Trump: Is the UN just a rubber stamp of U.S foreign policy?

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  1. Credence2 profile image79
    Credence2posted 6 years ago

    Someone needs to tell Trump that the United Nations is not rubber stamp of American Foreign Policy?
    -----Excerpt from a Guardian Article

    Donald Trump has threatened to withhold “billions” of dollars of US aid from countries which vote in favour of a United Nations resolution rejecting the US president’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    His comments came after the US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, wrote to about 180 of 193 member states warning that she will be “taking names” of countries that vote for a general assembly resolution on Thursday critical of the announcement which overturned decades of US foreign policy.
    The article is provided in the link below: … salem-vote

    I hate bullies and bullying and I abhor Trump and his approach to this matter.

    Is this the kind of stuff conservatives get behind? It is no wonder we progressives and conservatives/rightwingers will always remain light-years apart in anything and everything. You all like that Trump ‘get tough stuff” right?

    Is this your idea of patriotism and putting America first? This organization is not for sale, so from the outside I would tell America to take itself and its money out of the organization and good riddance. I am sure that the organization would prefer to maintain its autonomy rather than be a mere American puppet.

    I will not respect this nation under its current tyrannical leadership if as a result of its stepping away from the UN, it chooses to act unilaterally in international affairs. So, this is why Germany dropped from the League of Nations?

    It is the way of the rightwinger that you are patriotic only if you buckle under to THEIR definition of same, and being content with America usurping the role of UN for its own political agenda?

    Trump: what makes you right and the rest of the globe wrong? Does it just come down to America’s financial contribution, which gives you the prerogative to think that the  entire planet has to kiss your ‘a$$’? I want no part of that and consequently no part of you……..

    Your thoughts, please…

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Trump will long be associated with corruption after his notorious reign. He has divided our country and caused our allies to doubt our being the leader of the free world any longer. This arrogant liar has caused so much embarrassment to our country, I cannot imagine him finishing even one term. I sincerely hope Mueller will soon take him down.

      The UN vote shows how other countries view Trump and his empty threats. What a moron!  yikes

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        This country for one was divided way before Trump came along , Obama came to be much despised  by center and right ,  Your leftist media has done more to sabotage the American public and it's political trust , more than even any outside force ever has .   The United Nations has been a sword  in the side  of most Americans for three decades or more  and we pay for half of it's existence .

        But you ,like most alt -lefts , thing all history is all about today !
        Time to catch up , read a history book or two .

        1. Credence2 profile image79
          Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Ahorseback, do you really believe in Trump's approach, I mean really? Because America pays a large share of the operating costs does that mean the organization of 200 nations must give fealty to his royal highness, Trump the first?

          Are these the values you conservatives really expect us to buy in on? Did you bother to read the intro, what are your points to support Trumps approach as being the right approach?

          Are you capable of answering a direct question?

          1. profile image0
            ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            If a direct and  personally - unloaded question is asked ? Yes   .   I say  this is an Israeli point to deal with initially , except that as a political entity Israel is under incredible pressure from it's neighbors , for it's very existence .    Let me ask you one ,Why doesn't the left support Israel , ever ?

            The media left always weaponizes it's conversations about Israel in terms of grossly throwing off the balance of the message ,perpetually ignoring the fact that Israel is generally under daily military attack from it's neighbors .
            Read your Israeli  history .

            1. Credence2 profile image79
              Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

              So, what do you mean by this is an Israeli point? Israel has always been under political pressure, since 1948, nothing new there.

              Trump in his latest move, providing a political victory to Israel by default when there are many contentious issues involved while dismissing the concerns of the Palestinians in the region in so blatant a way is certainly is not the answer.

              From my point of view, Israel is just another country, nothing more.

              There is a difference between being anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli foreign policy. Those on the extreme parts of your ideological side of the divide promotes the former, I the latter.

              I want an even handed solution to the problems in this region, not giving Israel everything it wants because Trump wants to appeal to the goofy and hypocritical fundamentalist Christian advocates.

              The left is for a negotiated settlement that appeals to both sides.

              I did my graduate thesis on this topic, and blamed America for being far too conciliatory toward Israel relative to the grievances and issues involved. I wrote that in 1976.  Under Obama, this matter was being addressed. But, under Trump the problems are being exacerbated as confirmed by the rest of the planet Earth, with only Israel, its stubborn Netanyahu and a few other nations with no skin in the game either way, supporting the US.

              So, I know few things about Israeli history, thanks all the same.

              So, how about my question, do you believe that Trump’s big-bully diplomacy is the correct course, if so why?

              1. profile image0
                ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                Yes , I do !    Is that clear enough or do you want to pollute a simple answer with a couple of more paragraphs of B.S.?

                Answer this ; Do you live in a walled neighborhood where at times daily rockets land , knife attacks , explosive vests , bus explosions and violence are a fashion statement ? Have you ever ?   No , I didn't think so and you did  your graduate thesis on Israels daily reality of such ?   And  you earned a grade for such political naivete  ?    Goes to show you , in some  colleges it's profit over real education and that getting any education on the political realities of the day , matter very little .

                The treating of Israel by the U.S and so the U.N..... " like every other nation in the region " ?
                Israel would be obliterated  in a week by Iran , Iraq or even Egypt as in 1967 attempts.

                1. Credence2 profile image79
                  Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Temper, Temper…

                  So, many rightwinger advocates (I won’t mention names) are superb Bullsh*t artists. They get frustrated when they run out of ideas after being confronted with information that is supported with factual data so they resort to puerile belligerency. But that is the way of the rightwinger, is it not?

