fame and fortune in Alaska.
No, there's no hatred on the right. None. Get over yourself.
Yeah--lol Read the comment above yours!!!
We're not going by your hubs,holdthese, but your comment here.
I'm just truthful. That's not hatred.
You take this too serious Palin don't care about you or I. Don't blow a gasket, it's opinions only, and she don't care. Calm down, my fellow American
I am not any "fellow" of yours. Please do not try to drag me into your sewer.
Perhaps our friends on the left can point to a post, ANY post where any of us have said that we "hate Obama", as in personally hate the man.
Then again, perhaps not...
When someone hates you, you can feel it. Semantic/Shemantics, someone doesn't have to say "I hate you" for you to know it.
Unless you're trying to say you people love him and respect him, and have shown nothing but good feelings towards him?
Which, btw--you are supposed to do if you are a Christian.
So, Lady Love's constant posting of threads with Obama in the title are all dripping with love for the man!
You don't actually have to say "I hate" for hatred to be clear.
So your answer is "No, we do not in fact have any evidence supporting our claim that the right hates Obama". Thank you for playing...
FYI, disagreement with one's policies does not nor has it ever constituted "hate".
But what have constant claims that he is no American, a Muslim, a racist, and so on got to do with his policies?
Try actually reading the constant posts of Lady Love and Ann Cee, can you honestly say they only attack his policies?
If someone is a racist or anything else, that still doesn't qualify as saying you hate them.
Sorry about that....
But calling somebody a racist, or Muslim (considering the average American's hatred of Muslim) is hateful speech, so you'll argue that hateful speech doesn't constitute hate!
But never mind though, nobody uses hate speech then, neither the right or the left!
"But calling somebody a racist, or Muslim (considering the average American's hatred of Muslim) is hateful speech"
How would you know what the average American feels about Muslims?
Have you ever been to America?
What is an average American?
I can read.
One whose thinking mostly conforms to others.
"One whose thinking mostly conforms to others."
Yeah, you described the average American perfectly.
Thank you.
Or are you implying that Americans are well educated free thinkers, each with their own thoughts and ideas and a wide understanding of the world?
Well one can only speak as one finds!
It's not been my impression that Americans have a wide understanding of world affairs or great tolerance for differences.
We understand perfectly.
We just don't care how you do it in Europe.
There is a difference.
Why should we be tolerant?
You have nothing we want, and nothing we can't take.
What nonsense! I don't hate Obama just everything he's doing to this country and everything he wants to do! I wish him well and can't wait to see him gone before it's too late... that doesn't mean I wouldn't go to one of his parties! I'd love to learn how someone so smart came up with such idiotic beliefs about American government!
Hmm, passive-aggressive. Interesting.
I just find it funny that when I first came to HP,and made my opinions known about the Bush adm, I was automatically labeled a hater.
When I said Beck and Palin influenced Laughner, I was accused of spreading hate.
And yet, somehow, you are immune to these same criticisms.
It's an odd psychological phenomenon.
I thinks it's called the BS Syndrome!
Evan Bayh is a DINO...a Blue-Dog...more right than some Republicans.
ehhhhh. FAIL.
Fox is just trying to LOOK fair and balanced.
He'll probably bash Obama worse than....well I can't think of who could be worse, ahaha.
And it's not Democrats who show up to rallies with guns strapped to their legs.
Small you-know-what syndrome.
Please, people. Please note the love and kindness that pours from this person.
Contempt, hatred, prejudice, and slander. That's all you have.
You should be ashamed.
I gave Mrs. Palin credit for being a brilliant marketer.
How is that a negative?
I stand behind not understanding why people find her commentary on political subjects worthwhile. She has provided multiple opportunities -- in the media, in her speeches and debates, and in her TV show, to make a case for herself.
As it happens, I am also currently reading Mrs. Palin's second book,"America By Heart."
