On the Massacre in Orlando

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  1. Luz Ortega profile image64
    Luz Ortegaposted 8 years ago

    http://revcom.us/a/443/on-the-horrific- … ld-en.html

    Let's analyze the real terrorist here. Read the link to the article posted above and feel free to comment or ask questions

    1. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The real terrorists are those people who hate other people's Ultimate love.

      About 80 countries make homosexually illegal with 10 countries with a death penalty. If that is not enough for another religious person insanity case, I don't know what is.

      Murder still stands as the ultimate crime, not love.

      1. Luz Ortega profile image64
        Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with most of what you say but let's not forget that the state/government is the driving force to enacting these laws and executions and therefore gives rise to people who hate homosexuals. The article from the link I posted sums up how both radical Islam AND western-imperialism are two modes that SHOULD not be driving things because they re-enforce one another and drives the chaos of these types of catastrophes. It also talks about another way (and the ONLY way) out of this.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image74
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Religion has huge problem with homosexually and who is elected leaders are? Religious people.

          At lease America accepted gay marriage (not gay Myself) As far as immigrants, sure raise the standard to get in. Just don't single out  certain race or Religion unless it's Zionism. UN claim the group is racist.

          1. Live to Learn profile image60
            Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I suppose if you could name a few zionists who have slaughtered innocent people on our soil recently that would help your case.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image74
              Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              You want to get me killed.
              Already they have ruin much of my business and destroy most of our nature.

              1. Live to Learn profile image60
                Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                LOL. I have this vision of the Zohan stalking you.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image74
                  Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  No I'm not having a... Bad hair day.

                  I used to entertainment 10s of millions of people with 100s of politician and star visits. When you questions many of your unhealthy sponsor, they purposely ruin your career. I no longer mainly work for the rich and mainly green vs the synthetic greedy corporatism. I'm no longer a world champion race horse for money.

                  Now rather a humanitarian , green and working for the health of the people. Slowly changing the world from a small grassroots of light minded people.

                  No use of trying to change these people. Their abuse has no turning back, they will steal as much power and lives as they can first. Then blow up the world as much as to confuse people for their get away. It is coming to be strick three for them, then game over for them, then the people reset the game for something better. If that's any closer glue of the monsters vs individual's.

          2. Luz Ortega profile image64
            Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            castle paloma, you are stating that religious people are elected leaders and have problems with homosexuality. then you say not to single out religion. So I'm trying to understand why you wouldn't single them out. I would read, "Away with all the Gods" because religions to a certain extend IS actually harmful. The U.N can have certain facts but I wouldn't say that they are right about everything. Plus the role of the U.N might do some good in the world, but it has also done  lots of harm b/c of the role that is played, or is forced to play b/c the planet is capitist-imperialist.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image74
              Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I believe in Capitalism just not the greedy  corporatism Imperialism. There is many religious (more than other groups) that strongly disappointed with homosexually. Gays ultimate love is their partner, I thought God was about love?

              1. Luz Ortega profile image64
                Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                The drive of capitalism is profit over people and natural resources (first analyzed & explained more fully by Marx). Because of this drive, it has led to the corporatist-imperialist culture you talk about. It has gotten worse because the need to profit more, has driven competition, which therefore has expanded to world-markets (hence the word imperialism- as described by Lenin- who also then analyzed what we should do about it b/c of capitalist's disaster). This is the reason you can't change Capitalism through its very nature.

                Anyone who does not want the greedy corporate side of capitalism (which therefore means you don't like it- because that's what capitalism actually is) should study how capitalism works, in order to see the damage it does and why you cannot change it. I recommend you read  http://revcom.us/a/322/on-the-driving-f … ge-en.html

                In terms of the religion and gay comment & question: there are religious people and some churches who accept homosexuality (from what I've found) but to understand why some religions are grounded in patriarchy, you can read, "away with all the gods" which is a book that describes the origins of most religions.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image74
                  Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Capitalism is of individual pursuing collective bargaining and happiness.

                  Corporatism is collecting  socialism groups for the greed of it"s pursuits

                  1. Luz Ortega profile image64
                    Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Capitalism is not an individual thing- is what individual must do in a capitalist society- that is all system, not individual. And this is how corporatism arises as well - and nothing about capitalism is socialist

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Lets ask ourselves why we are giving Muslims a free ride in America , and back where they came from homosexuality ,   women's , children's  ,a  Christian's ,freedom are non-existant ?  Homosexuality for one is  punishable by death ?

    Explain that !

    1. IslandBites profile image91
      IslandBitesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Where do "they"come from?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image74
        Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        From traveling the middle East each country has their extreme. The laws on homosexually is not exceptable where the rest horse is speaking about
        Is where I may not like how they do it, yet exceptable.

        The odd Muslims country like Saudi Arabia is too extreme for the latter.

    2. Luz Ortega profile image64
      Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ahorseback- You mention, "we are giving Muslims a free ride in America?" I take it that you are anti-immigrant? and what do you mean that a women's, children's, homosexuality or Christian's freedom is non-existent? You think we have to take sides?

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        No , I believe we have to fight terrorism with more than "love and compassion " like our Obama administration does , and I believe in   O -immigration unless thoroughly vetted !  We cannot fight  Islamic violence with hugs ?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image74
          Castlepalomaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Obama is a BSer.
          Why not hugs? I've huged a few Muslims and they are generally not violent people. Not like some other places I've traveled.

