The Clinton Fix Is In. Hillary gets all the Delegates.

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  1. rhamson profile image70
    rhamsonposted 9 years ago

    In a popular vote that Sanders handily won in New Hampshire, Clinton walks away with an equal share of delegates. The Super Delegates that can vote as they please and not according to their constituency award Clinton their tying votes. Yes the Democrats have decided to run their own campaign and offer up Clinton despite the voice of the voters. The system is most assuredly a sham.

    1. Live to Learn profile image58
      Live to Learnposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      It's early in the game. The will of the people will prevail at the convention, I believe. This inequity could be very good for Sanders. It could turn popular opinion even further away from Hillary in the upcoming primaries.

      1. rhamson profile image70
        rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Robert Reich is running a petition to stop the Superdelegate vote. Go to … 99..pr0qgU to stop this travesty.

    2. Credence2 profile image81
      Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      There is going to be a lot of light on this, the Clinton campaign best not open that pandora's box or there is going to be trouble for sure... Dirty tricks are not allowed and it will substantiate the reasons that folks are pulling away from her.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Dirty tricks are not allowed??!!

        What planet do YOU live on, Credence? That's what politics is all about, here on earth!  lol

        1. colorfulone profile image79
          colorfuloneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          That's politics!   lol

        2. Live to Learn profile image58
          Live to Learnposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Credence is right, though. It shouldn't be. And, when people become aware of how dirty some are, they turn to other politicians whose behavior hasn't been exposed, or don't appear to exhibit those traits. The Clinton's got away with it the first go round. But, Hillary doesn't have the charisma Bill had and will never pull it off the second time.

          I hope.

        3. Credence2 profile image81
          Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, Wilderness, I know that I reside on Terra Firma. I am not surprised, but everyone is expecting the possiblility of a 'slight of hand' used by the Clinton campaign. There will be a riot on the convention floor if she uses these super delegates to supercede the will of the majority of those delegate from all of the 50 states. That is not going to go unnoticed and will certainly be challenged. That won't be good for either her or the party.

          1. profile image56
            retief2000posted 9 years agoin reply to this

            The best news America could ever receive.
            Cruz 2016

            1. Credence2 profile image81
              Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Cruz is a rightwinged brute, nobody likes him nor trust him. You will end up with Trump and that will 'trump' all other forms of entertainment in this election year.

              1. profile image56
                retief2000posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                A right winged brute, that is a specious assertion. Provide some proof or dry up. Trump will not be nearly as entertaining as the leftist media continuing to flack for Hillary. If you want a brute, you need look no farther than Hillary's Husband and there is ample proof of that assertion.

                The only thing funnier than Hillary talking about the "war on women" when her Husband is a commando in that war, is the prospect of her and her friends frog marched into the black Suburbans by the FBI. That will be delicious.

                1. Credence2 profile image81
                  Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Here is some evidence, Cowboy.

                  This from David Brooks, nationally renown conservative columnist for the New York Times, about as fair and balanced as it gets, huh?

         … ngelicals/

          2. rhamson profile image70
            rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            "That won't be good for either her or the party."

            Hillary has proven that she has little in regards of scruples and is more than willing to do what is necessary to assure her objectives. Many have seen a quick turnaround from the "it's my turn" focus of her campaign because of Bernie's focus on the electorate and their wants. My other half cannot stand her because of how she stuck with Bill after all the numerous affairs and the shaming of the office with Monica Lewinsky. Bill should has stepped down and slinked away into obscurity but there he is beating the campaign trail for another eight years of a dynasty. It looks like Jed is doing the same thing with his brother. Go away and stay away is how I feel about these people.

            I don't trust her and I put nothing past her ambition. But is her ambition what is good for this country? We shall see.

            1. Credence2 profile image81
              Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I hear you, RH.

              I don't like superdelegates because it is undemocratic and a failsafe for the party apparachiks to ultimately decide the nominee over the will of the people.
              We just as well revert to the old smoke filled rooms of the past.

