Infowars has documented the violent rhetoric of BLM, the New Black Panthers, and other groups that share their racist ideology: … g-america/
On Monday, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke wrote a scathing editorial for The Hill characterizing deadly attacks on police officers as guerrilla urban warfare.
“The murders in Baton Rouge, and before them Dallas, were not acts of domestic terrorism but guerrilla urban warfare against the police—who represent law and order—against the Constitution, and against the American way. The police, the men and women whom I as the Sheriff of Milwaukee County ask to put their lives on the line, are on the front lines of this war,” Clarke wrote.
He said the domestic terror and lone wolf narrative is “wordsmithing” and Black Lives Matter (BLM) and “revolutionary Marxists” are specifically targeting police. BLM, Clarke argued, shares with Occupy Wall Street and the Islamic State and desire “take down the West, the philosophy of equality before the law, and replace it with their authority, their rules, their hate.”
“The targeting of police for hate and for murder is by Black Lives Matter and their accomplices are, in actuality, the targeting is our rule of law. Groups like Black Lives Matter, blessed by the progressive left and most recently our own President Obama, need to be exposed and condemned for their true aims: revolution.”
He accused Obama of enabling violent revolutionaries by refusing to denounce the group and its objectives. Moreover, according to Clarke, Obama, and the Democrats are exploiting BLM for political gain. ... Read more at the link provided.
I love Sheriff David Clarke.
45 failed Alex Jones predictions
I stopped listening at about 2 1/2 minutes, where in 2010 he was predicting in great detail a government-staged assassination attempt on Obama that would be blamed on Islamic terrorism with an added right-wing terrorism angle, for the purpose of declaring martial law and banning guns.
Some people eat this stuff up and don't seem to notice how often he's wrong.
Getty images
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke reminds GOP convention delegates of the importance of supporting law enforcement. No individual, including Hillary Clinton, is above the law, he says.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make something very clear: Blue Lives Matter in America!"
“I stand before you tonight with a heavy heart, as the law enforcement community prepares to bury three of the Louisiana, Baton Rogue’s finest. But there is some good news coming out of Baltimore, Maryland, as Lt. Brian Rice was acquitted on all charges, and the malicious prosecution of activist state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby."
“I want to talk with you about something important, indeed, a concept that five law enforcement officers were murdered and nine more were wounded for, earlier this month in Dallas, and for which three more were murdered two days ago in Baton Rouge, Louisiana: And that is the importance of making America safe again. You see, I believe that this noble mission is not just a requirement, but a prerequisite for achieving this campaign’s goal of making America great again. We simply cannot be great if we do not feel safe in our homes, on our streets, and in our schools.”
“I see this every day, at street level, where many Americans increasingly have an uneasiness about the ability of their families to live safely in these troubling times. This transcends race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, and lifestyle.”
“If you don’t believe it, a recent Gallup poll confirms it: More than half of all Americans now worry a great deal about crime and violence, up consistently and dramatically from just a few years ago,” from 2014, when Obama “And for African-Americans, that number is 70 percent.”
“Sadly, for a growing number of communities, the sense of safety that many of us once took for granted has been shattered. Americans don’t always feel safe, no matter if they are working in a big city, living in a suburb, or rural areas all around our great country. I often tell residents of Milwaukee, and the cities and towns I visit, that safety is a shared endeavor. It starts with the willing acceptance of people to play by society’s rules: A code, a code if you will, we collectively agree upon that ensures stability, fairness, and respect.”
“It’s built on a foundation of trust in each other, and in the people who administer and enforce society’s rules, which at its foundation is the rule of law.”
“In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote passionately about ‘the interrelatedness of all communities and states’ and about our ‘inescapable network of mutuality, tying us in a single garment of destiny.’ He spoke of the basic morality of the rule of law, provided that it is applied equally to both the wealthy and the impoverished, both men and women, and yes, the majority and the minority.”
“What we witnessed in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and in Baton Rouge was a collapse of social order. So many of the actions of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter transcend peaceful protest, and violates the code of conduct we rely on. I call it anarchy.”
“You see, American law enforcement officers understand that race is and has been a heated issue in our country. Most appreciate the vital need for thoroughness and transparency in pursuit of the greater good in their actions, and in their investigations. These are truths that are self-evident to me, and which I practice, and they are the truths that Donald Trump understands and supports.
“Donald Trump is the steadfast leader our nation needs. He has spoken passionately to me of his belief in our American system of justice, and he speaks to the values that are at the foundation of our social contract. Throughout his campaign, and over many years before, he has consistently and constantly raised his voice — not only in defense of the character of the American police officer, but the need for all people to feel they are being treated fairly and respectfully by law enforcement.”
“You see, Donald Trump understands that what can make our nation safe again is a recommitment to a system of justice in which no government official, not even those who have fought their way to the marble and granite halls of Washington; no private citizen, not even Hillary Clinton; and no group of people, despite the fervor with which they press forward their grievances, can claim privilege above the law. It cannot happen in the United States.”