I am reading it to further educate myself about her (the Tea Party's) views and how she expresses them. I am reading with an open mind. I am sincerely trying to understand her philosophies.
It's fascinating, really.
So keep your armchair politico psychiatry to yourself.
Or aim your "PDS diagnosis" at someone else.
Or maybe look in the mirror...
When you post stuff that's untrue, and fits the description perfectly... And then try to wriggle out of it? Please, you're insulting yourself.
Read your books, change your mind if you wish... Or not. But don't post stuff that's nothing but absurd PDS bilge.
BTW, you said nothing about "brilliant marketer". You effectively accused her of pimping her daughter. Shame on you. You c all yourself a mom, and then accused another mom of something so despicable it turns my stomach. See, there really ARE people who "pimp" their children.
Bristol was invited. Do you really think the DWTS people were influenced by Sarah Palin? I think they intended to mock Bristol by putting her on. Instead Bristol's guts and determination got her farther than anyone, including her, dared hope. Would you like to be a teen, and have media critics shred you, attack your appearance and your efforts, in cruel and nasty words? Most teens I know would have fled the scene and vanished.
Not Bristol. Even if she was dumb and got pregnant, she has certainly demonstrated there was a heck of a lot of good parenting and growing up being done.
And here you are, claiming to be a MOM, and acting like this, profoundly insulting another MOM and DAUGHTER.
If that's not PDS, I don't know what is.
You've made two posts in which you tell people they should be ashamed of themselves.
Yet no one has said anything for which "shame" would be an appropriate reaction.
Do you think you are the grand patriarch of the Hub Pages forum?
Or maybe fancy yourself as the principal and we are all errant schoolchildren?
Or perhaps your position is that of great fire and brimstone religious orator?
"You should be ashamed of yourself!!"
Oh yes. The great and powerful man behind the curtain has spoken.
"no one has said anything for which same would be appropriate"?
Ok, you've reached a level of disgusting that's just hard to imagine. All the hateful bashing of tea party people and Palin, and you see nothing for which to be ashamed?
I guess that being pure partisan, being a blind and loyal democrat slave trumps all matters, including morality, civility, and truth.
No, it's not. You'e trying to slap at me? you, the most uncivil campaigner of prejudice and hatred on hubpages? Please.
That would be your friend Ann Cee. hands down. And you're right up there too---in case you don't think so, yeah, you are.
Yes, you believe "uncivil" is noting to the crowd your obvious behavior.
Please note... No swearing, no profanity, I don't call people sexual deviants, I don't follow them around in campaigns to annoy and frustrate them. But, that what you, and several other lefties here do.
Who's uncivil? I won't lie to you. I don't say absurdly mocking things to you, nor any of that other stuff you find... acceptable, but isn't.
Just go around and look at the absolutely outrageous nonsense directed at TEA Party types on Hubpages. Not just the forum, but hubs themselves, which are the most sarcastic, mocking, denigrating rhetoric you'll find anywhere.
like the one abotu 'explaining' the tea party to his son. Brilliant bit of writing. Sadly, it's more uncivil and hateful than anything you'll find at a KKK rally. And not something said in the heat of an argument. Something calculated and planned and thought out, premeditated hatred, toward your own countrymen, purely for them being effective at changing the political compass reading.
Pretty much like everything you post.
Did you not have parents? I taught my children to never do what you do. Care to explain why you have abandoned all decency?
Unless LMC grew up without parenting, there was once a time when such things weren't allowed out of her mouth. And I'm sure that at least for a time, and in certain company, such behavior won't happen.
So, why does it here? That's what I'd like to know. Is it attempted intimidation? Is it just virulent hatred spilling over uncontrollably? Or is it calculated to try to spread hatred among other people, or to intimidate the political opposite?
"I'm just truthful. That's not hatred."
Does it work for you coming from my mouth?
Doesn't work for me coming from yours either.
If you were truthful, as I am, then fine. But you're not.
to weholdthesetruths.