              I don't hold any angst about her concerning her marriage and family matters, maybe Bill roamed because he wasn't 'getting enough'? I can only speculate. I can live with bedrooms scandals much more than the ones like Iran-contra and the like that cuts into abuse of authority and discretion and deceives the public as to critical matters of national defense.

              Like I said before, I believe that Sanders is the new face of the party and his tsunamic rise attests to that. I think that it will prove a dynamo that can't be stopped, save some sort of fatal revelation from the Sanders camp.
              It reminded me of the contest between Mondale, the party apparatchik, and Gary Hart back in 1984. But, Bernie burns so much hotter!

              With Hillary, I have the status quo, as bad as it is. But, there will be no major assualts on reproductive rights for women, back turning the clock on civil rights for minorities or homosexuals. As a democrat, she would at least avoid the appearance of a blantant appeal to money changers that are dragging us all down. I still think that we can do better, but we can also do worse.

              Trump and Cruz will shake up the status quo, but take us backwards. This conveyance in neither in 'drive' and not even 'neutral', but in 'reverse' and that will never do.

              Destroy Roe vs Wade, allow the money changers unlimited access to the Treasury, ramp up the military aggression abroad as a smoke screen for the economic travesty they promote stateside. More of the discredited 'trickle down'. It is clear from their stated policies whose side that they are on.  No, I don't want these guys under any circumstance. They are determined to make the 'system' less fair from both and economic and political standpoint. Rather than leave the wound merely untreated, they pour salt into it. While they claim that they are outsiders, they are clearly working for the 1 percent and their interests to the detriment of the rest of us.

              1. profile image56
                retief2000posted 9 years agoin reply to this


                1. Credence2 profile image81
                  Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes, if we end up with either Trump or Cruz, it would be just that, 'hopeless'.

                  1. Live to Learn profile image58
                    Live to Learnposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    I feel the same way about Hillary.

                  2. Live to Learn profile image58
                    Live to Learnposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    I just wanted to say. You keep harping about Cruz and Trump. Bad choices, to be sure. But, Hillary is not the lesser of three evils. She is just as bad as the other choices.

              2. rhamson profile image70
                rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                You are terming a popular Arab saying, "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" which is a detent of the issues. Hillary has run as a candidate of the old guard. She is in essence saying you know me and what I stand for so I am the best choice. Bernie is the total opposite by saying you know the past and the present so lets move forward. We cannot afford the old guard in charge anymore. They have robbed us and our children of their future. The money that pours into hers and others campaigns to leave the status quo in power is killing us. More war and taxes to make up for the pork that their contributors want is a disaster if left unchecked. If not Bernie I want Trump to get in there and tear it up. At least he has proven he doesn't care about the two faced rhetoric of these career politicians and will call them all out if needed. Hillary will just make another bad deal for America to save herself.

                1. Credence2 profile image81
                  Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks for your reply, RH, see my response to L & L.

                2. Credence2 profile image81
                  Credence2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Shaking the system up is most desirable, but having the charge to do to that left in the hands of those that promote bigotry, double down on economic disparity and inequity, saber rattling abroad and the general continued destruction of the middle class in favor of the one percent, is anything but progress. It is regress. So, my point is that ideology matters. That, in my opinion, is worse than the status quo.

  2. Live to Learn profile image58
    Live to Learnposted 9 years ago

    One thing you should remember is that the Democratic Party put those super delegates in place for just such a contingency. In order to pick the nominee the party believed could win and stood in line with their agenda. They were preparing for a scenario just like this one. Which makes me wonder if the Democratic Party even cares about the will of the people or they simply care about their agenda.

    Not very democratic, if you ask me.

    1. rhamson profile image70
      rhamsonposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I believe you are correct. Princeton did a study on how Congress reacts to what the people want. Approximately 90% of Americans have no impact on how lawmakers govern.


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