“The tradition of the primacy of the rule of law in America is strong. It is in those simple facts and in our acts we will move forward and toward making America safe again. God bless you, and may God continue to bless these United States of America.”
I like that Clarke took the time to slam Hillary Clinton’s lawless tenure as secretary of state, and he emphasized that no official is above the law. Well, they shouldn't be above the law.
Blue lives matter if you're a smurf, or not attacking the middle east.
Only police officers... But, hey, that's good news! Right?
When Police kill the public 8 times or greater than the combined terrorist groups do.
Are they true blue or are they a
Depopulating Corporatism groups?
"When Police kill the public 8 times or greater than the combined terrorist groups do."
When? Let's hope that never happens. I wouldn't even compare the police in the USA with terrorist scum-bags. All cops are not bad...all terrorists are bad. It would be a great thing if cops could arrest terrorists before they get the chance to murder innocent victims, thankfully some times they do.
Only 1/10 of terrorism is Muslim within the US. They are chasing maining terrorism ghosts and false flags around the world.
Who says the US policing and US troops are not make up the vast majority of terrorist.
Wait a minute, can you back up the train for me? Where did you get your statistics from? It would be grand if you can back that up for educational purposes.
"Who says the US policing and US troops are not make up the vast majority of terrorist."
I have never heard or read that anyone said that they are, or are not. Who says they are?
You may not, yet the FBI dose. Even higher numbers like 60 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist on other networks.
Police robbed people on traffics tickets and growing important plants. They don't like murder or theif in most cases, it can be dangerous. I have done a few jobs more dangerous than police work.
People may think bears or sharks kill more than mosquitoes. Or beheading kills more than bombs. Brain washing is big business.
There is a lot of brainwashing, government and media propaganda, and especially so with the politically correct nonsense agenda.
Any evidence of Marxists dominating BLM? Any evidence of ISIS connections? I thought not...
Cops kill around a thousand people a year in the US. So that is tens of thousands of family members, friends and co-workers left with a loss in their lives. Some of them will be asking 'am I next?'. That is fertile recruiting ground for extremists.
Block legitimate democratic avenues of expression and you really might start to see the emergence of revolutionary ideologies.
Apparently there are even Liberal gun clubs forming in the US.
Lol, your country is a mess.
"Any evidence of Marxists dominating BLM? Any evidence of ISIS connections?"
Yes, and yes. To even try to discus anything with you, is unfruitful. , I don't have time to give you the benefit of my research or others'.
Just about all the people killed by police are 'good kills' according to the FBI website. Criminals should be asking if they are next if they are breaking the law and armed, because they are not bullet proof. Stupid is as stupid does.
I have no problem with legitimate democratic avenues of expression. Maybe you haven't noticed that the modern day Communist Democrat leaders are something else.
"Apparently there are even Liberal gun clubs forming in the US."
Yes, and I am glad they are receiving gun training. Black Friday was a day of record gun sales. Liberals are even beginning to stock pile food and supplies they may need, its like an awakening happening. It is good to be prepared for disasters, they happen. Be prepared!
"Lol, your country is a mess."
You think that is funny? Our country has been turned upside down in the past eight years, I don't see anything funny about it. That's really twisted.
If in the 20 years Alex Jones has been wrong 45 times, I would say that's very good out of the 1,000's time he has been right. As far as humans go, that is pretty good as far as predictions go...if those 45 times were in fact predictions that Alex Jones actually made. I mean he gets callers all the time saying he said something when he didn't and had no clue what the caller was talking about. He likes pointing things out to idiots...People get confused because Infowars does run articles from other sites and everything in those articles may not be accurate,...but he gets blamed for someone else's inaccuracy. That's typical though, isn't it?
Thanks for your two cents.
You're welcome. I take seriously your repeated assertions in these forums that you seek only the truth.
Just FYI, although I stopped listening at the lengthy description of how Obama would declare martial law, the audio up to that point consisted of Alex Jones himself enumerating his predictions. I wonder how many people live in fear that Obama will declare martial law because of Alex Jones' "predictions"? Seems a shame to play on people's fears to gin up support. And ratings.
I hear that millionaire Alex Jones makes quite a nice living off of his "predictions."
So do a lot of quacks and charlatans, because they appeal to people with fixed preconceptions who are prone to confirmation bias.
I just saw a short clip on Infowars with Michael Moore on Bill Maher's show, saying he thinks Trump will win the 2016 election. I don't usually pay attention to Moore-the-quack, but I think he is right in this prediction and I agree with him that...the enemy is complacency, that is evident.
Yes, I know, he's a quack until he says something you agree with.
I like Michael Moore, yet he has been wrong on predictions on who had been elected before.
He and Bill Maher want to be sure that America is not complacent. They want people to see Trump as a threat so they will turn out and vote.
Moore has his talents, but I'm not sure politics is one of them...but, I could be wrong. I thought his prediction was interesting based on his reasons that Trump will win. Hillary is complacent, very smug. Bill Maher agreed with Moore that the enemy is complacency. When Maher gets it, he gets it. Its glaring, and its time for an outsider.