        2. Luz Ortega profile image64
          Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          ahorseback, I'm def not saying that we should fight islamic fundamentalists with hugs. But I am saying that western-imperialism is also a problem that we should not fight with hugs as well. Obama has taken part of western-imperialism, so I don't go by what he or any other president of the U.S says. Like I mentioned, BOTH Islamic fundamentalism AND Western Imperialism is a problem. And that the real way out is through a Communist Revolution. Now that doesn't mean we are going to kill anyone who executes things based on this ideology. The real problem is the way this system is organized much more than it is the people who behind those wheels, b/c most of the time they are completing tasks based on what they are forced to do or brainwashed to do... however, there ARE real forces out there (corrupt,greedy who will do ANY horrific act based on this greed & corruption) and these are the ones that need to be locked up rather than running a whole society (the main reason we have the problems we have in the world). And if you have prisons based on THAT, we wouldn't need so many prisons the way we have in the U.S. I recommend you look more into revcom.us website. If there is a chapter near you which is found on end of the Revolution Newspaper, you can also go in person to ask questions and check out the materials (if it is a bookstore) that are a toolkit of the revolution. I think some materials can be ordered online, if there is no bookstore near you. And you should also be able to ask question through the email that is available in the website. B/c there are people much more knowledgeable than me. However, feel free to email me as well: lz_or@hotmail.com to get into real conversations about what this movement for an actual revolution is all about.

          1. Luz Ortega profile image64
            Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            but many materials are found online as well that you don't have to buy... if you feel comfortable reading through laptop.

  3. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 8 years ago

    One line from your link stands out   Revolutionary communism alone truly provides a viable and comprehensive alternative,

    lol is the only response I can give to that. Revolutionary communism killed millions upon millions at its onset. Gays included.

    1. Luz Ortega profile image64
      Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      There is a lot of things I could say. For one, there were many communists who called themselves Communists but weren't. Another is that there were Communists who committed horrific acts that they should not be extolled by. But to understand why they did that, we must analyze the whole political atmosphere and the roles that others played that led certain people to make these horrific mistakes. They should not be excused by it, and this type of thing should NOT happen again. That is the reason that this movement emphasizes that we should not take vengeance on people. That is not what Revolutionary Communism should stand for. What it does stand for is overthrowing a system that creates horrific acts much more horrendous than any individual can do. thisiscommunism.org is a site that states what is communism- what leaders were or weren't communists. what mistakes were made- how this new synthesis of communism has studied those mistakes and makes sure that it doesn't make those again- outlined in the principles of "time to get organized for an actual revolution" on the revcom.us website. And we do uphold these principles in the sense that we work with people (even if they are antagonistic with us) b/c the true enemy is the system, not the people. And so whatever misconceptions people have, we communicate that. And if they are fighting among each other, we focus them on who the real enemy is. And if they seem like they don't care about politics, we tell them why they should care, etc.

      1. Live to Learn profile image60
        Live to Learnposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        What anything should stand for is rarely what it does. Especially when power is the end goal.  Communism exterminated in excess of 100 million people in a very short time in history. To claim that these weren't true communists is not realistic. They were very much communists.

        Sorry. Communism proved itself to be a failed and dangerous system. I think we are experiencing the tail end of another failed system. But, I think we should learn from the mistakes of history. Not repeat them.

        1. Luz Ortega profile image64
          Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          well the end goal of this movement is emancipating humanity, not taking state power. But the reality is that we do need state power in order to emancipate humanity. I understand that certain things not be taken lightly. But at the same itime, this system makes sure to make communism a bigger monster than what capitalism is though it is the other way around.

          Communism failed b/c they capitalism won at the end (China & Russia are capitalists now, even if they kept the word Communist- but that's b/c they were defeated by capitalism). However, society should be run in a communist way, not a capitalist way. and the REAL history of Communism shows that. Though they failed at the end, in reality, the accomplished a lot of beautiful things while they were Communists. And this is another thing that this system doesn't want Americans to know. You should read  http://revcom.us/a/323/you-dont-know-wh … ow-en.html

          think you are right that we should learn from history and this new synthesis of communism has learned a lot from the accomplishments and shortcoming of past communist societies. But not to the point of dismissing communism altogether b/c of the shortcomings... in comparison, capitalism is MUCH more dangerous than Communism. And the whole planet right now is Capitalism... and just like you are saying that we are experiencing the tail end of another failed system should allow us to ask heavy questions of WHY this is the case. and understand HOW this system functions. And therefore WHY you can't change it by its very nature. And also analyze what Communism really is and why it had the shortcomings it did, especially the forces (capitalist) that they were up against, but how can we win this time against them.

          The problem is that other solutions are based on illusions. For example, to be free of the state at this very moment is not very realistic. I would LOVE that, but is not realistic. B/c the state has too much power at the moment from it to cease to exist just b/c we move around or change the products we buy or any other things we think of.

          1. Luz Ortega profile image64
            Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            but the goal at the end is to live in a society that we no longer need state power... and that's what communism really is... before it gets to that point, however, it will be in the transition of being a socialist society... something that cannot happen under capitalism.

            1. Luz Ortega profile image64
              Luz Ortegaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              the book, "constitution of a New Socialist republic in North America" states this. You can check out other materials that are based on the toolkit for a revolution in revcom.us- email me at lz_or@hotmail.com if you have any questions but you can email someone from the contact info provided on the revcom.us website below b/c there are people who know much more than I do.


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