To those who are pro-Trump, how would Donald Trump revitalize the

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  1. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago
    American middle class and the economy?  Do you believe that Donald Trump will revitalize the American economy in ways that were unprecedented previously?  What are ways do you think that Donald Trump would be GOOD for America?

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No.  I don't see him accomplishing much - the rest of the "system" is going to stop him.  Democrats hate him, Republicans hate him, Independents hate him.  He is threatening every politician on the hill and in state legislatures as well.

      But he will revitalize the political scene as a whole, which may (hopefully) lead to a better "system" as our representatives learn that padding their own pockets isn't the reason they are in DC.  This is the greatest thing Trump has to offer and is the single biggest thing wrong with the country today.  If we can't "teach" politicians that their job is to govern, not just wield power for the sake of controlling others or to increase their own wealth, we are doomed regardless of what wonderful sounding programs come into play.  Until the priority of our politicians becomes the good of the country instead of the security of their job and power base, nothing is going to really change.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        +++++++++++ ., Trump , by  returning and revitalizing the corporate base WITHIN our borders will  accomplish what was once a vibrant center of an economically  vibrant middle  class ., The same middle class that has been raped  from above and below , above us   the rich offshore off-sided trade deals  , below us the entitled  welfare    freeloaders and illegal  anchor - baby  and  sanctuary communities  .
        Awhile ago , I read that congress and senate had been polled and would resign at a rate of 18 % , IF Trump were elected , I doubt that they'd give it up  that easily without either being fired or hung from lamp-posts but  we'll see  , And I believe that if that is what's necessary to return  our middle class to power - so be it ! 

        And I don't even like Trump , but I will not watch my country  go further down the road it's being led by a generation  of  extremely immature  selfish entitl-ee's !

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Now that brings up an interesting thought - how long will it take congress, if Trump becomes president, to start the impeachment process?

          When the people of Idaho voted in term limits for their state legislators (with 60% of the vote) it took just one month for their state congress to reverse the new law with a 2/3rd majority to override a governor veto.  Will we see it in the national congress as well - more complete disregard for the wishes of the people?

          1. Rodeon profile image58
            Rodeonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Sometimes, people don't matter at all. More so, when they're gullible.

      2. rhamson profile image69
        rhamsonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        "But he will revitalize the political scene as a whole, which may (hopefully) lead to a better "system" as our representatives learn that padding their own pockets isn't the reason they are in DC.  This is the greatest thing Trump has to offer and is the single biggest thing wrong with the country today."

        I agree with this wholeheartedly. If he is elected people will either be united against him or for him. The best part about that is people will begin to take an interest in the system and perhaps it will improve.

    2. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I love that image with the Bald Eagle and the American Flag.

      This image is interesting with Trump's vs Sander's tax plans.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Two questions that seem kind of important:

        How is Trump going to cover the loss of governmental income, and what is Sanders going to do with all the extra his government takes from "we the people"?

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          All anyone has to do is vet Sanders by observing his home state , Vermont , #1 , High schools ,  Colleges and the graduates that they spew out regularly , ARE LEAVING their home state in droves , And all for  better  economic surroundings .   Problem  # 2 ,  Vermont has a highly subsidized education system , its universities and colleges are largely tax based supported . 

          Where are the graduates going ?  To find jobs !    Jobs that pay enough to support the very families that all  younger people  are known for  . All any serious  national voters have to do is look at the tax base in Bernie Sanders home state . One of the highest in the country .  Property taxes on a single family  home run anywhere from  2- 3 thousand dollars a year to ten or twelve !  People here are paying more per month for property taxes than  their mortgage payment !!!!!

          is this the "Feel the Bern "........That you want , what about for your kids?

        2. colorfulone profile image77
          colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Very good questions.  Up to this point people haven't been ready to listen to the candidates on the issues, but I think that most are ready now.  Enough of the stupid questions from moderators for the debts... Trump needs to be asked the right questions, as well the other candidates, and they need to start articulating to the American people what their plans are.  How are they going to fix the economy for the next generation?  That's what I want to know.  