I don't agree with Trump 100%, but he is taking on the corrupt establishment in Washington and their MediaPAC...or shall I call it the Clinton News Network. Its a sad day when only 6% of Americans say they trust MSM.
Have a nice day!
Are you referring to Obama's Martial Law Executive Order 13603?
There are many talking about it. Not just Jones.
No, I am referring to Alex Jones predicting that the U.S. government would stage an assassination attempt on Obama, blame it on Islamic terrorism with an added right-wing terrorism angle, and use it as justification to declare martial law and confiscate all guns. This prediction was made in 2009.
Given that Executive Order 13603 (National Defense Resource Preparedness) was issued on March 16, 2012, his "prediction" had nothing to do with that EO.
Even though Allex and Phil Maher are interesting, you know they don't support the Muslim countries and say very little about Zionists..Just like most brainwashed Americans they do not know Muslims personally or been to their countries. What do I know. Most major Religious people are brainwashed to start with by fighting predomately religious countries.
Moore dose care about poverty and inequality
We have to get back to 'We The People' and help the downtrodden and we aren't going to do that with lying politicians that create the problems and only make them worse with broken promises. We need freedom, justice and equality for all Americans. To heck with the rich 1%ers who want to control everything, and do.
Truth is destiny.
Either way America is screwed until Americans grows a backbone of courage to go along from what they know. From personal envision it is going to be too big a mess in the meantime.
If Trump is the 1℅ , isn't it like asking the fox to guard the hen house.?
What a power speech Trump gave, the best ever after switching his campaign one day before.
* … -his-life/
Full text or video.
I expect the campaign will be even better now that Steve Bannon is the CEO. He is known as "the street fighter", he is tough like Trump, and a really nice and honest guy.
Hillary Clinton must getting desperate to attack Alex Jones, and out-right lie about him. The guy has proof of anything he has ever said publicly on video. So! She is creating her own false conspiracy theory, again, that a lot of low-information followers of her's might believe...because "The Queen of Conspiracies" said so!
Hillary Clinton Directly Attacks Alex Jones
This is very stupid of Hillary, but then FBI Comey did say the Hillary is "extremely reckless", and Bernie Sanders said she has "poor judgement".
Alex Jones gets a million views a week, and thanks to Hillary Clinton's extremely reckless poor judgement, she pointed people to search for Alex Jones, who exposes her for the lying corrupt person she really is. So! Thank you Hillary!
A SHOCKING documentary I am watching.
"Hillary and Bill Clinton exposed as Dixie Mafia"
The Clinton Crime Family is so corrupt!
Pickle-Gate: Hillary Caught Faking Feat
Everyone knows when you open a jar of pickles, there is a pop sounds. Well, I think everyone knows that. #HillarysHealth
The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Bazaar Behavior
* … e-behavior
Two possibilites:
Like her servers, if it had never been sealed and everything in side was spoiled, there is no pop.
Again like her servers, if it had previously been opened by someone else, there would be no pop.
Only if it were properly sealed at the time of canning, and had never been opened by someone else is there a pop. Ought to ask the FBI if they heard a pop!
Doctor Drew's, TV show “Dr. Drew On Call,” is being canceled, 8 days after he spoke out publicly and passionately that he is gravely concerned about Hillary's heath, and her healthcare. After he and a doctor friend of his looked at the medical records Hillary released, they said they would be ashamed to show up in a doctor's lounge.
* … t-hillary/
Many doctors have spoken out their concerns about Hillary Clinton's health. But, she says its conspiracy theory. My goodness she hasn't given a press conference in something like 260 days, that's unheard of for a presidential candidate.
I like your possibilities!
Perhaps this will wipe the smug looks off of MSM reports who mocked people that warned what was to come because of the muslim refugee invasion in France and other countries.
Secret plan to "clean up" the country
by Paul Joseph Watson
* … t-muslims/
French authorities are preparing for “civil war” against Muslims in order to “clean up” the country, according to prominent author Éric Zemmour, who claims a high placed government source told him of the plan.
European civil war?
"Calvar told members of a French parliamentary commission earlier this summer that France was 'on the brink of civil war.' ... Following the Nice truck attack, Jonathan Miller, who is an elected council member in the French village of Caux, said that the attack had 'shaken France to the brink of a terrifying escalation' and that citizens were responding by joining gun clubs ... French security forces are also preparing for mass civil unrest and radicalized immigrants taking over entire neighborhoods, according to intelligence sources. Last week, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that new terror attacks in France were inevitable and that 15,000 Islamic extremists who are already living in the country were in the process of being radicalized."
Shots Fired: Riots kick off in Charlette
City of Charlotte says victim killed by another protester.
* … charlotte/
Clearly there are agitators.
In its second night, stems from the shooting death of Keith Lamont on Tuesday. While the victim’s family claims he was merely holding a book while inside his vehicle, officers say the black male was holding a firearm.
