I was told by a few gun fans that hammers kill more people than guns. Personally I could not beat a man into a hamburger. Or Hamburger hill would be grossly rewritten. If someone challenge you to death duel, would your choice weapon be a hammer or a gun?
I rest my case.
Trump speeches is Mr. Hyde.National security begins with border security.
I love the Muslim & Mexicans and China I love all the time.
Then Dr. Jackal comes outs with Tourette syndrome & Mussolini body impressions. Mexican will pay for a wall, design by me. All 32" latters, planes and Illegal Alien flying over Arizona will be stopped.
Trump to Islam... Reading between the lines.()
Radical Islamic are determined to strike all nations. Share our aim to stamp out extremism. Those" Evil losers . We want to provide children a hopeful future that does honor to God. We are not to tell you how to worship. Instead, we offer partnership. (Don't stop the, KKK just the jihadist.) Drive Muslim radical out of places of worship, out of your communities, out of your Holy Land and out of this earth & most, the hell out of our country. Muslim leaders denounce these murders, these terrorists. Every time a terrorist murders it falsely invokes the name of God, insult every faith. Terrorism has spread across the world.Were looking for women terrorists & accomplices, disarm them & get them out of that movement. We can only overcome this evil if are good, united, strong. (he is a Presbyterian. Not a Christian according to the pope, he is catholic ha ha.)
Peace begins right here on ancient soil & sacred land. We Battle barbaric criminals seeking to obliterate human life, for decent religions protection. I claim to be Our battle is between good and evil.
China Global warming is a hoax. (When you can't see the sun on a sunny day in China. Fossil energy is no hoax.)
My comments... What kills people more than terrorist attacks? Let see -Asteroid strike, Sharks, Arm toddlers, Bathtubs, and Pigs. Pigs is a bonus, we can slaughter them back, eat em and no animal get harmed in that war. Your own furniture kills more than terrorist. Better invade Sweden over that IKEA crap. Your 260 times more likely to be killed by lighting than by a terrorist. CRACK BOOOSHH HERE TRILLIONS of $ , now make the lighting go away. Your 7 million times more likely to be kill by cancer or heart disease than by terrorist. Save yourself don’t give in to fear and hypocrites.
Why Americans fear another 9/11 & beheadings more so than fossil energy or guns?. Muslim beheading in North America has not happened. Should Trump stop the nonsensical fear mongering?. Saudi made a 350 billion $ military deal with Trump, you can exploded a lot of heads off bodies considering Saudis behead more than ISIS. That is OK with Trump as long as authority killing public is greater than the public killing the public. Same story for the last century along with killing most of our wildlife, big trees and fish.
Who is more over the top, me or Trump?
Doubt that the hammer tale is anything more than a tale. On the other hand, more people ARE bludgeoned to death (hammer, baseball bat, fist or foot, etc.) each year in the US than shot with all long guns combined...including those fearsome "assault weapons" that so many pretend are the cause of our high murder rate.
"What kills people more than terrorist attacks?"
Wrong question. How about "What kills people more than terrorist attacks?" if we didn't spend large amounts of effort and money to stop them before they can kill. But to answer your question as stated: Terrorists have killed more people, in just the US, this century than "Asteroid strike, Sharks, Arm toddlers, Bathtubs, and Pigs" all combined.
"Why Americans fear another 9/11 & beheadings more so than fossil energy or guns?"
Possibly because both fossil fuels and guns are inanimate objects that can do no harm at all without a human being to wield them. Whereas terrorists ARE the human beings doing the wielding.
Let's just forget about the 100s of ways on how an American can die greater than by Muslim terrorist. Even more US white terrorist kill American more than Muslims do. There is never enough money for Government corruption over Terrorist attack on the American nation. Not enough money Victim of terrorism vs Gun control or fossil energy. No clear evidence Orlando attack ‘directed’ from abroad: For the vast majority of DEATH from terrorist attacks was from 9/11. Now to believed by most American was an inside job.
