
Jump to Last Post 1-9 of 9 discussions (37 posts)
  1. ptosis profile image69
    ptosisposted 7 years ago

    Wisconsin #Recount2016

    Obama White House statement did not see any suspicious cyber activity on election day and they are confident in the integrity of the voting machines, and that the results "accurately reflect the will of the American people".

    How long will the recount take? Stein's recount is highly unlikely to have any result other than  in a few weeks - Long after Dec 19 when the Electors of the Electoral College will cast their ballots.

    Clinton's concession means nothing legally (Gore did backzees)

    2000- Bush led by 537 votes in official results (FL)

    1884 Cleveland defeated Prohibitionist John Blain in a final electoral tally of 219 to 182. (NY)

    Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by just over 100,000 votes.



    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      "Obama White House statement did not see any suspicious cyber activity on election day and they are confident in the integrity of the voting machines, and that the results "accurately reflect the will of the American people".

      Kind of says it all, doesn't it?  There just isn't a reason to spend time, money, effort or anything else on a recount that we have zero reason to think is either necessary OR advisable.

    2. PhoenixV profile image65
      PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      5 stages of grief: 1.Denial- #NotMyPresident 2.Anger- #TrumpProtest 3.Bargaining- #Recount2016 4.Depression-?? 5.Acceptance- #TrumpWon

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The art of farting.

  2. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Its been said that Jill is running a scam to get money that will likely never be used for recounts.  I think she is making a fool of herself.

  3. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    This is interesting by Richard Baehr

    "The recount in Wisconsin, and the coming ones in Michigan and Pennsylvania will not change the outcomes in any of the states.  No recount ever changes thousands of votes.  I do not think that is the purpose.

    The recounts, if done by hand, which can be demanded, may take longer than the last day for completing the official counts in a state and directing Electoral College voters.  If all 3 states miss the deadline, Trump is at 260, Hillary at 232.  No one hits 270. 

    Then this goes to Congress, where the House voting 1 vote per state elects Trump, and Senate selects Pence. This would be first time this happened since 1824, but in that case, John Quincy Adams won in the House, though he had fewer electoral college votes than Andrew Jackson. 

    If this goes to the US House and Senate, and the result is the same as result from the Electoral College without the recounts, why do it?  The answer is to make Trump seem even more illegitimate, that he did not win the popular vote  (he lost by over 2.1 million), he did not win the Electoral College (did not reach 270), and was elected by being inserted into the presidency by members of his own party in Congress."

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/201 … z4RFcH4PO6

    The establishment trying to make Trump look illegitimate?

    1. ptosis profile image69
      ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent and very interesting posting. Bravo. Very interesting also is how Trump's pride is self-defeating  - the way a lot of people have feared would happen as President.

      https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the … ction-win/

      " ... he made a real case that we should have no confidence in those same election results, alleging massive voter fraud. The logical extension of his argument is that all results should not be trusted. If the system is that shoddy, it's probably shoddy everywhere.

          In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2016

          Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2016

      1. PhoenixV profile image65
        PhoenixVposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Is Hillary or Jill going to raise money to look into voting fraud in California?  Have you heard anything on that specifically on NBC? I can hardly wait.

      2. colorfulone profile image77
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Website of Bev Harris, election investigator, analyst, and forensics specialist, and author of the book Black Box Voting.

        The Evidence - Computerized Election Fraud in America

        Smoking Gun In Massive Election Fraud Discovered By Investigators


        Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States

        Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thought it was so funny Alex Jones came on this show hours before the count was done.
          Then announced Hillary had won the Election but Trump won People's votes. I'm sure he will not talk about that mistake or give his true thoughts on Zionist.

          1. colorfulone profile image77
            colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            BS!  -  Alex Jones is Not a Zionist Communist Nazi dirtbag

            Alex Jones Puts Anti-Semitic Caller in His Place!

            Jones is a true Christian.  He not a Jew. People who spread those stupid lies have no credibility at all.  Its ridiculous, even more so that people believe without doing their own personal research. 

            I'm getting to the point that I'm not even going to reply to your posts, so there you go.  I just have to shake my head.   

            The Rothschild are Zionists, and you won't find Jones singing their praises. 

            I'm not a Jew, but I will become a Jew so you are going to have to go through me if you want to kill Jews.  I'm a Jew!   

            I watch Alex, and have never heard him announce Hillary won the election. I was plugged in the night of the election.  He did NOT say that!   - He has reported a lot on the election fraud and voter fraud that was happening to rig the election so Hillary would win...and that is what happened.  There is PROOF, its all on video!