Now, to your specific accusations against my post (which was made days ago in response to the OP. You are the one who reintroduced it -- not once, but twice. It appears, from your most vehement defense of Sarah Palin, that YOU are the one who suffers from PDS.
I said she has done a BRILLIANT job of PROMOTING herself and her unwed preganant teen daughter.
I used the word BRILLIANT. I did not use the word "marketing." I used the word "promoting" because it is more specific to the set of visibility-enhancing activities she has engaged in. Marketing does not equal promotion.
Bristol Palin was an unwed pregnant teen when Sarah Palin came on the scene. She is now an unwed teen mother. These are facts. They are not disputable.
And as a matter of fact, I just finished reading the chapter of SP's book in which she talks extensively about Bristol's pregnancy.
1. I never, ever said Sarah Palin PIMPED her daughter. I said she PROMOTED her daughter. Reread the quote that you were interested enough in that you posted it TWICE.
2.What is this with the "you call yourself a mother" crap.
Are you doubting that I am a mother? Not that my personal status has ANY bearing on this.
By your logic, because I am a mother I should not criticize anyone else who is also a mother.
Does that mean because I am an American I should not criticize anyone else who is an American?
Does this mean that as a hubber I cannot criticize anyone else because they happen to share hubbing in common with me?
Sorry, but you are the one sounding really irrational here.
That's just my OPINION. To which I am entitled. It's in your beloved CONSTITUTION!
I'll repost this, and you can reply if you wish. I am so thoroughly disgusted with your lack of any decency it's hard to write this without getting angry... but, I asked and I really, REALLY want to see this answered so... here's the re-post:
Tell me... What "brilliant self promotion" has she done?
Let's get this nailed down. Show me the actions, where Palin has conducted a massive PR campaign to promote herself as... well, anything.
Who ran it? who directed it? What media was used? When was it, and when did it start? When did it end?
If you think that she did a PR campaign, let's see you show us... Or, admit that Palin's fame is a result of two things... Being admirable, and demonstrating leadership.
You are reading more into it than is there.
To say someone has done a brilliant job of self-promotion is to say she has engaged in an effective strategy. Which she has.
1. Sarah Palin had zero national name recognition in 2008 when John McCain tapped her as his Veep candidate.
2. That campaign obviously failed, but Sarah got a taste of the spotlight and ever since has stayed in it through a concerted series of activities.
Here are just a few of them.
a) Press conference to announce stepping down midway through her first term as governor of Alaska.
b) Left office to write and promote (yes, there's that word you have such a hard time with) her book "Going Rogue."
c) Book tours, speaking engagements all give her more exposure to her fan base.
d) Becomes a commentator of Fox News
e) Lands a reality show series "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
f) Writes and promotes a second book, "America by Heart
g) Constant tweets about a variety of topics
Note that I am not passing any kind of value judgment on these activities. They are all bona fide PR tactics. They are what any person seeking to become more visible or influential would do. Perhaps making millions of dollars was not her objective -- but is a nice side benefit that she hasn't turned away.
I did not coin the phrase "cultural icon" but have seen it used many times in reference to Sarah Palin. One does not become a "cutural icon" by hiding one's light under a bushel. And Mrs. Palin is hardly a shrinking violet.
Now, as to the two qualities you claim are solely responsible for Sarah Palin's fame:
Being admirable, and demonstrating leadership.
She is widely admired by many people, that is true. But she is only admired -- or known or talked about at all -- because the media (yes, even the so-called "lamestream" media) have given her constant attention.
Charlie Sheen also attracts constant media attention. That doesn't make him admirable.
Demonstrating leadership.
Many would argue that she relinquished her real leadership role when she left the governorship.
I disagree. She has shown quite a bit of leadership in the TP party. He has made an excellent promoter (oops, I said it again!) of TP candidates. She campaigned for them and supported them.
It has been said, and I have said (not sure if it is in this hub or another one) that she makes an excellent cheerleader for candidates who share her values.