Let's stick to guns and fossil energy many Americans holds dear. They rather fight than switch like those Tobacco ads.
Rolling stones
There more than 316,000 firearm deaths between 2004 and 2013, compared to 313 terrorism deaths
Wastington post
Deaths from firearms in the United States were 406,496 from 2001 to 2013, against 3,380 deaths in America and of Americans abroad in acts of terror. The State Department statistics suggest the number of US citizens killed abroad in terrorist attacks were 350 from 2001 to 2013. The Washington Post found 3,030 residents killed in domestic acts of terrorism during 2001 to 2013.
Since 2014, there have been far fewer American fatalities in acts of terror abroad while the killings in gun violence have spiked exponentially.
Gun Murders vs. Terrorism by the Numbers By Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cost of the War on Terror since 9/11: $5 trillion
THE BIG PICTURE – over 6 billion global warming deaths this century. Top UK climate scientist Professor James Lovelock FRS (the Gaia Hypothesis) has estimated that over 6 billion people will perish this century due to inadequately addressed global warming from greenhouse gas pollution
Chomsky global-warming-and-the-future-of-humanity
And threats are now mounting, particularly at the Russian border, ... If nuclear warfare is believed to be somewhat controlled, then climate change is now the greatest threat. ... The euphoric reports on US fossil fuel production, energy As for geoengineering, there have been serious
Are you under the misconception that guns kill without a finger pulling the trigger? That an inanimate piece of steel is responsible for the bullet the shooter sent on the way?
Because it sure sounds like it! Just as it sounds like you have defined "terrorism" to be any killing of another person. It isn't, any more than a gun lying on the table can jump up and kill someone.
Why would I get that idea when the only purpose of a gun is to kill people and animals and any fool can pull a trigger..
With a hammer, knife and fork have a few other purposes, to kill someone with these tools would take extremley trained skills from a ninja .
"Why would I get that idea when the only purpose of a gun is to kill people and animals and any fool can pull a trigger.. "
Perhaps you should revisit gradeschool biology: inanimate (unliving) objects can make no decisions and cannot be responsible for anything at all. (Ever meet a gun collector? A target shooter? Ever watch the Olympic biathlon?)
"With a hammer, knife and fork have a few other purposes, to kill someone with these tools would take extremley trained skills from a ninja."
LOL Which explains why more people are murdered with hands and feet than shot with long guns. Because it takes extreme ninja skills to do so!
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011
Hands, fists and feet killed 728 in 2011
That was a long shot wilderness.
It compares the number of Americans killed by guns between 2001 and 2013 to the number of Americans killed by war, AIDS, illegal drug overdoses, and terrorism combined during the same time period. It turns out that guns killed more Americans than all of those horrors put together:
2017 Vox Media, Inc.
Do I think guns is a sport? As long as you eat it.
If you want to eat that many humans, that is seriously SICKO.
Then the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is wrong, for firearms killed not a single person. People using a tool did, and it is reflected by who/what is charged with a crime in the courthouse.
No, Castle, you don't get to change "hands a feet killed more people than long guns did into something else. Either accept it as true or show that it isn't, but don't twist and spin into something never said.
I use my heart, mind and hands to create life. These tools are designed for happiness and to minimize suffering.
A gun main proven design tool is to force your will, suffer and to kill. The world is held slavery at gun point and big missiles holds the world into poverty. Guns have no useful or productive or intelligent purpose what so ever. I can even find better and less suffering ways of suicide than the use of guns, where the gun have been most directed kills.
I was relating long gun or rifles as to a sport in which I only partly approve. When most of our wildlife is dead in the last 50 years. Where guns, fossil energy and destruction of habitation is most responsible. Don't be telling next these nukes are good for us when the rain turns into acid and fire.
"A gun main proven design tool is to force your will, suffer and to kill."