                  Israel has survived for 70 years within all this so called danger and threats, so this ‘flower in desert’ bullsh*t  I don’t buy.

                  What is the basis of your REAL education, besides being a ventriloquist’s puppet for Trump?

                  The complaint regarding you and your inability to stay on point is an accurate one.

                  Not being willing to fairly negotiate with the Palestinians, a la Netanyahu is part of the reason the fear quotient is up and Israel has itself to blame. So why worry, are they not the only nuclear power in the region?

                  So in the censure that Trump and the US received from virtually every nation on earth, why is Trump right and the rest of the world wrong?

                  Is it just because Trump says so? If that is your answer, spare yourself a lot of grief and admit it…

                  1. profile image0
                    ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Credence , your political or ideologically naive' mentality  doesn't come near provoking my anger , my zeal for historical  reality is too strong for your shallow taunts , However you conveniently ignore political reality by your  ideological fantasy ,   Your Obama disaster tainted your vision , he and so you, sided with Islam on the middle eastern front , don't be ashamed of that . It was simple  ideological  belief's , however blind to 70 years of reality it was !

                    I suppose the 67' war , where Egypt thought America's Viet -Nam would deter us or the UN from reacting too ,  was just a "fly in the soup" to your ".....treating Israel as an equal " it's neighborhood ?    Henry Kissinger was brilliant in our middle entire history of eastern diplomacy , You should read just a small amount more of history.

                    Do you know who declared   , "How does a high school diploma so often win out over all of this elitist academia and paper intelligence in political reality ? " 
                    Answer ?

                  2. Randy Godwin profile image59
                    Randy Godwinposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Congrats Cred, you managed get an answer fr0m horse. A naïve answer, but an answer just the same.

  2. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 6 years ago

    We gave the Israelis nukes. I suppose it would be okay if Russia or China gave the Palestinians nukes as well. That may be what happens if Trump keeps driving our allies away with his stupid remarks and actions. Why do we have the right to arm another country with nukes and other superpowers don't.

    I don't really expect to get an answer from Trump aficionados, especially Fox watchers. All I'll get from them is talking points as they have no thoughts of their own. tongue

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Randy , Why does every allegation from you and your alt- left begin with a thought of America--hate? You  wouldn't dishonor your's or my  fathers WWII service by being so anti- US would you ? That every diplomatic  decision by our leaders has to somehow come from evil?  Aren't our allies worthy of defending ? Nuclear proliferation by whatever means was historically impossible after the first one was built , you would know that by reading a history book .

      Is that really the next Alt-left accusation in line for Trump Haters --he's spreading nukes again?

      1. Credence2 profile image79
        Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Randy , Why does every allegation from you and your alt- left begin with a thought of America--hate? You  wouldn't dishonor your's or my  fathers WWII service by being so anti- US would you ? That every diplomatic  decision by our leaders has to somehow come from evil?  Aren't our allies worthy of defending ? Nuclear proliferation by whatever means was historically impossible after the first one was built , you would know that by reading a history book .

        Is that really the next Alt-left accusation in line for Trump Haters --he's spreading nukes again?
        Seems like your bullsh*ting again, Ahorseback.?

        Why do we 'hate' America when we merely want to see it wield its great power fairly and impartially?

        What does any of that have to do with WW II service and servicemen?

        This 'decision' on the part of Trump and the administration to cut off those that do not agree with his arrogant style is stupid, evil and sheer madness as counterproductive to the max.

        I am certain that China and Russia, will say that their allies are worth defending as well, so what? Allies are not allowed to take advantage just because of that status.
        "Nuclear proliferation by whatever means was historically impossible after the first one was built , you would know that by reading a history book" ????????

        So, what is your point here?

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          My point here , Is that you do not "equalize " diplomacy ! Pretty simple people . For instance ,Would you give the same amount of foreign aide to Dubai as you would say 
          the poorest country in the world ?  Would you give equal amounts of food aide to Cuba  as say Canada ?

          Randy , If Bullsh----ing was a popular milk drink , your alt- left would be entirely ballooned out of proportion.

    2. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      "I don't really expect to get an answer from Trump aficionados, especially Fox watchers. All I'll get from them is talking points as they have no thoughts of their own."
      They can't answer as they believe in the old 20th century bromide 'might makes right'. It is so passé in a nuclear armed world. What makes Trump and the conservatives think that Russia or China is just going to stand aside while the US pursues its foreign policy objectives and steps on toes in the process? We cross too many of each others paths and WW III begins, conservatives are quick to put diplomacy into the waste can.  That is the purpose of the UN. I will hold rightwingers responsible for bringing the world just that much closer to "midnight".

      Trump takes the same attitude in everything he touches, he is a pig in promoting the "golden rule", he who has the gold rules, the niceties of democracy and consensus be damned.

  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Credence , Sometimes in foreign diplomacy , simply having the loudest voice in the room works . Especially in middle eastern politics .    One loudly spoken  gift from Trump  will set all of the otherwise rich idiots in turbans and robes back on their heels enough to make them think
    " We had better leave Israel alone today ". It is that simple and probably ends right there with anything about Jerusalem  changing . 

    As much as you hate him , Trump is a master at poker .

    The same rhetoric in all our presidents   is the" rubber stamp" that holds Israel together .

    1. Credence2 profile image79
      Credence2posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That is bluffing and eventually, you will get called on your bluff. I think that Trump's bluster will just serve to inflame things further. Trump is not even smart enough to be a good bullshyte artist.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I think you're wrong because , although he sure has you going nuts  , he's doing it in his own way ,  Just what ALL  U.S. Presidents have done .

        Credence , nice try , better go re-write that thesis?


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