I have not seen a police body-cam video yet. Got one?
They're not protesters, they're violent criminal thugs rioting.
The police need to get some water canons to mow them down.
* … rotesters/
* Stealing and looting cash registers from local businesses
* A “protester” shooting another “protester”
* Physically attacking reporters
* Trying to set journalists on fire
* Throwing rocks off bridges at passing vehicles full of families
* Beating up innocent people in underground parking lots because they’re white
* Smashing up apartment windows where black people live to “protest” in favor of ‘Black Lives Matter’
* Trashing your own neighborhood over an armed thug with a criminal history who was shot by a black police officer
* Looting the Charlotte Hornets team store so you can steal basketball merchandise
* Attempting to hijack cars and terrify their innocent occupants
* Smashing up buses that poor black people rely on to get to their jobs
Why does liberal media call it a Protest?
It’s a violent, unjustified riot by criminals and thugs.
A black cop shot a black man with a gun and a criminal record.
I don't even care about the stupid-ass thugs anymore, they are too stupid.
I care about the innocent people who have to suffer because of the stupid-ass thugs.
Before there had been an investigation, this is what Hillary Clinton tweeted. Lies!
What she is doing with this dog whistle is saying to those Black Lives Matter thugs and supporters...Hey, its those deplorable irredeemable white people, go get'em. And, that's precisely what they did because she threw gasoline on a fire. She and BLM have been going from incident after incident throwing molotov cocktails.
Keith Scott was not disable and only carrying a book.
The black man had a gun and posed a deadly threat! A black police officer shot him while trying to arrest him because he had a warrant.
George's Soros' puppets, Hillary and Obama are trying to make this racial. Its not racial!
Dear Lord!
"These are not protestors, these are criminals."
* … state-ids/
So with Hillary’s poll numbers decling rapidly, and a debate looming that she would desperately like to be focused on domestic division as opposed to every email, pay-to-play, foreign policy misstep, and cough or stumble she has taken; is anyone shocked that ‘out of state’ protesters would turn up in Charlotte suddenly turning a peaceful but angry protest into tear-gas-filled deadly riots? And who is a big donor to Clinton?
George Soros
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs gets pepper sprayed on the ground in Charlotte North Carolina covering the riots caused by Black Lives Matter. Whew!
Police in riot gear have been shouting pepper spray bags at protesters that have been blocking the interstate. I thought they were shooting rubber bullets at first.
Mainstream media lies to push false narrative
Joe Biggs
* … ont-scott/
Its just some journalists that lie, not all.
We can hardly call 'them' journalists.
Research. .
That being said.
"Suspect in Washington state mall shooting in custody"
(I got hammered by the PC police on my computer) So!...
I'll just say that on Facebook, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, says,
"Mall killer NOT Hispanic.
Arcan Cetin: Turkish."
This is a great reminder of 10 riots since 2010 (I counted 11) and brief details of what happened. Its a great reference so I'm going to recommend it, and book mark it here.
Here are more than 10 riots that have occurred since Obama took office in 2008
* … as-legacy/
Its getting real folks. If you never listened to another Infowars video before, pick this one!
Trump insider Roger Stone is now being investigated by the FBI, Stone says he will not bow to this open intimidation.
I am reminded that, the Chairman of the Joint, said in Congress on a Friday recently (one or two weeks ago) that he was ordered to attack Russia, and he isn't going to do it. Basically, has he been ordered to start WWIII by the Obama Admin?
I am wondering what they will pull, an economic collapse, will they start a war, or start a race war? They kept trying to make it seem like Trump is in bed with Russia, and he is not. That is something that needs to be addressed.
No-fly zone would ‘require war with Syria and Russia’ – General Dunford
Establishment = Neocons = Globalists
Law waived to allow foreigners who engaged in terrorism "while under duress" into country
* … ts-reveal/
According to the governments watchdog.
Comey's ties to the Clinton family exposed
by Jon Bowne
FBI Director James Comey was on the Hill again, digging himself a deeper hole of bottomless federal corruption as he faced an oversight hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee.
His prepared statements served to block any chance of reopening the case surrounding Hillary’s blatant illegal email debacle regardless of the mounting evidence that was raised after Comey shut the case back in July of 2016.
Breitbart reported “ When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.
But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.
Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.
According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.
* … tor-comey/
The Clinton Crime Syndicate!
Gaddafi agreed to hold free elections, but Clinton's refusal led to ISIS takeover, thousands of deaths, international migrant crisis. By Paul Joseph Watson
* … tleblower/
Dr. Paul’s account is backed up by former Congressman and civil rights leader Walter E. Fauntroy,
“Her personal vendetta better explains her oddly giddy behavior when taking credit for Gaddafi’s horrifying death, as captured on video for the world to see,” asserts Dr. Paul, adding that the footage “is evidence of a pathology or mental illness.”