Again, tell that to the designers and manufactures of the weapons for the Olympic biathlon. You've got to get off this kick that you, and only, may decide what a gun may be used for. You are not God, to claim you know the thoughts, desires and intent of everyone that owns a gun.
People are basically good. You give them guns like sugar and bombard them with adverizeing and tell them it a good thing. Then you are leading your sheep to slaughter. I inform people not harm them or enforce my will like your leader who are above God, nature and international law. By printing money, Guns & licences to kill by.
Castle, how is it that you never reply to comments that point out your gross exaggerations and false statements?
Will you address "A gun main proven design tool is to force your will, suffer and to kill." vs the purpose and design of the precision weapons used in the Olympics? Or we could talk about other guns whose purpose is just the opposite of what you claim...
When your talking gross exaggerations and false statements your talking the greatest BS storytellers in the world, Religion. We are talking about the most recent world champion of killers who give themselves a licence to kill and steal. Trump said, in plain English; We will bomb the shit of the Middle East and take the oil. The spoils of war tooled with religion. Monkeys don't hurt me much even though they were the hardest battle I ever fought phyically. All I need is one bullet from a foolish person with a Guns. It would be a far greater threat to me and anyone than any other animal in the world. Then I can name dozens of different animals that are more dangerious then terrorist.
At least Religion has rules about killing and stealing. I can’t imagine Jesus, Ali and Buddha talking about weapons of mass destruction. The sources of these absolute powers that always corrupt are the Government politicians who act as mercenaries for the wealthy.
Guns in part for some kinds of hunting and worldwide sports is OK, long as it does not harm anyone.
Shoot as many bugs as you want. lol
"We will bomb the shit of the Middle East and take the oil."
Link, please, to the audio recording/written statement? Please be sure it includes "take the oil" and the cursing. Or is it just another gross exaggeration you no longer want to talk about. Like the one claiming all guns are designed and purposed only for killing and suffering.
Middle East is what heard on YouTube. There other quotes I heard Trump on Youtube mix with bomb SISI for they have the most fruitful oil fields. Than said there is no Iraq we take the oil.
Mar 10, 2017 4:28pm EST by Brett Wilkins
As United States military forces and their coalition partners intensify the war against Islamist militants
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump blasted the Obama administration — whose drone and other air strikes killed at least hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Libya — for “fighting a very politically correct war.” In contrast, Trump said he would “bomb the shit out of” Islamic State (IS), including killing women, children and other noncombatants.
“I’d blow up every single inch, there would be nothing left,” Trump said in November 2015. “We’ll get Exxon[Mobil] to come in there and in two months… I’ll take the oil.”
“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families,” Trump said in December 2015. “They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”
Within days of taking office, Trump authorized a boots-on-the-ground Special Forces raid targeting
So no links. Just your word that the President of the United States actually proposes to steal from another country.
Thanks, I'll pass on that belief.
I'm living low Tec, to protect for what is to come. Just type in on youtube from these statement. He made lots of comments on. Bomb the shit out of them and take their oil statement, take your pick. I know it's hard to keep up with scam after scam of Mr. Hyde and Jackal megalomaniac. Trump.
Wilderness, it’s a rather dumb statement to say “firearms killed not a single person” when you know perfectly well that tens of thousands of Americans are killed each year by the use of guns e.g. Americans using guns to kill Americans.
And Castlepaloma is correct, the highest percentage of homicides in America is by far caused from the use of guns than by all other methods of killing people:-
According to the FBI, not only did the total percentage of all homicides in the USA in 2015 increase by 10.8% from homicides in 2014, but over two thirds of those homicides (67.9%) were caused by the use of firearms. And In 2015 71.5% of all homicides in America were caused by the use of firearms.
So yes, Americans do use guns more than any other means to kill other Americans; the facts are quite clear, even if you choose to ignore them.