          Foreign policies...that's the biggest (problem) issues we are faced with. 
          We need to put America first!

          I already know that Hillary is going to be status quo (Obama) in regards to social or political issues, but worse.   Bernie....well, that's the joke of the year!  Still, I want to hear it from their mouths.

          I don't want multi-national companies running our government through the politicians in Washington DC. Frankly, that is how it is and will progress with any other candidate, other than Trump. 

          Why won't the DOJ prosecute Goldman-Sachs?  Because, the US Justice Department is corrupt.  That is the epitome of tyranny.  ...  Why hasn't Hillary been prosecuted by the DOJ?  (she's a puppet of Goldman-Sachs).

          "The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime"

          1. colorfulone profile image77
            colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Trump terrifies the Democrats and the Republican establishment, because he has shown himself to be a statesman.  There's a lot of hatefilled articles about Trump, but that's 'haters for you'.  shrug
     … _naysayers

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    It has to begin with  the people  , and from the people -to the states which dictate anything and everything  , remember it all began from local controls and so finishes as such . We have let the Feds become too powerful as it is , Until the American voter gets off his collective a$$ and demands it , it won't happen anyway . And we need TERM LIMITS like we need  oxygen 1

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One of the big points from the Idaho fiasco (read: excuses to keep their job) is that term limits produces inexperienced politicians being subjected to experienced, cunning lobbyists.  Guess that means they won't know how to properly accept a bribe.  Because we all know that every politician was simply a checker at the corner grocery store before leaping directly to congress.  Or on welfare, take your choice.

  3. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    This is like asking the German People & ALL of HUMANITY how Adolf Hitler would "Revitalize the Economy" ~ If there's one thing this Blood-Thirsty Psychotic Meglomaniac did indeed acomplish, it was igniting a very "VIBRANT" Economy ~ sad sad ~ We all know how he pulled that one off RIGHT??? sad

    So, now you're saying, well, ya know, we understand "Hair PLUGz" Trump is a Mentally Deranged Rascist, a Bigot,, Delusional, has Severe ANGER Problems, Incites RIOTs, has Expressed an insatiable DESIRE to Deport MILLIONs of Hard Working Un-Documented Human Beings, Gets Robo-Call Help from the KKK, uses Vulgar, Obscene, and Severly OFFENSIVE Language to describe women, has ALIENATED Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, Working AMERICANs, Senior Citizens, Has Ridiculed Disabled Individuals, Has Expressed a DESIRE to LOWER Wages for Hard Working AMERICANs because he thinks they earn too much now while giving even MORE of our WEALTH to Wall Street and Greed Driven Swindlers like himself in the form of MASSIVE Tax Cuts ~

    AND the list of Disqualifiers goes on & ON.......Here you go, just one bit of Footage revealing Numbskull Trump's intent to LOWER Wages for Hard Working AMERICANs ..... yeah yeah we got the Boring Senseless ROUTINE already sad....we don't win anymore we don't win anymore we dont win's simply not true, just MORE Lies from the "DONALD" and even if it were true, you'd expect us to call on a LOSER Like U & your 80 year old Wall Street Buddy Carl Icahn to save the DAY?? Really??

    His company is this CLOSE to being Categorized as JUNK due to his Atrociously BAD Decisions & you've had MORE FAILURES in Business than a "Blind & DUMB Monkey" could ever have ~ sadsad

    Work for a LIVING? Trump's got a Big "WAGE Slicing" surprise for you coming down the PIKE if you're DUMB enough to VOTE for this CON-Man ~ sadsad

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Besides being a disgusting human being, Trump has no idea what he is doing.  He thinks he can "study up" to be President.  He is a con man and he is duping a whole bunch of people.  I'm sickened that he has gotten this far.


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