Hillary Clinton "We Came, We Saw, He Died" (Gaddafi)
Had this deal (Peace Agreement) gone through, it would have saved countless lives that were lost in the aftermath, prevented the collapse of Libya into a failed state fought over by rival jihadist gangs and significantly alleviated the international migrant crisis that worsened dreadfully in the years that followed. It could even have contained ISIS’ spread across the Middle East. The Benghazi attack would never have happened.
Top trending question on Hillary Clinton, past day
#1 What could Wikileaks have on Clinton?
I do too. Its not scripted like the fake news talking heads.
Hillary haters waited up all night, trembling in anticipation for the Wikileaks bombshell that would finally end her political career. They were the victim of an epic trolling by Julian Assange!
Right-wing "news" person Alex Jones of had an unhinged, insane meltdown when Assange did nothing more than promote Wikileaks on their 10th anniversary. Watch and enjoy!
Huma Adedin's Mom Leading Genital Mutilation Supporter
* … supporter/
This has been confirmed. Hillary Clinton's former top aide Huma believes in sharia law that practices female genital mutilation on sex slaves. The story is all over the internet.
Female Genital Mutilation - Animation of what happens
These people do not have any class at all.
"In white neighborhoods"...."I need a new TV & iPhone"
* … thew-hits/
With Hurricane Matthew set to devastate the east coast, some people are preparing to callously exploit the mayhem by going on looting sprees. They are tweeting about it on Twitter and their accounts aren't being suspended. Many accounts get suspended for much, much less.
No wonder she didn’t want her Wall Street speeches released
Thank you Wikileaks!: … wsrc%5Etfw
Thank you Infowars!: … of-losers/
Transcripts of Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street bankers were dumped by Wikileaks on Friday and in at least one, she showed more contempt for average Americans.
"Bucket of Losers" on the left.
"Bucket of Deplorables" on the right.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think Hillary is a "Deplorable Loser".
"We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before"
Worse then WWII...would be WWIII.
U.S. Army Chief Threatens War With Russia
Top Army General: Prepare For War As Big As WW2
The media hasn't wanted Bill and Hillary's past to come out on this topic, but Trump blasted it out on national TV. Now, those who were to young to know about it, have heard.
Busted! Bill Clinton's Face When Trump Brings Up The Rape Allegations is Priceless
Published on Oct 10, 2016
Epic Moment. Donald Trump brought up Bill Clinton's rape allegations during the Presidential Debate as the world is finally learning about the Clinton's lifetime pattern of abuse towards women. Why does Hillary Clinton blame her husbands victims and then destroy their lives and reputations?
Infowars was not allowed into Bill Clinton’s “rally” so they filmed outside and that’s when they were attacked by a Clinton staffer.
This altercation should scare the crap out of every freedom-loving patriot.
Clinton Press Coordinator Caught Censoring Press
Infowars was RSVP'ed.
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the United States by the globalists.
Could be that we are on the brink of Armageddon.
Wow, that would be a dark legacy for Imama Obama.
You still care what politician do or think.?
If you want to live, follow me. I have been preparing for this for the last five years.
South America is where you ought to be.
I 'think' you are safe up there in Canada. Even if I had the money to move to South America, I don't believe I would run. I need to take care of my 89 year old Mom, and she does best in her own home with the Alzheimer's. We're 150 miles away from any major city with a military base, and we're surrounded by huge granite rock hills...I'll take my chances with radiation or the power grid down, zombies too.
Then buddy up with a psychopath to protect your stuff because police will be busy protecting their own families. Even crooks protect their family. My Mom had the same thing, good luck.
We don't have police here, I'm not even sure where the nearest Sheriff lives. Could take an hour for one to get here unless they are in the area. We rely on a tight-nit community.
"Good friends are like angels, you don't have to see them to know they are there." ~ Unknown to me
Photo of Alex Jones - Infowars!
Exclusive: Myra Adams talks to GOP operative about hacking, harassment
* … hief-perp/
Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, best-selling author, well-known political pundit and an informal adviser to and long-time friend of Donald J. Trump. A veteran of nine national presidential campaigns, Stone has served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents.
Russian Mafia money laundering, the Clinton Foundation and John Podesta
* … n-podesta/
Interesting interview on Infowars with Alex and expert, Micheal Snyder, about what it's looking like for Donald Trump and how he believes that Trump has already won this presidential election.
I have listened to Snyder over the years and have grow because of it. Anyway, he is interesting.
If, HRC is elected we will end up in WWIII and that is not fear mongering.
Yes, you ask "Was Scalia’s Death Foul Play?" when a Supreme Court Justice is found dead. A Texas judge declined to order an autopsy for Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia after she says she was assured the cause of death was a heart attack.
Alex Jones on Infowars Feb 15, 2016
According to new WikiLeaks emails, three days before Justice Scalia died this email was sent, using the term "wetworks" - exclusively used in Military meaning "assassination".
Wetwork is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression "wet work", as well as the similar "wet job", "wet affair", or "wet operation", are all calques of the euphemism for such activities, mokroye delo (wet dealings).