"you know perfectly well that tens of thousands of Americans are killed each year by the use of guns e.g. Americans using guns to kill Americans."
And there you've said it yourself. Guns don't kill people: people kill other people, often using a gun as the preferred tool. To blame the gun, then, or say the gun killed someone, doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Not when it was a person doing the killing. A person, IMO, that is mentally ill, but still a person.
Of course they use guns more than other tools. Does that mean that without guns they won't kill? Experience throughout the world - real live experience without unsupported assumptions or irrelevant statements included - says the killing will go right on with no reduction whatsoever. Which then begs the question of why take guns away, and the only possible answer is that it comes from 1) fear from the uneducated and 2) political brownie points.
I'll say it again: yes, Americans use guns to kill each other and every bit of real life experience both worldwide and within our borders says that if we take the guns away they will go right on killing each other. Perhaps with different tools, perhaps with illegal guns (which is nearly universal anyway) and perhaps without any tool at all.
Saying things like "Americans do use guns more than any other means to kill other" or "the highest percentage of homicides in America is by far caused from the use of guns than by all other methods of killing people" does not change that fact. It may divert attention, but it doesn't change it.
So I ask: what do you think would be gained by taking guns from people?
Between 2005 and 2010 there were 3,800 people killed in the USA from unintentional shootings In the USA. In 2010 it was 606 who were killed by gun accidents and in 2013 it was 505 accidental deaths caused by the use of guns. It’s not just adults, for example, in 2015 in the USA 83 people were accidentally killed by children using guns.
So you can’t tell me that the 600 plus accidental deaths per year in the USA caused by the use of firearms would still happen anyway if people didn’t own guns. That’s 600 plus people per year (6,000 people in ten years), including children, who would still be alive today if gun ownership was far more strictly controlled like it is in the rest of the world.
It makes me feel that Americans don’t value ‘life’ as much as people in other countries; but that’s another issue.
I don’t know where you get the idea that there is no relationship between the level of gun ownership and the level of homicides when America has the largest gun ownership in the world and the highest level of homicides (pro rata to population size) in the world; while countries like Japan has the lowest level of gun ownership and the lowest homicide rates. Especially when in every country where stricter gun control has been introduced in response to rising gun violence the levels of homicide have eventually declined e.g. there is always a time lag between tightening gun laws and actually getting guns out of circulation (it doesn’t happen overnight).
The other point you miss is that guns are more lethal e.g. it only takes one person pulling the trigger to kill dozens of people across the road within minutes. Whereas, if someone is wielding a knife they can only kill one person at a time, and they need to be standing right next to that person to kill them; and that person being attacked stands a far better chance of fending off a person wielding a knife than they would in fending off a bullet.
In this respect, there were 339 mass shootings in the USA in 2013 (mass shooting being where two or more people are shot). In 2014 there were 325 mass shootings in the USA, in 2015 it was 371 and in 2016 it was 477. The point is, using knives or hammers, you can’t have mass shootings, and therefore fewer people are going to die.
If I was president ( don't know why) My main job is to protect my people.
For a guess estimate my first call would be for healthier food and natural environment
Because there is 7 million times likely to be killed by cancer or heart diseases than to be killed by a terrorist.
After I get through my list of 100s of things that kill you more than terrorist.
I might get to 250 on the list more dangerous thing than terrorist. Armed Toddlers.
Who will take a arm toddlers running with scissors more seriously? Than a Muslim arm with a strapped bomb on and a machete to behead you. Trump knows how to sell American BS to Mushrooms
I don't know how much gun owners love themselves. I know I love myself more than anyone in this world. It's 50% about me and 50% about everyone else. I think stupidity is the leading case of death. Love makes most good sense and base my life on it.