I hope this explanation answers your question, cuz it's all I'm going to say about this.
Somehow, I suspect you will twist and exaggerate my words here. That's ok. You go right ahead and wallow in your disgust. I think you kinda enjoy it.
LOL, pathetic.
A "press conference to announce resignation". Whoa. I mean, that's not newsworthy. Sheesh. Silly old me, what governor would ever call the press and say "Hey, I'm resigning and here's why"? No, such an obvious self promotion ploy, so wholly unique and completely self-aggrandizing. The first time a political resignation has ever been announced to the press in a called press conference? Sheesh.
Cannot you see the wholesale absurdity in this?
"left office to write and promote"? No, she left office because they were already a half million in debt due to legal bills, dealing with FALSE ETHICS CHARGES. A politically orchestrated, fraudulent campaign, designed to personally destroy Sarah and her family, to bankrupt them, make them lose everything, including their home. Yes, the democrat party IS the party of hate. Only hate will drive a political party to do that to someone. And yes, it was a democrat party thing, encouraged, if not coordinated, directly from the White House.
Palin resigned to work. And both her and Todd immediately went back to work, both fishing and his North Slope oil job. She did the fishing, he went back north. The press literally had to follow her around, trying to catch her at Bristol Bay and in Dillingham, during fishing season. Or don't you recall reality? They pursued HER...
The book offer and the FNC gig came MUCH later. She left without ANYTHING on the horizon. She did not resign to do those things, she resigned and they geared up to try to recover or at least survive, the financial avalance unleashed on them. Back again, to your deliberate twisting of the facts, to try to smear her. It's like you read the book and then said "hey, facts don't fit my narrative, I'll just keep the Democrat Party Line, even if it's not reality."
"It's like you read the book and then said "hey, facts don't fit my narrative, I'll just keep the Democrat Party Line, even if it's not reality.""
When has the democrat party line ever been influenced by reality?
Its very simple to understand.
When a democrat proposes a policy do the exact opposite and there will be a successful outcome.
"She is widely admired by many people, that is true. But she is only admired -- or known or talked about at all -- because the media (yes, even the so-called "lamestream" media) have given her constant attention."
More untruth.
If you don't admire her... then I see perhaps why you want to smear those that do, by making up the most absurd and purely idiotic reasons to tack onto them to make them look small. It's that campaign of "hurt everyone not a flaming liberal" type of scorched earth policy.
No, the people who admire her tell you why, and it has NOTHING to do with being hounded by the media. Nothing to do with being on Fox News. Nothing to do with having written a book. It's because she is and was the ultimate underdog. A totally otherwise unremarkable person from Dillingham and nushigak and wasilla and other utterly unremarkable places and no "inside ties" to anything, who went from an unnoticed gun-toting mom (that's normal in AK) to governor in a few years, without money, connections, or inside help. Who beat the odds by force of will and her ability to connect to and deal with people.
Go try to find some media PRE-McCain of Palin, and find that those media critics who today call her stupid... once were highly impressed. That she enjoyed the highest approval rating of any contemporary governor. And that's in a state with the most diverse and competing interests you can imagine.
A few harsh words in the press, and the White House folds and backtracks, repeatedly. A few harsh words and Romney (the elder) bailed on t he GOP in Michigan.
The most viscious coordinated campaign of hatred and threats (including her life) unleashed on her to have EVER occurred nationally, and Palin doesn't fold, doesn't go timid. Doesn't back down, and instead, continues to fire back and start staking out new territory in the conflict.
Yeah, no wonder people admire her. Even if you didn't like her politics, one would have to grudgingly admit she makes Thatcher seem like Play-Doh. And what really seems to rile people... She makes it look easy.
I lost it when Bush passed TARP...signed it into LAW, and the Tea-Party blamed Obama for it.
I lost it after the Constitution shredding Buscho Administration left...and all of a sudden, you people discovered the Constitution!