* … -assassin/
Secret Service pulled Trump off stage in Reno while other men tackled a guy in the audience. I'm not sure if the guy had a gun or not right now. This just happened.
Video: … emJPPb8Otw
Trump came right back out to finish his speech after the guy was removed by the Secret Service.
'And to think I had such an easy life! What do I need this for, right?'
Read more: … z4PBtSTnty
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No gun! Just a scare.
It was Austin Crites, a Hillary operative who was taken down at the rally, after people in the audience started yelling gun, gun... It was a staged hoax.
We have seen on undercover Project Veritas videos, DNC / Hillary Clinton campaign officials / workers admitting to insighting violence, protests, and chaos at Trump rallies exposed...and they are paid to do it.
* … -election-
The rebirth of the Republic.
I better get out of here before I give birth to an accountant.
Citizen's media and social media beat MSM. Drudge is being called a 'kingmaker', it gets more views than all of MSM. Breitbart and Infowars ROCKS!
But, its been confirmed that Soros and the globalists agenda is to take down alternative media in 2017, and they can now that the UN controls the internet. That was their plan under a Clinton presidency anyway, ... so much for her hateful alt-right speech. We'll see!
When is Obama going to declare martial law? Time is running out! It is even more urgent now that anti-globalist Trump will be taking office. What's the delay?
USA has always been under Marshal law and the emergency war act since Lincoln's assassination. Meaning they must have a war everyday 2 years. There is no way Trump has any control over banks, NATO, and the fact the whole Government is a fully functional Corporation since 1913. The vast majority of Americans do not clearly understand they are all servants or slaves owned by Corporatism beyond anything else. To break the hypnotic spell only a revolution can free the people if they are abused enough and soon will be.
I like that...that's what is happening!
As Trump promised the TPP is Dead!
Globalist trade deal crumbles as Obama prepares to leave office. I think Obama may be relieved about it, at least I can hope that he is. Trump will be able to negotiate a better trade deal. Yay, more victories to come.
Is Trump must be a combination of captain America, Thor and James Bond. Because he can't build the best team around himself because he won't allow people to be smarter than him in what they do.
I know from personal experience with him.
Trump is always talking about how smart people are around him and singing their praises. General Flynn, is smarter than Trump about war I would hope, and a hell of a lot smarter than Obama ever thought of being. After all, it was General Flynn who blew the whistle with evidence that the US was behind ISIS in the bid to overthrow al-Assad in Syria. That is just one example.
* … -in-syria/
Trump wants smart talented and competent people around him that he can rely on, he cannot to do it all.
Infowars has gotten over 90,000,000 views in the past two days on videos alone. That includes on Prison Planet, FaceBook, ect.
Wow! Trump will be on Infowars in the next week or so to thank all the Infowarriors personally, he already told Alex to thank us for him.
Saul D. Alinsky's The rules:
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
"Rules For Radicals" Explained In Real Life
The Luciferian loved by leftists everywhere is still influencing "community organizers" to this day. Rules For Radicals is playing out in realtime as coordinated protests take place across the country. Understand their playbook in order to expose and neutralize.
Too bad I would have to join a religion to be considered a Luciferin and too much scrambled information can turn unethical.
Truth warriors of idigenious and natural environment will be my life based on good sense.
The truth warriors of indigenous were first their to provide and then protect their people. A person can't go wrong with that kind of love today. In as natural of an environment is we can.
Thankfully, Trump's victory turned back time on the Doomsday Clock. It was about 3 minutes to midnight if Hillary was elected, she's a hawk.
High-five this time!
Your not concern that Trump and his family members are well connection to Zionism'.
I'm not anti-Semitic and thankfully neither is Trump. If, he were I would have concerns. is ranking as the 126th most trafficked website in the world.
That's awesome! Maybe it will be one of the Top 100.
‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong’
* … ump-tower/
I think Trump should start his own Presidential Live Stream from the Oval Office and bypass the lying media all together. They have sown whirlwinds of deceptions and should reap a whirlwind of repudiation.
He doesn't need them, they need him.
Donald Trump didn't just win the electoral vote, he really won the popular vote too. We really do have the proof. Let Alex Jones break it down for you. Verify each point for yourself. I have.
Proof Donald Trump Won The Popular Vote
Happy Thanksgiving America!
We may be on the brink of WW3 as tensions rise
Alex Jones breaks it down.
* … th-russia/
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has just announced that the only reason Turkish military forces have entered northern Syria is to “end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad”.
By publicly proclaiming that Turkey intends to use military force to overthrow the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Erdogan has essentially declared war on the Syrian government.
Turkey is a NATO country, its a one for all and all for one.
Russia refuses to be apart of NATO.
The mainstream media is the primary source of the most harmful, most inaccurate news ever
Breaking News: "Climate scare is over!"? Sounds like it to me.
Infowars Reporter Millie Weaver interviews Lord Christopher Monckton who reveals a breaking discovery which may prove the entire 'climate change' scare is based on faulty mathematics. At the "Global-Warming; an Inconvenient Lie" conference in Phoenix, AZ Lord Monckton covers in depth the mathematical discovery his team has made and announces that these findings have been submitted for proper peer review.