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              I know what I heard him say, then he went on and on about it, Hillary has won.

              Allex dose not talk about him cheating his ex Jewish wife and their settlement divorce. Or all his Zionist connections and some family relationship in which he never target like he dose with many groups of people.

              Two of my best girlfriends were Jewish, north Americans jewish are true. Vast majority of Israel jewish are Zionist (fake Jew)

              Allex wants ban dural citizenships, and like Trump is 100% for Israel. Israel is a secret state of US and received more money from US, than any other state or country in the world.

              You watch Americans are slowing being treated inhumanly like Israel treated Palestinian. Stealing and selling away Americans Federal property for foreign debt and making America into a third world nation. Bankrupting not just financial yet also their natural environment.

            2. ptosis profile image69
              ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              quit feeding a troll with a 24 hub rating.

              1. colorfulone profile image77
                colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                Good advise.   Thanks for the slap, I needed that. 
                I like aliens...they're here!

              2. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                What would make me a troll and you not?

                I don't break my rules of honesty and harm to earthlings and fearless to boot.

                I can't imagine how many rules you must have to live by in your life. Please simplified them for me.
                So I don't suspect you as a troll who lives under a bridge afraid of the world and do what ever the wolf in sheep clothing tells you what to do.

                1. ptosis profile image69
                  ptosisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Did I ever say that I was NOT a troll?
                  Takes one to know one.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    I only questioned if you were a troll now since you know you are. I only sculpture and write about trolls, I don't live with them.

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    If this recount happens , AND EVEN IF IT DOESNT , the election process itself should be audited for illegal democratic votes ,   released felons ,  illegal immigrants ,all   undocumented  vote{r]s ,  the entire democratic process of electing our leaders is at stake ,    the future of  all our elections is at stake .  The integrity of our entire political process is held to low , low standards by democrats of late !

    1. colorfulone profile image77
      colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Its not just the Dems, its the corrupted establishment as a whole.  Lots of compromised souls blackmailed I fear.

      Donald J. Trump  - "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally"

      I read reports that there were like 3 million illegals that voted in sanctuary cities.   Obama told them they could vote.   *  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVR1ZrR0Iu4

      That is illegal.  He lies, lies, lies.

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    A  national voting I.D. card would cure this all ,  No more double voting , no illegal aliens ,  No voting  for the  apathetic  ,the  lazy and  , NO HYPOCRITIC EXCUSES for the loser !.

  6. ptosis profile image69
    ptosisposted 7 years ago

    OK. 2 news  stories, both published about the same time: Different news. Huh.

    Paul Egan and Kathleen Gray , Detroit Free Press 12:37 p.m. EST November 28, 2016
    Laura Jarrett and Tom LoBianco CNN Published 11/28 2016 12:52PM Updated 11/28 2016 12:35PM

    http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/m … /94542172/
    Trump then would have seven days to file written objections to the recount,
    Trump, who holds a 10,704-vote lead over Clinton in the state,

    http://www.mytwintiers.com/news/wiscons … fend-tally
    Clinton lost Wisconsin by more than 20,000 votes, according to the current tally.

    Which is fake news and which is the real news?
    If both are legit, then why the 10k difference?
    If there is a 10K difference by faithful reporters then inherently there should be a audit.

    There will be no hand counting as in Florida in 2000

    the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines so is there a place (that's real) that rate news orgs the way that Charity Navigator rates charities? And I'm not talking 'most trusted' - that means nothing.


    And I guess as a joke The World's Only Reliable News is World Weekly News - according to World Weekly News


  7. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 7 years ago

    Jill Stein , She is only calling for a recount for the benefit of Hilary Clinton , THAT"S the only reason she ran to begin with ,  A vote stealer from Trump THEN  and a vote stealer NOW  !    She got a whopping one percent of the total vote , she thinks she's going to win in a recount ?   She's a Hilary puppet troll !..........$

    I have some advice for her -----If you wanted Hilary to win   YOU SHOULD HAVE DROPPED OUT BEFORE  the election .

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Jill had a alot of negative comments about Hillary even stronger facts than Trumps.
      It just Hillary had some alternative plans for the natural environment, where Trump none.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Hilary doesn't even breathe outside air , she's just a political hologram .  She wouldn't know the environment if it bit her on the ..................

      2. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Outside of covering the country with solar cells (and their manufacturing plants and mines), so our electric bills would double, I didn't catch any environmental plans.  What might they have been?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          China is the world power in solar running whole cities up to 3 million on mainly solar. I run everything solar from my home, electric bike and small bussiness of sculpture, tiny house and wood furniture. For just $3500 start up solar system. Occasionally had go use gas generators and an old truck.