Harvard Injury Control Research“If every life is important, and if you’re trying to save people from dying by gunfire, then you can’t ignore nearly two-thirds of the people who are dying.” Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S.; in 2010, 38,364 people killed themselves. In more than half of these cases, they used firearms. Indeed, more people in this country kill themselves with guns than with all other intentional means combined, including hanging, poisoning or overdose, jumping, or cutting. In Canada 80% of suicides are guns. Though guns are not the most common method by which people attempt suicide, they are the most lethal. About 85 percent of suicide attempts with a firearm end in death. (Drug overdose, is fatal in less than 3 percent of cases.) Moreover, guns are an irreversible solution to what is often a passing crisis. Suicidal individuals with a firearm, once the trigger is pulled, there’s no turning back.
Suicide among males is four times higher than among females. In adults, separation or divorce raises the risk of suicide attempts.
Gun owners and their families are much more likely to kill themselves than are non-gun-owners.
Don't you think it would be wiser to attack the underlying cause of suicide instead of pretending that if a specific tool isn't available it won't happen at all?
And of course there is the minor matter that depriving people of their rights because .0001% of them will attempt suicide or have a foolish accident.
Approximately 0.5% to 1.4% of people die by suicide, about 12 per 100,000 persons per year. Three quarters of suicides globally occur in the developing world.Rates of completed suicides are generally higher in men than in women, ranging from 1.5 times as much in the developing world to 3.5 times in the developed world.
I know of suicide in about every family tree I have met. Where of murder is less common. From friends who have been on aid of suicide phone line, call ins. They say that 9 times out of ten times, the victim is looking for someone to love them. When your surround by multi media and entertainment of fear and killings everyday. When most are having everyday life financial struggle just to pay basic needs and don''t like their jobs then poverty in general kills most. There is enough cause to bring down the greedy bankers. Otherwise carry on killing yourselves faster. Because according to my stats, for the first time in modern history man is shorting their life span, of course they are going to lie about that one too.
"There is enough cause to bring down the greedy bankers."
Is this supposed to be justification for denying rights because .0001% of gun owners in the US may attempt suicide? If so, I'm having a hard time following the reasoning. For either that or any of the other statements.
Don't know where your getting your stats from.
Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury
Data are for the U.S.Emergency department visits Number of emergency department visits for self-inflicted injury: 383,000
Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2013 Emergency Department Summary Tables. Table 16
All suicides
Number of deaths: 42,826
Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.4
Cause of death rank: 10
Firearm suicides
Number of deaths: 21,386
Deaths per 100,000 populations 6.5
What is by far is the greatest killer of them all is poverty. What the greatest fear to control the masses? Fear of free speech, guns, nuclear weapons and banks controlling your mortgage and national debt and world centro banking. Who cares who sets the laws, as long as bankers control finances and money supply they control Governments, countries you and me. Only the people can over throw the Government and greedy corperations. It is 80% of the consciousness of the people that has been the true leaders of positive change throughout mankind.
For now, it can only get worst, unless the abuse is too great upon the people, don't want to be there from what I have envisioned to happen.
From you. And a reasonable estimate of the number of gun owners in the US (about half of the 325 M people).
38,000/175,000,000 is about .0002%. Divided by 2 because, according to you, about half of suicides use a gun; that leaves approx .0001% of gun owners that will suicide with their gun.
But guns don't scare the "masses"; only liberals that have swallowed whole the propaganda and aren't smart enough to question and investigate are afraid of a gun.
You know I am not for Federal Government on both wings of the same bird. My only concern is for humanity as we are bio organism first.
Trumps greatest mistake is turning his back to almost every country in the World. He has crippled the natural environment alternative energy replace for the greed of fossil energy.
For the Rothschild and Rockefellers that took Trump under their wing are having third thoughts about him.
About 150 countries with US Corp military bases are getting sick and tired of being policed by gunpoint into slaves wages, drugs production and oil where I have discovered on World travels. Trump won't help their secret game, only expose it greater evils with Trump jackal side and Tourette syndrome.
The third wave game is up, the banker bad guys are on the run.
by Castlepaloma 7 years ago
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