It could take months for the review by proper peers, because they won't want to make an announcement unless they find the mathematical error to be absolutely true.
It took Lord Christopher Monckton ten years to find the error of which he knew was there.
Tell that to most of animals on the planet who have died in the pass 50 years. Good thing they don't come back as ghost, you would think we have a conciseness for that.
Also 96% of scientists would agree there is Global warming set off by humans.
YAWN! People in Canada are effected too, and do no research? Unbelievable! I don't believe it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ~ William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)
I know my green business, moving to the southern hemisphere to get away from the 95% of the pollution in the Northern hemisphere is the best way to live longer. Your just going to endure unhealthy habits what will damage the health of you and your family more than anything. Why should you care your going to an imaginary heaven .
Me, going to live it up for every last second of it. I love dancing, everything else is BS.
If, we do have an ice age, you will be safest near where the equator is now, because the climate won't change that much there.
I wouldn't know if pollution is much less in the Southern Hemisphere compared to the Northern. I know China is the worst for pollution and they don't care about controlling it.
German, Quantum Physicists proved life after death.
What they need to experience to understand next perhaps is Quantum Entanglement with the energy of what I call God, if they haven't already.
Keep you imagination alive and creative! There is nothing that has been created that wasn't first imagined, unless its always been forever and always will be.
Founder of "fact checking" website caught up in dirty legal dispute with wife
* … nt-scheme/
Exclusive: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes - and its staff includes as escort-porn star and 'Vice Vixen domme'
* … domme.html
Snopes, which will be fact-checking for Facebook, employs leftists almost exclusively
* … clusively/
I take anything I read on Snopes with grain of salt.
Wikipedia is saying alex jones is fake news. MSM is saying that Putin is behind fake news. Anyone notice you see Alex Jones and you see Putin but never see them together? Maybe Alex Jones IS Putin.
There is a lot of false statements going on , but he is not that good of an actor.
I love your sense of humor. Editors on Wikipedia will have editing wars on some articles. Its funny to see it in archives. I have gotten into the habit of checking and verifying Wikipedia article facts when in doubt. Or, just find better sources. Some of the writers are either mislead or intentionally misleading. Anyone can be a writer on Wikipedia for free. But, I must say they do have many professionals who writer on the site.
I take anything Snopes publishes with a grain of salt. Its just another liberal rag of misinformation, and they have been used to cover for Obama and Clinton, like MSM does. Its scripted. Money talks, and their BS stinks to hell.
Anyone who contradicts the North Korean style of misinformation is a Russian spy these days, without any proof. I don't need to defend Alex Jones, he has Truth on his side.
You can find more truth on wikipedia article Talk tab than in the articles. Wikipedia toes the MSMisinformation party line. As well as you cant read a page on wikipedia regarding potty training your child without a footnote by Richard Dawkins decrying the effects of Christianity on the Pampers industry or Daniel Dennetts opinion of the effects of religious beliefs of Huggies. Those guys are experts on everything over at wikipedia.
It is going to get worse most likely as it is now, but maybe it can be changed to a more equal playing field soon.
To spread domestic propaganda within the US the NDAA of 2013 amended the Smith Mundt Act of 1948, which shifted from war time to peace time. What that was all about was during WWII we were tossing propaganda into the European and Pacific theaters of operation, well ... that went domestic. However, HR 6393 was passed in 2016 and that's the Intelligence Operation Act for fiscal year 2017. Its a very Orwellian situation with Prop or Not that says not to visit targeted sites they say are false news sites, but are not. The Washington Post, of course, lead with the story that those news sites were peddling Russian propaganda. And, that is the site everyone who has sold-out is hanging their hat ... its obvious.
Its the Soros / Obama / UN internet and ID plan. The way its going to shape up for America is to shape the code of conduct and censor hate speech, and promote counter narratives against anything deemed hate speech (according to them). Its happening now!
Since 2013 the misinformation has gone nuts, everything is being inverted by the 'politically correct' agenda. Good is bad, bad is good.
Its Infowars and other news sites that are the tip of the spear! The more they talk about the Podesta emails, PizzaGate, pedophilia, child trafficking, Clinton cash, and all the perversion in DC...the more pressure is applied to shut them down. Hackers, counter-narratives, and lawfare...
Obama isn't going away, he is staying in DC and they are forming a shadow government. There gang has rented an eight bed room apartment, with parking for up to ten vehicles. Its pretty much unprecedented for a president to remain in DC after leaving office.
God bless America!
Pray For Trump!
Lord we ask you to bless this man.
Keep him safe. Give him the wisdom and strength to lead this great nation.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Donald John Trump Sworn In as POTUS
Infowars Video:
Curious why you are predicting much war? Do you mean in foreign countries or right here at home, or both?
I would expect much more war had warhawk Hillary won because of her record. Not so with Trump though.