          Trump energy will come from coal, hydro, nuclear and oil. Ripping apart the health of the people and land.

          China and Germany are going in a much better direction because your people are your best nature resources, keep them healthy first.

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            The balance would be of perfection , IF   our country didn't subsidize solar ,tidal ,  wind  , or even  nuclear , to such an extent that the industries cannot finance  alone and cannot be financial  a success ON THIER OWN !   China is lucky - they fuel theirs at the cost of world trade deficits, Fact.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Gas, coal, sugar, oil and nuclear is getting old and unhealthy. America is already killing and suicidal themselves a lot faster than they can kill and invade other countries resources.

          2. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/art … 48605.html

            I presume this is your Chinese city running on solar power.  Except it isn't - some hot water, some greenhouse heating and 1/10 of the homes cooking with it doesn't make the city totally solar.  It does make a small fraction of electric needs solar, but that's about it.

            As far as "ripping apart the land", where do you think the materials to build your solar panels come from?  The batteries you use at night?

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              The two top most potential energy source there is on earth with very easy access is sand and sun. Both the most main ingredient in solar energy and 15 times greater world energy TW potential than every other  energy source combined on this planet. Germany, China and by next year India will be the top solar producer on the planet. US and Trump could not go any faster backward with coal, oil, gas, nuclear and hydro energy..

              About 1.2% solar energy just from the Sarah desert can produce enough energy for the entire planet.
              In US could use only 20% of your defense land sites to produce all of America energy you would need. US military defense along with bankers are top destroyer of natural energy along with the nature World. Many countries are sick and tire of US POLICY under the gun over cannabis plants. The most USEFUL and productive plant on earth. Trump claim Colorado cannabis business has more bad news than good, Trump what a royal backward Jackass, America has every thing they deserve coming to them as most of the rest of the world leaves them in the dust.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                First, the top potential energy source is fusion, not sand.

                Second, solar energy has two major problems: where to put the collectors and how to store it.  Neither has been adequately addressed as of yet.  Making statements like 20% of defense land sites will produce 100% of the energy American consumes is just silly and doesn't solve any problems at all, and neither does claiming that weed is the most useful plant on earth.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  I once was hired by a man who was credited for much of the invention of the internet cloud and pioneering some solar energy projects. I made most of my living from sandsculpture around the world Because sand is the most accessible material on the surface of the each. Since he knew most of the concrete jungle we live in is made out of sand.  Then he told me less than 1% of the surface of sand on the earth can produce all the world's energy forever. Fusion is 2 part silicon from sand and much of the energy in the Universe are particles fusion together. Even the iron in your blood is the same particles found throughout the universe is energy.

                  There is a good reason the BRICS and part of Europe are leading in economy growth, credit nation, Gold banking, hemp and solar energy  and so on. American has lost much of their entrepreneurship, inventiveness, bravery all to a greedy bunch of hypnotist.

                  1. wilderness profile image95
                    wildernessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                    "Fusion is 2 part silicon from sand and much of the energy in the Universe are particles fusion together."

                    You need to take some basic physics instead of absorbing it from someone that made the computer cloud.  Fusion consists of 2 hydrogen atoms becoming one helium atom - sand has exactly zero to do with it, and they are not "fused".  A completely new element is created from hydrogen.

  8. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Looking on YouTube for independent videos,  "China's smog air pollution problem in 2016", I can't see how they could utilize solar power effectively.  This has been a big problem for a long time. 

    One thing I do know is that the Communist China government censors the government run media coming out of China, or its propaganda laced in with some truths.   I trust independent reports much more, because the Chinese people are basically good, while their leaders are not.   

    Who knows for sure?

  9. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Energy is present and established throughout the universe. Energy creates all conditions and effects to arise. Energy has laws therein, which govern it. When we exercise we directly generate and create energy physically in mind and body with energy. Energy exists, because all is energy or light, even matter is a form of energy or light.
    At the beginning of the universe, energy is ruler. This is fundamental law of the universe, prior to energy, there is nothing. To break down high energy physics, many elementary particles do not occur under ambient conditions on Earth. They can only be created artificially during high energy collisions with other particles in particle accelerators.Scientific research in this area has produced a long list of particles.Showing quarks, leptons and the interacting particles, according to the particles produced by radioactive and scattering processes, such as photons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of exotic particles. During the day, the sun gives out light and heat energy. Electrical energy to light our way.


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