Significant premium hikes expected under Obama health law

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  1. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 8 years ago … id=UE07DHP

    This year, premiums for a benchmark silver plan rose by a little more than 7 percent on average, according to administration figures. A spike for 2017 would fire up the long-running political debate over the divisive law, which persists despite two Supreme Court decisions upholding Obama's signature program, and the president's veto of a Republican repeal bill.
    [b] is this what we voted for? Did the government really not anticipate this? I don't care what political party you're aligned with, this is another incompetent move by big government...and making us pay or risk being penalized. Or did the insurance lobbyists get their way again? so sick of the SOS.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image70
      Quilligrapherposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Let’s not forget that healthcare insurance premiums rose 13.2% on average during the nine years preceding Obama’s election and 5.8% on average since the ACA was enacted.{1}

      However, premiums are determined primarily by healthcare costs and insurance claims which are naturally linked to the general health of the insured in the insurance pool. Under the ACA, premium increases over 10% must be reviewed by the federal government and, in many states, are all subject to negotiation and approval by a state insurance commission. While certain consumer protections in the law, like the mandate to cover pre-existing conditions, for example, may tend to increase premiums, other features in the law, like the rate review provision and even the creation of the health insurance marketplace, work as a counterbalance to reduce premiums.

      One other important feature of the ACA protects consumers from premium gouging. Insurance companies MUST disburse 85% of their collected premiums for healthcare goods and services or they must REFUND the unspent amounts to the policyholders.
      {1} … g-35-45-5/

  2. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 8 years ago

    I think everyone was under the impression that Obamacare or Affordable Care Act would actually be affordable to everyone. The politicians idea of affordable vs the average voter is worlds apart.

    1. Quilligrapher profile image70
      Quilligrapherposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I really doubt that you actually asked “everyone” to tell you about their impression of Obamacare, so, I think it is safe to say that “everyone’s” impression is simply a projection of your own.

      The definition of “affordable healthcare” is just as ambiguous as the definition of a taxpayer’s “fair share.” The former means how much each of us thinks we should have to pay for medical goods or services and the latter means how much we think someone else should have to pay in taxes. smile

      In my case, however, I budget healthcare costs to increase each year as I grow older. When I buy a new car, I expect maintenance and repairs to increase each year as the car ages. It seems to me that this is the normal and reasonable thing to do.

      1. Stacie L profile image87
        Stacie Lposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Everyone I know, that is....wink

        1. Quilligrapher profile image70
          Quilligrapherposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, right!      smile

  3. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

    Obama care is a perfect example of what you get when the politicians and the insurance companies put their heads together behind closed doors and leave the needs and will of the people out of the conversation.

  4. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    Today a ruling by a federal judge, that the Obama administration was illegally paying out as much as $175 billion to finance Obamacare, with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus calling it “another rebuke by the courts to a president who has routinely flouted the Constitution.”

    “Obamacare has proven to be an unpopular, unworkable train wreck that has delivered one broken promise after another, made our weak economy even worse, and disrupted the lives of millions of Americans,” Priebus said.

    “While Hillary Clinton and the Democrats want to expand this failed law and give Washington more control over Americans’ healthcare, the Republican Party is united in our resolve to repeal Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered reforms that will actually lower costs and expand access to care.” … id/728569/

    Its a win for the American people and for the Constitution.

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Obama care's against every  constitutional protection the people are supposed to  have .  The feds  , a central government power , telling us  we have to buy  something  at the cost of  others ,or  we are breaking a law[s]!


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