I think China and India will go to war sometime over the Himalayas, but we don't need to be involved in that.
China has not had a major war since 1979. How many major wars has US had? Imagine China with more troops than US. While Trump says, we have nukes, lets use them.
President Trump has not said, "we have nukes, lets use them."
On the other hand warhawk Hillary said crap like that. She sure likes to sound butch...I mean tough.
Hey, how have you been anyway? Good to see you back.
He did say it. He also said let us all be in the arms race. America will outlast them all.
Yes, after you blow up the world 100 times over. Don't allow a childish boy to toy with a nuclear bomb kit.
"He did say it. He also said let us all be in the arms race. America will outlast them all."
Not sure about the wording, you'd have to link me to a video/audio. I remember something like that when Trump and Hillary were campaigning, they both said things like that. There must be something to it all that we aren't privy to.
"Yes, after you blow up the world 100 times over. Don't allow a childish boy to toy with a nuclear bomb kit."
Excuse me, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voted for blowing up Iraq (Bush), invading Libya and Syria (Obama) and more. Then, there were the invasions and bombings Slick Billy ordered. She said in a debt on television that she would bomb Iran. She is a time tested warhawk...not Trump, so its delusional to say otherwise because you don't have any history or facts.
I stop Trump from unionizing sandsculptors and while not getting sued or fired. He has been in court for 19,000 law sue related cases. How dare he talk about law and order from his mafia casino background. In my bussiness which was the largest and longest sand and snow sculpture bussiness in the world. I had to go to court once, for divorce. I am sure Trump made no money from his 3 divorces, yet lots from his conman lawsuits. I know his facts and history in order to challenge his bluff. I have won more championships than he will ever. My way is by a creative pleasure bussiness. His is an ugly show bussiness and he is the king of the Universe at it right now.
Very good article pointing out the bias of government-media and their fake narrative.
Leftist media rushes to judgement while lacking details
* … narrative/
Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette are reported to be the shooting suspects. Wow, that doesn't fit the narrative to have someone shoot up a mosque with the name "Mohamed".
Aw, let's blame that on President Donald Trump anyway...the brainwashed will believe it. Yep, it'll trigger the SJW-lefties because they are so easily trigger by negative and positive news surrounding Trump because they have been conditioned through media programming propaganda.
Infowars does ROCK!
It certainly is important that we don't rush to judgement while lacking details. Only Alexandre Bissonnette has been charged with the crime. The other person who was arrested has been released.
Yes. Especially knee-jerk reactions in particular with government-media and related groups that were quick blame President Donald Trump.
I listen to an expert last night on Infowars who broke it down, it has all the markings of a false flag event from information he gathered.
Nevertheless, its really very sad!
This is ridiculous.
Do you think the Charleston church shooting was a false flag? Sandy Hook? Maybe anything where a white guy is just a straight up terrorist/mass murderer but the alt-right refuses to acknowledge it?
Nice backpedaling, though. Post an article about how left-wing media jumped to conclusions and then when it turns out that the article you posted itself jumped to conclusions and was completely inaccurate, you just play the "oh but it probably didn't even happen..." card. Maybe you should take another look at who is trying to force things to fit their narrative.
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat) went on a secret fact-finding mission to Syria and discovered that the Syrian people were telling a very different story than what the establishment media in the U.S. has been spinning.
Rather than celebrate a U.S. official going above the call of duty to see how Syria can truly find peace, Gabbard has been smeared by the establishment as someone who'd dare question Washington's (and former President Obama and his Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry) decision on how to deal with Syria.
Stand corrected, 3500 Federal and State lawsuits according to USA Today. I wonder if that is a world record. At lease I"m happy with my prior 25 world records.
They will wear him down, like I did.
Mr. Riches is sueing Guinness world book of record for recording him with the most lawsuits 4000. If he successfully Sue's them, Donald Trump could be the new world champion of most lawsuits.
He would be proud to accept this great dishonorable award. He love attention greater than cocaine, any published publicity is good publicity, according to Trump.
Russia fueled anti-Trump chaos as leverage in US negotiations
* … -debunked/
I'm not surprised that Putin / Russia is behind to violent extremist on the streets. Very disappointed in the young people who call themselves citizens of America who have joined the neo-Marxist groups to cause chaos. The Anti-Trump movement is all about “America Under Siege: Civil War 2017”.
To be on the wrong side of history to over-throw America, is foolish. Be on the American Revolution side, the right side of history. These are historical days!
God bless America!
When you got 75% of the people who did not vote for TRUMP. By numbers your side of the revolution contents with greater emotionally passion of people of color race and white are look at as true evil, right now. I'm hugging as many brown people as I can down here as my safety net, your welcome to your hit on the head contests and lessons.
The Election County Map 2016
Trump won most of the counties, states and Electoral Votes.
Looks like code red, I think we are at code orange right now. Or looks like an organ dropped from the operation table to the floor.
Compare Trumps Landslide Victory Map to the Locations of Starbucks.
Coincidence? I think not.
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