What is your political view?

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  1. The British Way profile image60
    The British Wayposted 13 years ago

    What is your political view?

    Socialist? Fascist? Capitalist? Democratic? All views are welcome as not  one view point is right or wrong, just simply a point of view. We live in a free country so exercise these rights while you can because I believe that the best form of government lies within all political view points, we just need to combine those good elements


  2. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    i don't agree with any kind of current government. they are all misleading and even the ones that are suppose to be about freedom tend to work into the wealthy and powerful people's best interests.

  3. SweetiePie profile image79
    SweetiePieposted 13 years ago

    Too liberal for the Tea Party and Republicans.  I am a liberal Democrat who supports health care reform, and who would like to see universal health care.  There have been liberal Americans, way back in the progressive era.  We were lucky in the US that unions fought for better working conditions, but some act like those in Wisconsin are just greedy.  We need better working conditions, pay, and quality of life for everyone.  Some Americans will think that sounds communistic, but honestly us liberal Americans just want government to hold businesses accountable.  When there is no accountability, you have companies that would work people for 12 hours a day without a break.

  4. mikielikie profile image60
    mikielikieposted 13 years ago

    I gotta be the dumbest guy in the world cause I thin that the president is just a scapegoat for all of the other rich and powerful people that run this "free" land that we live in. But thats just me. So the money runs the world. Otherwise all the drugs and killings in Mexico and our border would be done with. The "Man" has no money if the drugs stop. Thats just me though.

  5. montecristo profile image78
    montecristoposted 13 years ago

    I am a conservative, but with a few exceptions.Maybe because my family has been affected but I favor some type of amnesty for the Mexicans and other undocumented workers. I, also, believe that the states should allow unions to bargain their contracts. I can,speak from experience, unions has helped me in my job get decent raises and benefits.
                            I don't believe in high taxes. I am, not against, paying taxes as long as I know that it is being put to good use. Eliminate the pork and use it on useful things. Did you know that we, in America, have to work 4 months of the year to pay Uncle Sam? That is overkill and shouldn't be.

  6. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    I'm a proponent of post-colonial anarchism in that I believe the only time of social stability is during a period of political instability. I don't mean to be obscure; just saying that the periods of history in which a people have thrived and grown in leaps and bounds are those following a major political overthrow. Case in point, one could say the highlight of the United States was immediately following the Revolutionary War, a time in which people could self-determine and the laws were being established anew to better serve the people rather than constrain them. So, in essence, I suggest that a major revolution every fifty years or so would be a boon to this country and do a great job at cutting out all the dead wood and hangers on that have enveigled themselves into the gears of government.

  7. someonewhoknows profile image73
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago

    poorconservitive is right about capitalism to a point and that point is when the rich are allowed to use their capital to take control over those who we elect to government positions for their own personal interests as nightwork4 has stated here.Sweetiepie is right about the workers getting a fair deal ,but as she says the unions or union bosses seem to have taken excessive liberties with their power over management. That said the biggest problem is the Federal Reserve Banks and interest on loans they create as well as interest on savings both of which cause inflation as they increase the money supply artifically rather than through the creation of wealth through work people do creating new goods and services.

    World war 1 started  after the Incometax went into effect ,the money of which likely went to pay for both sides of that war for munitions. The Incometax was supposed to be temporay until the end of the war ,but as we have seen through the years we seem to have war after war almost without end So,is Money and the Incometax the reason we have so many wars? I know war is the biggest money making Industry .War,oil and drugs -legal as well as Illegal.

    There is a saying - "Out of disorder comes order"

    We need to prevent those who created "dis"order in the first place and con-vinced others that it was order and used that very dis-order to take control as the disorder they created causes yet more dis-order.

  8. profile image0
    David99999posted 13 years ago

    I'm a Social Democrat.  That means that I believe in democracy, but want to see us gradually move away from exploiting the weak and vulnerable for the sake profit and interest income.

  9. profile image0
    Kbraggposted 13 years ago

    My way of thinking is very complicated as far as politics. In many aspects, I am a conservative, and in many other I'm liberal. It all depends on the specific issue being discussed.

  10. profile image0
    Fay Paxtonposted 13 years ago

    It would help people come to a fair and just conclusions, if politicians would tell the truth and the media did a better job of reporting the facts. 

    Pensions are suffering a shortfall because of fiscal mismanagement and Wall Street.  If we could honor the contracts of Wall Street and pay huge bonuses, why it is so inconceivable that we should honor the contracts made with union members?

    Middle Class America suffers from some kind of  collective low self-esteem.  Why do we turn on each other?

    http://hubpages.com/hub/PartisanshipPol … Patriotism

  11. chasemillis profile image72
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    Capitalism is the way to go because it gives everyone the ability to work to get what they deserve. The people who cannot provide for themselves should be taken care of by friends, families, charities, and churches

  12. chamilj profile image60
    chamiljposted 13 years ago

    I believe in democracy and open economic policies. Hate Kings.


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