What can you do to help decrease Global Warming?

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  1. SiegfredSudiacal profile image60
    SiegfredSudiacalposted 9 years ago

    What can you do to help decrease Global Warming?

  2. profile image0
    Stargrrlposted 9 years ago

    Anything you can, but the truth is--there's no stopping it.  Humans have damaged the environment past the point of no return.  Antarctica WILL melt.  But hopefully, Jesus will come before any of this comes to pass!

    1. SiegfredSudiacal profile image60
      SiegfredSudiacalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the honest answer Stargrrl, I really hope humans will change and help our environment recover by doing little things like recycling and planting more trees.

  3. peachpurple profile image80
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    Yes, di more recycling, reduce trash, reduce using plastic bags, cut down using petrol, go by foot or bus

    1. SiegfredSudiacal profile image60
      SiegfredSudiacalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You're right peachy, sometimes I wish that petrol didn't get invented in the first place so that humans can minimize the fuel emission. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are bad for the environment and ozone layer.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image85
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    Eating vegetarian for a day or two per week can help as well. I think the meat industry generates more pollution than the auto industry.

    1. SiegfredSudiacal profile image60
      SiegfredSudiacalposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you're right M. T. Dremer, but still auto industry is causing more air pollution that affect the ozone layer and global warming.

  5. Aime F profile image70
    Aime Fposted 9 years ago

    If everyone did some really little, simple things, it would combine to make a big difference!

    -recycle paper, plastic, metals
    -compost food bits, paper/plastic from food products (if you recycle/compost everything that can be recycled/composted you should actually wind up with very little garbage!)
    -opt for the paperless bill option whenever possible, unsubscribe from newspapers that you don't read
    -walk anywhere that's feasibly walkable instead of driving, take a bus if it's not walkable but accessible by transit, carpool if you have a few people going to the same place
    -cut down on meat consumption and especially red meat (if you're really attached to meat then go for poultry)
    -buy local/organic fruits and vegetables, local meat
    -grow your own fruits and vegetables
    -turn off lights/unplug electronics when not in use, keep furnace running at the coolest temperature you can manage
    -pick up litter
    -volunteer for river/ocean clean ups, adopt an area to keep clean, etc. - lots of volunteering opportunities if you look for them!

  6. profile image0
    Daniel Gottlobposted 9 years ago

    After water vapor, the most prominent greenhouse gas in our atmosphere is Carbon Dioxide.   For Carbon Dioxide, 74% of what we emit is directly related to fossil fuels. Where we burn the most currently is electricity and transportation followed by industry so I would start with those.

    -Cut back on electricity (high efficiency light bulbs, A/C adjustments, EnergyStar appliances, etc)
    -Switch to electricity options powered by solar, geothermal, nuclear, or wind energy
    -Invest in Green Infrastructure (Mosaic Solar, etc)
    -Use public transportation and walk when viable
    -Get a car with a good mpg rating or switch to a hybrid/electric and use a non-fossil fuel based source
    -Buy less manufactured products and recycle what you use (switch to reusable water bottles, make compost piles)
    -Make a small garden
    -Buy food locally and in season
    -Reduce consumption of meat, especially lamb or beef
    -Support legislation for stricter carbon emission standards
    -Support taxes on gasoline (makes other options more cost competitive)

    Overall, it is a hard feat to do a lot as an individual but it all adds up and with awareness and advocacy your impact can be increased. Currently, we are trying to get back to 350 ppm and want to stay below 450 ppm to prevent what is predicted to be a threshold for serious ramifications with rising water levels (would put US east coast cities under water) and more severe weather to name a few. However, this is largely uncharted territory so we don't really know if that is a good cut off for sure. We are currently raising CO2 at a rate of 2 ppm a year. This year was the first year where our annual emissions did not increase. To note though, if annual emissions stay the same we will hit 450 ppm in 25 years or less.


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