What are your views on anarchism and social class war?

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  1. johnsams profile image67
    johnsamsposted 14 years ago

    What are your views on anarchism and social class war?

    Different people have different point of views, I would like to know what you guys think on this subject.

  2. JonesChicago profile image58
    JonesChicagoposted 14 years ago

    In short, Anarchy is a necessity when a government gets out of control and ceases to be about the people. However, over all Anarchy is not a stable form of social structure or a government. We as people need laws to keep us all in line lest we destroy ourselves and that is what would happen as it is in those countries that are overrun by gangs and rivaling militia's. On a whole we humans are intelligent independently, dumb as a box of rocks as a group. As a group we are no more than a Mob with the blind leading the blind.

  3. ptosis profile image66
    ptosisposted 14 years ago

    I wasn't to much about the history or philosophy on the best form of government until I started into that show  'LOST' where one of the characters was Mikhail Bakunin, who is referencing the historical Mikhail Bakunin, (1814-1876), who affirmed the entire devastation of bureaucracy in order to allow progress.

    When younger listened to 'The Sex Pistols' song on being an anarchist. Now Johnny Rotton  is shilling products.

    My personal view is direct confrontation with an overwhelming power is suicidal and must become like a virus from within the power system to destroy from within. Like H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" with Jeff Goldblaum.

    http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl … tml?cat=39

  4. Dark knight rides profile image59
    Dark knight ridesposted 14 years ago

    I would like to think that anarchy was a good idea, but people have shown time and again that they will screw it up. We just are not mature enough as a species to be able to control ourselves and our desires. We allow religion and emotion to control our actions and in the absence of law and government that means that we would be unable to sustain the population. The fact is at this point there are too many people to not have a stable solid government.

  5. johnsams profile image67
    johnsamsposted 14 years ago

    Well said JonesChicago  smile

    and I totally agree with you Dark knight rides.

    Thanks for all your input on this!

  6. home witch profile image68
    home witchposted 13 years ago

    I think anarchism and the social class war are wonderful concepts but very impractical in real life. Class especially is so deeply entrenched that it cannot be changed in one's lifetime - it takes a few generations to move either up or down the class system.
    Anarchy is never really possible, not truly because one's position is so deeply a result of one's class, one's learning and reading. How then can one truly leave it behind?

  7. jack dread profile image57
    jack dreadposted 13 years ago

    Anarchism recognizes the Marxian theory of class struggle as the mode to shape a societal structure.. What we have now is preceded by Feudalism where the class struggle during that epoch created a synthesis which what we call Capitalism.. Anarchism promotes equality but without a good program and plan. By simply rejecting all kind of political organization and not providing a solid study of alternatives, anarchist often resort to an unconvincing hope of change to somehow magically occur..

  8. tinaweha profile image58
    tinawehaposted 13 years ago

    My views:

    All anarchists think they will somehow become part of the new ruling class. (ha ha)

    Social classes are set in stone due to taxation of income.

  9. c mark walker profile image60
    c mark walkerposted 11 years ago

    There will be no social class or anarchism in the future.We will all be farmhands and glad to be doing just that.We cannot sustain the lifestyle we know now.Pollution will be the deciding factor of what we will need to do to survive and it may not be as long a time period before that happens as you think.All that is truly important is food and keeping it alive as well as ourselves.
    Communism is working together for the common good.It's the ancient form of governing similar to what Native Americans and aboriginal people do to live. The word "communism" is been misused to describe socialism.The United States is socialist,we subsidize programs for the disenfranchised and the weak.Most forms of government today are some form of plutocratic socialism.
    Communism is a utopian dream of living communally so essentially working together to support  the farm since you cannot have community without farming.No government has used true communism to rule their people. The Soviet Union, China and other what we've been taught to call communist are really fascist plutocracies who at one time thought they would become communist but greed corrupts so now the rich rule(plutocracy)not unlike every form of government on the face of the earth right now.Pollution and global warming will cause an upheaval and a worldwide concern over how we can go forward or die.
    I'd rather turn swords into plowshares as it's been predicted we would one day do.


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