You have 0 credibility in me eyes, and you never own up to ANYTHING, not the least of which is your hatred of our President.
Sugar-Coat it all you like, takes a hater to know a people are haters!
You said not one true thing above.
What drives you to do this? Do you REALLY think that people will fall for this nonsense? I mean, your chance of changing my mind, when you lie to me as an argument, simply does not exist.
So, why do you do it?
You could TRY to defend what you think it is good and argue for it. But you never do. Why?
Why do you call my opinions "nonsense" and "lies"?
I don't. I call those things which are factually wrong those things. There are matters of fact and matters of opinion, but you consistently mis-state fact.
Facts cannot be changed by perspective, they are what they are, and if you attempt to re-write them, then you lie, period.
The TEA Party did not blame Obama for anything besides being IN FAVOR OF TARP, and then wanting to add a second TARP to the first.
See, these are matters of FACT, not opinion, and you don't get to alter reality. All you do, when you keep trying to do that, is lie.
"Mocking = contempt and hatred."
Nobody better at that than Ann and Lady when they get together.
more hateful smearing of other people... While trying to brush off your mudfilled soul.
You are entirely too civil, LMC.
"Mouth" is not the orifice from which his posts emanate.
I am extremely calm today MM.....their hatred has numbed me.
That means that every lie you tell is then calculated to be a lie.
If I tried to use "LMC" and "civil" in the same sentence, my tongue would snap off its roller....
Watch yourself now, woman!
Numbness is the first symptom of Stockhholm Syndrome !
The comments from the right on this thread is very different than they have been since I joined hubpages. It seems that the personal attacks on lefties and their president has suddenly changed to attacks on the lefties defense of themselves and their president. The right is crying about the left being disrespectful and uncivil. A few days ago SWB78 was out the box, and supported and encouraged by some who today claim uncivility on the left. I'm new to this community and will wait to see what tomorrow will bring. This is a strange turn of events, that just my opinion.
The left has always been uncivil, hate filled, and prejudiced. That's why the Democrat party used to have an election enforcement wing known as the KKK. The Democrats used to publish ads calling Republicans "n****r lovers". Nothing's changed.
The Democrats just figured out how to promise certain racial types the moon, and then dribble a little bit of other people at them, while still promoting the notion they're inferior and need different tests and different standards and can be excused for crime and low test scores and academic non-achievement, etc.
Nothing's changed. It's still the haters and racists on the left and always has been.
Y ou would not know, you don't live here.
I reckon we get better news coverage of events in America than America does.
I'm constantly surprised that the home of mass communication fails so miserably to communicate!
LOL, I've seen your "news". People glass houses throwing stones and all...
Would that be the BBC news or the Murdoch news?
Of co urse the BBC... and papers and...
And what?
Are we as isolated as your news? In the US you give the same sort of prominence to foreign news as we give to "cat stuck up a tree" stories.
Yes the KKK was rooted in the democratic party until Reagan went to Mississippi and made some promises to the dixiecrats if they would put him in office. Than they joined the Republican party and some stayed in the democratic party as blue dog democrats. The republican party used to be the party of Lincoln. The republicans now say liberials rather than n****r lovers. The republican party figured out how to take the moon back from a certain racial type. They flip the script as weholdthesetruths is trying to do on hubpages. You are barking up the wrong tree, I will expose you, with your help.
Good-O Junko, yes, I was entirely forgetting the liberal tendencies of those living in the deep south.
The difference between a liberal and an avowed racist:
The liberal claims he wants to help, by assuming that all the racist says is true about the inferiority of said race or other minority, and then writing policies to code it into law.
The racist is just insecure about himself and sees others as a threat.
Oh, OK.
(note to everybody else, I can't really compete with all the lies spawned by weholdthesetruths, all this doublethink and delusion is making me admire Lady Love and Ann Cee for their straight forward and logical postings. I'm pushed to even understand what the poster is actually saying in this post!)
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